One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 147 Hammer Search and Rescue Operation

"Lance, please return with the Warhammer. I will continue to search for the whereabouts of the Hammer."

With a heavy tone and an ugly face, Sakaski was filled with anxiety at this time.

If he doesn't take the blow head on, damn it, bastard! Or he is not strong enough.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant General Sakaski, the one who is missing now is my superior. You want me to return? How is this possible? Even my ship of soldiers will not agree."

Lance became unusually strong. Behind him were a group of soldiers who stood tall even though they were injured.

Everyone's face was very solemn, and they couldn't accept the disappearance of the hammer.

Shirley's eyes turned red even more, and lightning flashed all over her body, like a generator.

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, we cannot leave Lieutenant General Hammer alone!"

"I said, I will go find him! You must obey orders!" Sakaski shouted.

"No, we want to be together!" Lance said firmly.

At this time, Shirley stepped forward, her eyes firm and decisive, "Lieutenant General Sakaski."

Sakaski looked at the group of loyal warriors in front of him and was moved in his heart, but he knew that this was a dangerous action and they could not let them die in vain.

"Okay, but remember, this is my personal decision and has nothing to do with the navy. Once in danger, retreat immediately!" Sakaski finally compromised.

So, Lance led the Warhammer and a group of soldiers, preparing to continue the journey to find the Hammer.

"Inside the dig, Colonel Lance is so strong, and Sakaski rarely bows his head."

"In this case, I can't be lazy. Colonel Lance, just let me stay on the Warhammer. What do you think, Sakaski?"

After vomiting sea water, Brother Monkey woke up leisurely and saw the scene in front of him.

All that came to mind was the hammer wrapped in ice and swept into the waves, and he gritted his teeth unconsciously.

Sakaski and Porusalino looked at each other, and they both saw the determination in each other's eyes.


"Let's go now! Search for Vice Admiral Hammer along the surrounding waters!"



Just as Sakaski gave the order, Lance interrupted him again.

"Everyone, don't forget that Iron Hammer is a person with abilities. After he falls into the sea, he can only sink into the sea. Even if there is ice, it will be difficult to survive for long in the face of such a huge tsunami, so we have to go to the sea to search for it."

The tone of this statement is extremely heavy, but also very realistic.

No one said anything, only the determination in their eyes.

"Set off!"

"Yes! Lieutenant General Sakaski!"

at the same time

Marine Headquarters Marinevando.


"Asshole protein beard! Bastard Sakaski!"

The wall of the general's office was shattered by the shock wave, and Warring States, who transformed into a golden Buddha, exuded anger and even his domineering aura began to rise.


"Contact me all the generals in the new world! Let them help find the hammer!"

"Also! Tell Sakaski that if he can't find the hammer, he won't come back! Hold the hammer's relic and stick to the new world! Don't come back in this life! I'm afraid he will be beaten to death when he comes back! !!!"

"Prepare a warship for me! I'm going to set sail! Damn Whitebeard! I'm going to feed the shock wave into his mouth!"

The violent sound spread throughout Marinevando as the shock wave spread.

God knows how angry the Warring States Period was!

Although Iron Hammer is a lieutenant general, his abilities have greatly improved the navy. The magic weapons he has built successively have begun to take on powerful power. How could such a good prospect disappear like this? How does he accept this?

Furthermore, he had finally found a lot of rare ores during the Warring States Period, and there was even a shining golden ore among them. His exclusive weapon was right in front of him, and now he is gone? ? ?

But whoosh! I can't bear it, I really can't bear it!

Old Man Kong, who was eating his bento, bit into pieces of his spoon.

Ms. He's face was filled with frost.

Zefa, who was conducting training, snapped his pointer in anger.

For a moment, Malinfando felt a chilling air, and even the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

World Economic News.

"What did you say? Hammer is dead? How is this possible?"

"It's true, BOSS, the news bird captured it clearly."

“Let’s see, has Sakaski Porusalino the Whitebeard sunk into the sea with his hammer?”

Morgans looked at the photo in front of him with calculations in his eyes.

"Hehehehe, it's just Shen Hai, Iron Hammer is my big name to make money now, I can't let it end like this!"

"Catch me today's news quickly! The title is: Navy Craftsman Fights the Whitebeard Pirates and Retreats Without Injury!"

"Even if he dies! He will still give me another wave of enthusiasm! Hahahahahaha!"

Then the albatross' laughter drowned out all sounds.

Hammer: Very good, Morgans, you are very good. You will find out how important it is to report the truth in the future!

The search began very quickly, and all the admirals of the New World began search and rescue operations.

Marshal Cyborg Kong directly elevates the search and rescue mission to the highest level.

All the generals of the Warring States Period were dispatched and headed straight for the new world. At the same time, there was a strong man with short purple hair on his ship.

And the very next day, the news from World Economic News spread to all corners of the world.

Of course the Navy is among them.

The moment the relevant generals got the news, their anger broke out again.

"Morgans, that bastard birdman!"

Sakaski burned the newspaper in his hand to ashes.

"Damn it Morgans, how dare he!"

Warring States and Zefa were filled with anger.

To say that the most angry ones must be the Warhammer and Moby Dick.

Lance took out Barrett on the spot and smashed the seabird delivering the message into pieces.

But there is a different kind of anger on Moby Dick.

"Damn, this news is complete nonsense."

"Dad, why aren't you angry at all?"

Whitebeard was drinking and laughing as he looked at a group of angry sons.

"Gulu la la la, you bastard sons, it's just a piece of news, what does it matter!"

"A man from the sea must be brave!"

"Goo la la la la! There's a party!"

And where is the source of all these things, the hammer?

"Go! Catch that fish!"

"Huh? What's on the head of this fish? A person?"

"Hey, hey, isn't it? The betta's horn pierced your abdomen, and you're still alive?"

"What should we do? Go and report to Chief Ganqiao!"

Yes, this unlucky guy was a hammer. He relied on the ice to avoid sinking into the sea, but when he turned around, he was attacked by a fighting fish.

The stab wound on his chest and the penetrating wound from a sharp angle made his whole body extremely miserable.

The tsunami swept away all the clothes on his body, leaving only a pair of navy pants that became shorts.

"Resa, go and inform King Liku that we are short of medicines here and ask them to take over, otherwise this person will die soon."

"Yes, Chief Ganqiao."

Iron Hammer: I'm still alive, don't talk nonsense!

Just beside the hammer, a group of small figures were talking.

It is the Little Human Clan, and the leader is Gan Qiao, the leader of the Little Human Clan.

A tsunami sent the hammer directly from the Isle of Thunder to Dressrosa Greenbit.

I have to say that Whitebeard's sea shock is beyond words terrifying.

The power of the sea is too great.

I beg you all to give me a thumbs up, write a review, and if possible, give me a five-star review.

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