Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

A shocking scene appeared!

Facing the pursuit and interception of the five members of the Knights of God, the heroes of the Rocks Pirates not only did not retreat, but took the initiative to rush forward and fight with the opponent!


Rocks, Lorne, Edward Newgate, three core members!

And the four senior cadres of Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John, a total of seven people, directly rushed towards the five members of the Knights of God!

"These guys! Why don't they run away?"

"Even low-level pirates have some blood in their veins!"

"Interesting, it’s okay to execute them all, right, Deputy Captain Topman!"

"No matter what, let’s subdue them first!"


Seeing the Rocks Pirates take the initiative to attack, the members of the Knights of God were ready to fight!

"We are here to fight you, the vice-captain of the Knights of God!"

What was quite strange was that the one who attacked the vice-captain of the Knights of God was not Rocks, Lorne, or Edward Newgate, the three core members, but the two cadres, Shiki the Golden Lion and Silver Axe, who had only joined the Rocks Pirates for three years!

""Haha, it's really annoying. I was really underestimated by the pirates!"

Seeing this, Topman Lightsk showed a trace of contempt on his face!

He is the deputy leader of the Knights of God, but he was targeted by just two cadres?

Where will he put his face in the future?

Topman Lightsk shouted angrily, drew the sword at his waist and rushed forward!

"Hahahaha, this guy's aura is very strong! You must hold on, you bastard Silver Axe!"

The Golden Lion drew out his two swords and showed his signature laugh. His dazzling thick golden hair was lifted by the air waves, and he really had the demeanor of a lion!

At this moment, he already had the demeanor of the three legends who competed with Roger and Whitebeard decades later.

"You stinky lion, take care of yourself, there will be no problem on my side!"

Silver Axe also retorted unhappily, pulling out his iconic weapon, a huge silver axe, and immediately confronted the deputy leader of the Knights of God together with the Golden Lion!

""God's Judgment!"

Topman Lightsk roared, and the silver domineering aura of the Overlord poured out like a flood!

The huge air wave wrapped him up like a silver beast!


The huge sword energy wrapped in the domineering aura attacked the golden lion and the silver axe directly!

The silver sword energy was like the tail of a comet!

"The Lion Chikiri Ya!"

""Silver Axe: Wild Fight!"

Facing the beast Topman Lightsk, Golden Lion and Silver Axe each launched their strongest moves! Boom boom boom!

The moment the three moves collided, the moves of Golden Lion and Silver Axe were instantly torn to pieces by Topman Lightsk's moves!


The remaining sword energy roared and directly knocked Golden Lion and Silver Axe back dozens of meters. They fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood!

But soon, Golden Lion and Silver Axe stuck their weapons into the ground, supported themselves and stood up, gasping for breath!

"Did they avoid the vital points? Members of the Rocks Pirates?"

Seeing this scene, Topman Lightsk said with a playful look.

"What a boring fight. The gap between us is too big. You are no match for me at all!"

"Die on this holy sword."

Topman Lightsk swung the cold sword and prepared to make the final blow.

At this moment, the surprised voices of other Knights of God came from the surroundings!

"how come?!!"

"That guy Shepard Lindell, he just died like that?!"

"Damn, what is going on?! Shepard, you must be kidding me!"

For a moment, Feigaland Garin, Izambaron Chus, and Jaygolucia Rodincol were all shocked!

Shepard Lindel was killed instantly! The one who killed him instantly was none other than the captain of the Rocks Pirates, the overlord of the sea who had killed Admiral Lei Long alone, Rocks.·D·Jibek!

At this moment, Shepard's head was held in Rocks's hand like a ball.

"Gulala! You don't have time to pay attention to what's going on over there! Damn Knights of God!"


At the same time, Edward Newgate, who was fighting fiercely with Fegaland Galin, laughed loudly and slashed at the opponent with the naginata in his hand!

"Damn it!"

After a distraction, Fergaland Garin's shoulder was pierced by Whitebeard's domineering fruit power!

Wang Zhi and John also attacked Izambaron Chus and Jaygolucia Rodincore, who were distracted.

However, the strength of these two people was not as strong as Edward Newgate.

Facing the two members of the Knights of God, they could only barely delay!

"Hahahaha, the tactic worked! It seems our captain is still awesome!"

"Hahaha, yeah! These bastards know how powerful the Rocks Pirates are, right?"

Golden Lion and Silver Axe laughed when they saw this!

They went to deal with the strongest vice-captain of the Knights of God, which was a tactic of Tian Ji's horse racing!

Using their own superior horses to deal with the opponent's inferior horses!

In one go, they succeeded!

"Bastards, I want you to pay the price!"

Seeing this, Topman Lightsk was also furious!

He actually lost a member of the Knights of God so quickly!

These were all his companions who fought side by side with him!

""Go to hell, you ants of the Rocks Pirates!"

Topman Lightsk aimed directly at the necks of Golden Lion and Silver Axe!

At this critical moment!

"Your opponent is me!"


A ball-like object flew out and hit Topman Lightsk's sword, causing it to deviate from its original trajectory.

Then, swish!

A tall figure quickly appeared in front of the Golden Lion and the Silver Axe, blocking Topman Lightsk's fatal blow!

The person who came was Rocks!


Topman Lightsk flicked his wrist, and the famous sword named [Holy Sword] burst out with terrifying killing intent, and slashed towards Rocks with his backhand!

"Haha, to this extent?" Seeing this, Rocks just smiled.

Clatter, clatter!

The blood-red domineering aura like hell attached to Rocks' fist, colliding with Topman Lightsk's silver domineering aura. For a moment, they were evenly matched!

"It was a close call, I was almost killed!"

"As expected of Captain Rocks!"

Looking at the terrifying momentum of the two, Golden Lion and Silver Axe were also terrified. If they had come a little later, they would have definitely died.

After all, with their current strength, it was impossible to deal with the deputy leader of the Knights of God.

Being able to resist for such a short time was already quite remarkable.

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