One Piece: Luffy's Big Brother.

Chapter 3 - 3: Dadan Family.

The trio walked a long, long way to the mount Corvo, so much that Luffy's eyelids were quickly seen falling down out of exhaustion making him nearly fall asleep while walking.

"Idiot... That's why you shouldn't play so much..." Edam comment softly as he decided to take him on his back and kept walking foreward without saying a word.

Seeing him taking his brother on his back on his own accord, Garp felt his heart melt at this instant and really want to hug them both but ultimately decided to let it be. He instead, just rubbed Edam's head gently without saying anything too.

He felt that the decision he made ten years ago was absolutely right, having no regret whatsoever.

They then continued their long walk to mount corvo.

On the way they encountered some beast who tried to eat them.

However Garp didn't had and didn't even had to lift a single fingers as Edam beat the shit out of them.

For a ten years old, Edam was really strong and didn't need the help of anyone to survive in an hostile environment.

And that was exactly what Garp want, even Luffy could survive alone in the forest.


Edam P.O.V

After a long, long walk we finally reached our destination and came in front of a relatively big house but a little worn out too.

At the instant that we stopped moving, Luffy started to run here and there happily, chasing insects and whatnot like he was used too.

Grandpa was knocking on the door while I kept an eye on Luffy to prevent him from doing stupid things, even though that would be surely impossible but I had to right ?

The knock seemed to piss someone off since a big woman or man with orange hair and a cigarette in her mouth barge out of the house in a hot anger and started to insults and threaten grandpa with her eyes closed.

"...You Damn fuc*er-..."

However she was immediatedly refresh on the spot when grandpa said " It's me." with an indifferent expression on his face.

And then two men came out when she cried

"G... Garp-san!?"

One of them had a funny rooster crest on his head while the other had a turban covering his head.

They then started to discuss about a certain Ace which grandpa has mention before.

Apparently he was ten years old like me and was sent here before us.

While they were discussing I was also observing the area. I saw that not far from the house a batch of weapons were piled up seemingly waiting to be honed.

With all these elements including their behavior, I just concluded that they were bandits.

When I was younger grandpa used to train me by making me beat bandits, and I mean a lot..., so I was somewhat familliar with their demeanor and habits.

However I find those bandits really kind of funny, they are so pitiful in front of grandpa that I really pity them. I don't really care if I have to lived with them but for Luffy that is another story, he really had a bad experience with this Hagumi or Higumi guy so he really doesn't like bandits a single bit. (A/N: It's Higuma for those who are wondering.)

'And he really is lucky that grandpa took me for a check up to this strange doctor, or I would have beat the shit out of him, Humph!' he thought that while his eyes seemed to grew colder for a moment before reverting back to normal.

Luffy who was running behind me started to run in front of grandpa and the other, so I moved by grandpa's right side and just listen.

He then said " Oy Edam, Luffy say hi to them."

I replied "Hello." and Luffy said "Yo...!"

"Who are they." They asked with an anxious expression that say 'I don't like where this is going to...'

"My grandsons." replied grandpa with a plain expression on his face and then added.

"And you will take care of them."

They were really shocked to know that we were grandpa's grandson but they didn't stopped complaining about their unwilingness requiring grandpa to threaten them with their past crimes that he overlooked.

As for me I just went with Luffy where he started running to chase some flying insects after having insulted this Dadan's house of being a " Crappy shack " angering the owner in question.

I nearly laugh out loud but I managed to hold myself.

When I went to luffy's side to hold his shoulder, when I was about to touch his shoulder...


It turn out that the flying thing that I managed to dodge was in fact...

A spit, a disgusting spit...

I looked at spit and then at where it came from and I saw another kid about my age sitting on a huge bear that he probably killed himself as he looked down at us with a weird look on his face.

Who know if it was Arrogance or just Dislike... Anyway...

When Luffy noticed the spit on the ground near me, he shouted with an upset look "It's disguting, who spit it, who did it !?"

He then followed the line of where I was looking and finally saw the kid and then shouted " Oy you ! apoligize ! say sorry !"

But the other kid didn't even deign replied to luffy.

Grandpa arrived behind me told us " Edam, Luffy , this is Ace, he has the same age as you Edam and so is three years older than you Luffy. You two will live with them from today onward so be nice."

Luffy was still grumbling like an angry monkey till grandpa arrived behind him and hit his head while saying " Be nice" he instantly calmed down Luffy but he was still bearing a grudge.

Having made the presentation, grandpa then bade his farewell to us and remind me again to watch over Luffy.



For the new readers.

first of all, here

if you feel like joining something

I don't if you read the synopsis or not... but this is not a New Book. I'm just posting it in the right category as I've made a mistakes when I started it as I didn't know anything.

I've made some changed in dialogues and tried to improve the grammar a bit, (though not sure I improved it or downgraded it.)


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