One Piece: Luffy's Big Brother.
Chapter 35 - 35: Simple plan.
After making sure that nobody would find her, Edam run to one of the great iron gate where at least two iron guards were standing on both side of the gate.
"Oh ? what is it boy, are you lost ?" Seeing Edam rushing to them, one of the soldiers approached him and asked.
"Yes... or more like no, there is a someone there who lost consciousness, I think it is one of your fellow knights brothers..." He said as he point out to the forest with a worried and innocent expression on his face.
"Eh ? Really then come and guide us there." One of the guards said while nodding to Edam as he then shouted, toward the gate.
"Team one, it seems that one of ours doesn't feel good, we're going to see what happened, we're leaving the gate to you Alright ?"
" Alright team two." another knight replied plainly.
"Alright, come on boy, where is it ?" The knight asked after having finished.
As Edam nodded and then led them to the forest while running.
"This way..."
It didn't took them long to reach the place as they were running but it was still relatively at a large distance from the gate.
"Hum... where is he ?" The guards asked Edam.
"He's just over there, he collapsed right there." said Edam as he point with his finger to some bushes.
Unknowingly to them, Edam's eyes were shining a threatening pale yellow light when he point out.
And unknowingly to Edam himself, a faint and invisble light was envelopping his entire body at this instant.
"Hey boy this isn't a knight, it's a slave-..." As the one who approached the girl turn around he...well he didn't really have the time to completely turn around as a punching fist headed his way making him flew and crashed on the soil three meters away making him lose consciousness right away.
Although the poor knight had a helmet, his protection couldn't stop this punch from Edam.
Without stopping at all, Edam spin slightly while putting his strenght on his right foot and then pushed powerfully against the ground making the earth crack a bit as he arrived in an instant right in front of the standing knight giving the latter a powerfull right punch straight in his stomach resulting in him collapsing with a " Ghagh..." sound.
The poor didn't even have the time to move or to understand the situation that he was already down.
After making both of the knights "sleep a bit" he took their armors off and took the rope that was use for the lady and tied them up with it on one of the multiple trees around them.
Looking at them he muttered " Phew... I've maybe hit them a bit too hard..." He said with an apolegetic look on his face while sighing a little.
Putting on an armor on himself he took his boots and then filled it with earth to make himself appeared taller, after that he also put the other armor on the lady before he lift her up and runned to the gate again.
Reaching the gate with the lady on his back, he stopped at about two meters or so from the gate.
"Team 1, can you open the door, it seems that there is an idiot here who applied for the job even though he can't keep up with it." Edam shouted in a deep voice.
"What's wrong with your voice ?" One of them asked doubtfully.
"Oh that, uh... it's nothing don't worry..." coughing a bit, he said in a deeper voice.
"Oh okay, is he fine ?" Said one of team 1 as they opened the door and asked worringly for this one.
"Well... I think that he can't stand this altitude, I will make him go down..."
"Alright this is strange but...well how kind of you, oh where is the other one ?" The said as he looked around for the other fellow guardians.
"Oh him... uh... he had to relieve himself...he had a stomach ache, hehehe..." he laughed a bit when he said that because he was actually talking about the one he hit in the stomach earlier.
As a misconception the two guard thought that he was laughing in embarassment for his buddy who was gone to lay his poop even though it was nothing like that at all.
"Cough...anyway the time I come back he'll certainly have return back too, right ?"
"Yeah, whatever just come back quickly or the commander will cut your salary in half."
However as the bandola was descending and was already at a distance, a " Pfff..." sound followed by a long and amused " Hahaha..." unvoluntarily escaped his mouth while he hold his belly in laughing pain.
This situation really reminded him the one month when he lived with his three younger brothers, when they would disguise themselves just to eat together without paying anything. The "four little scoundrels" as those nobles and inhabitants of Great Terminal would often called them...
"What a nostalgie... it was so funny..." He said as he laughed and reminisce the good times.
Remembering that there was still someone to save right now, he focus himself up once again while he appreciated the view once again for now.
After some minutes or so the bandola finally reach the ground as he got off of it while some peoples were already asking questions.
"Do you need help, Sir ?" One of the inhabitants of the ports asked gently.
Edam who had his "fellow brother" on his back just waved his hand to refute the gesture while saying " It's fine I will just bring "him" to see a doctor."
Saying that he then departed in the direction of Garp's ship.
However before he could go any longer than ten meters one of the guy who were watching called out.
"S… sir knight... ?" The man called out in hesitation.
Edam turn his head around with a " Umm...?"
"Uh... the medical store is this way..." As the civil guy point toward the opposite of where he was going with a bit of shame and fear mixed in his expression.
"Oh..." Edam looked at the direction the man was pointing in.
His brain run at full speed and nearly short-circuit to find a quick excuse.
"Well cough... the vice-admiral Garp's doctor is one of my friend so..." Edam said as he tried to sound as plainly as possible.
And well he wasn't really lying, he really was friend with the doctor...
"Ah... I apologize for delaying you..."
"No worry, it's fine..." He then continued on his way.
Seeing the back of his leaving figure, one of the people couldn't help but blurted out in surprise.
"Whoa... this knight is so kind and polite, not like the other ones."
" I know right ? this is really strange, usually they are always so proud and arrogant when they talked..."
"If only they were all like him... hah..."
"Yeah if only..."
Reaching the ship, Edam released a deep breath as if he had finally reach a safe zone where no one could hurt him.
And he wasn't wrong because... well who in this world and in their right mind would be stupide enough to do something to him while he was on this ship right ? Doing something like that would just be courting death in any way possible.
The proprietor of this ship wasn't someone that anyone could offend on a whim after all.
At the port where the ship was accosted to, two soldiers were already standing guards when they saw him as they shouted.
"Halt ! the vice-admiral isn't here, whoever you are come back again another time." The two guards shouted in unisson.
"Haha, then what if I am the vice-admiral's grandson..." Edam said as he took his helmet off with a big smile on his face.
"Ehh...! Edam...?! what are you..." They open their eyes wide enough to fit an egg as their jaws nearly fell down on the ground.
"Why do you have this armor on and who is this ?" They asked curiously while looking at the one on his back.
" Uh... this is a long story, anyway do you know if Gahan-san is in there ?" he avoid the question with another question.
"Oh no he's not here, he should have gone take a walk, should I call him over ?" When Edam asked for this Gahan-san, the two soldiers seemed to understand something as Gahan was in fact the ship's doctor.
"Then yes please, I will just go put this gir-... guy on a bed for now thanks." He said as thanked them and step on the ship while one of the two was gone to find this Gahan-san.
Stepping on the ship he head straight to the medical room where everything needed to heal someone were all stocked in.
After putting golden haired girl on one of the few beds that were in the room, he quickly took off his armor and threw it to the side before doing the same to the girl.
Looking closely at her face, he saw that her face really did regain more colors as a faint and near imperceptible pink color could be seen on her cheeks showing a better sight than before although she still seems pretty weak even now.
Putting her on the bed as comfortably as possible, he then rushed to the kitchen to take some fruits to put in a basket that he brought back to the medical room.
And of course he didn't forget to grabbed something for him to eat this time around as he didn't even have time to think about it earlier.
After that he grabbed hold of a pen and a piece of paper and wrote something for this Gahan guy just to be sure that he wouldn't threw the girl out when he was not there.
Having done everything he could, he got out of the ship and just when he was about to asked the guard to tell Gahan-san to look out for the "guy" he saw a silhouette from not that far away approaching the ship in a hurry.
The guy wasn't old at all, just about twenty years, he had blond hair, wore glasses and had like the other marines soldiers the marine's t-shirt on him but with the only difference that his t-shirt had a sort of red cross on it and also had long sleeves.
This person was of course, Gahan-san, the crew's doctor. Just looking at his face, anyone could tell that he was good guy, and didn't have any hidden thought about anything and as a member and doctor of Garp's crew he of course was respected because...well he was the doctor...and a good one at that.
When Edam saw the doctor, the doctor too saw him and then waved while saying.
"Hah...hah... Ah, what's happening Edam and why aren't you with your grandpa ?" Because he ran here, he was panting a bit. The guy was clearly not suit to for physical matters.
"Uh... I'm sorry to cause you problems Gahan-san but there is someone who is graveously injured in there, could you take a look... ? Thanks..." Saying that he turned around to leave and started to run.
"Wait where are you are you going ?" The poor Gahan-san only received a tornado as a response to his question because Edam had already run away like canon ball from there to who know where.
"What was that...?" Gahan looked in confusion at what was happening right now but he quickly shook his head and headed directly in his working place to see his seemingly new patient.
The surprised it had brought him to see a girl when the marine soldier who came to find him told him that it was knight that he had to check on was suprising indeed.
But of course what took him by even more surprise and even shock was obviously the fact that this young lady was a slave !
No need to be a genius to see that she was a slave even though she didn't have any collar on her neck, the trace around it were enough to prove it, without forgetting that she still retained the eternal and distinctive mark of celestial dragons graved on her back.
Not losing any time, he made all the necessary things to treat her to at least make her open her eyes, He then let his "magic" operate.
Meanwhile, Edam who was gone from the port a long time ago had already reach the top of Red line once again...
And who could have possibly know that our little monkey would participated in one of the biggest Chaotic and unbelievable event that happened in this last century.
"Oh ? what is it boy, are you lost ?" Seeing Edam rushing to them, one of the soldiers approached him and asked.
"Yes... or more like no, there is a someone there who lost consciousness, I think it is one of your fellow knights brothers..." He said as he point out to the forest with a worried and innocent expression on his face.
"Eh ? Really then come and guide us there." One of the guards said while nodding to Edam as he then shouted, toward the gate.
"Team one, it seems that one of ours doesn't feel good, we're going to see what happened, we're leaving the gate to you Alright ?"
" Alright team two." another knight replied plainly.
"Alright, come on boy, where is it ?" The knight asked after having finished.
As Edam nodded and then led them to the forest while running.
"This way..."
It didn't took them long to reach the place as they were running but it was still relatively at a large distance from the gate.
"Hum... where is he ?" The guards asked Edam.
"He's just over there, he collapsed right there." said Edam as he point with his finger to some bushes.
Unknowingly to them, Edam's eyes were shining a threatening pale yellow light when he point out.
And unknowingly to Edam himself, a faint and invisble light was envelopping his entire body at this instant.
"Hey boy this isn't a knight, it's a slave-..." As the one who approached the girl turn around he...well he didn't really have the time to completely turn around as a punching fist headed his way making him flew and crashed on the soil three meters away making him lose consciousness right away.
Although the poor knight had a helmet, his protection couldn't stop this punch from Edam.
Without stopping at all, Edam spin slightly while putting his strenght on his right foot and then pushed powerfully against the ground making the earth crack a bit as he arrived in an instant right in front of the standing knight giving the latter a powerfull right punch straight in his stomach resulting in him collapsing with a " Ghagh..." sound.
The poor didn't even have the time to move or to understand the situation that he was already down.
After making both of the knights "sleep a bit" he took their armors off and took the rope that was use for the lady and tied them up with it on one of the multiple trees around them.
Looking at them he muttered " Phew... I've maybe hit them a bit too hard..." He said with an apolegetic look on his face while sighing a little.
Putting on an armor on himself he took his boots and then filled it with earth to make himself appeared taller, after that he also put the other armor on the lady before he lift her up and runned to the gate again.
Reaching the gate with the lady on his back, he stopped at about two meters or so from the gate.
"Team 1, can you open the door, it seems that there is an idiot here who applied for the job even though he can't keep up with it." Edam shouted in a deep voice.
"What's wrong with your voice ?" One of them asked doubtfully.
"Oh that, uh... it's nothing don't worry..." coughing a bit, he said in a deeper voice.
"Oh okay, is he fine ?" Said one of team 1 as they opened the door and asked worringly for this one.
"Well... I think that he can't stand this altitude, I will make him go down..."
"Alright this is strange but...well how kind of you, oh where is the other one ?" The said as he looked around for the other fellow guardians.
"Oh him... uh... he had to relieve himself...he had a stomach ache, hehehe..." he laughed a bit when he said that because he was actually talking about the one he hit in the stomach earlier.
As a misconception the two guard thought that he was laughing in embarassment for his buddy who was gone to lay his poop even though it was nothing like that at all.
"Cough...anyway the time I come back he'll certainly have return back too, right ?"
"Yeah, whatever just come back quickly or the commander will cut your salary in half."
However as the bandola was descending and was already at a distance, a " Pfff..." sound followed by a long and amused " Hahaha..." unvoluntarily escaped his mouth while he hold his belly in laughing pain.
This situation really reminded him the one month when he lived with his three younger brothers, when they would disguise themselves just to eat together without paying anything. The "four little scoundrels" as those nobles and inhabitants of Great Terminal would often called them...
"What a nostalgie... it was so funny..." He said as he laughed and reminisce the good times.
Remembering that there was still someone to save right now, he focus himself up once again while he appreciated the view once again for now.
After some minutes or so the bandola finally reach the ground as he got off of it while some peoples were already asking questions.
"Do you need help, Sir ?" One of the inhabitants of the ports asked gently.
Edam who had his "fellow brother" on his back just waved his hand to refute the gesture while saying " It's fine I will just bring "him" to see a doctor."
Saying that he then departed in the direction of Garp's ship.
However before he could go any longer than ten meters one of the guy who were watching called out.
"S… sir knight... ?" The man called out in hesitation.
Edam turn his head around with a " Umm...?"
"Uh... the medical store is this way..." As the civil guy point toward the opposite of where he was going with a bit of shame and fear mixed in his expression.
"Oh..." Edam looked at the direction the man was pointing in.
His brain run at full speed and nearly short-circuit to find a quick excuse.
"Well cough... the vice-admiral Garp's doctor is one of my friend so..." Edam said as he tried to sound as plainly as possible.
And well he wasn't really lying, he really was friend with the doctor...
"Ah... I apologize for delaying you..."
"No worry, it's fine..." He then continued on his way.
Seeing the back of his leaving figure, one of the people couldn't help but blurted out in surprise.
"Whoa... this knight is so kind and polite, not like the other ones."
" I know right ? this is really strange, usually they are always so proud and arrogant when they talked..."
"If only they were all like him... hah..."
"Yeah if only..."
Reaching the ship, Edam released a deep breath as if he had finally reach a safe zone where no one could hurt him.
And he wasn't wrong because... well who in this world and in their right mind would be stupide enough to do something to him while he was on this ship right ? Doing something like that would just be courting death in any way possible.
The proprietor of this ship wasn't someone that anyone could offend on a whim after all.
At the port where the ship was accosted to, two soldiers were already standing guards when they saw him as they shouted.
"Halt ! the vice-admiral isn't here, whoever you are come back again another time." The two guards shouted in unisson.
"Haha, then what if I am the vice-admiral's grandson..." Edam said as he took his helmet off with a big smile on his face.
"Ehh...! Edam...?! what are you..." They open their eyes wide enough to fit an egg as their jaws nearly fell down on the ground.
"Why do you have this armor on and who is this ?" They asked curiously while looking at the one on his back.
" Uh... this is a long story, anyway do you know if Gahan-san is in there ?" he avoid the question with another question.
"Oh no he's not here, he should have gone take a walk, should I call him over ?" When Edam asked for this Gahan-san, the two soldiers seemed to understand something as Gahan was in fact the ship's doctor.
"Then yes please, I will just go put this gir-... guy on a bed for now thanks." He said as thanked them and step on the ship while one of the two was gone to find this Gahan-san.
Stepping on the ship he head straight to the medical room where everything needed to heal someone were all stocked in.
After putting golden haired girl on one of the few beds that were in the room, he quickly took off his armor and threw it to the side before doing the same to the girl.
Looking closely at her face, he saw that her face really did regain more colors as a faint and near imperceptible pink color could be seen on her cheeks showing a better sight than before although she still seems pretty weak even now.
Putting her on the bed as comfortably as possible, he then rushed to the kitchen to take some fruits to put in a basket that he brought back to the medical room.
And of course he didn't forget to grabbed something for him to eat this time around as he didn't even have time to think about it earlier.
After that he grabbed hold of a pen and a piece of paper and wrote something for this Gahan guy just to be sure that he wouldn't threw the girl out when he was not there.
Having done everything he could, he got out of the ship and just when he was about to asked the guard to tell Gahan-san to look out for the "guy" he saw a silhouette from not that far away approaching the ship in a hurry.
The guy wasn't old at all, just about twenty years, he had blond hair, wore glasses and had like the other marines soldiers the marine's t-shirt on him but with the only difference that his t-shirt had a sort of red cross on it and also had long sleeves.
This person was of course, Gahan-san, the crew's doctor. Just looking at his face, anyone could tell that he was good guy, and didn't have any hidden thought about anything and as a member and doctor of Garp's crew he of course was respected because...well he was the doctor...and a good one at that.
When Edam saw the doctor, the doctor too saw him and then waved while saying.
"Hah...hah... Ah, what's happening Edam and why aren't you with your grandpa ?" Because he ran here, he was panting a bit. The guy was clearly not suit to for physical matters.
"Uh... I'm sorry to cause you problems Gahan-san but there is someone who is graveously injured in there, could you take a look... ? Thanks..." Saying that he turned around to leave and started to run.
"Wait where are you are you going ?" The poor Gahan-san only received a tornado as a response to his question because Edam had already run away like canon ball from there to who know where.
"What was that...?" Gahan looked in confusion at what was happening right now but he quickly shook his head and headed directly in his working place to see his seemingly new patient.
The surprised it had brought him to see a girl when the marine soldier who came to find him told him that it was knight that he had to check on was suprising indeed.
But of course what took him by even more surprise and even shock was obviously the fact that this young lady was a slave !
No need to be a genius to see that she was a slave even though she didn't have any collar on her neck, the trace around it were enough to prove it, without forgetting that she still retained the eternal and distinctive mark of celestial dragons graved on her back.
Not losing any time, he made all the necessary things to treat her to at least make her open her eyes, He then let his "magic" operate.
Meanwhile, Edam who was gone from the port a long time ago had already reach the top of Red line once again...
And who could have possibly know that our little monkey would participated in one of the biggest Chaotic and unbelievable event that happened in this last century.
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