One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 166 Hydraulic press! John died!

Flames dyed the sky red.

But it was quickly devoured by the slash.

The slash that swallowed up the flames also lost its original power, and was casually smashed by the hammer with the air hammer.

At this moment, a shout sounded.

"Hammer! Come on! Beat the shit out of him!"

It was Scarlet. For a moment, a different feeling surged into her heart, and she unconsciously activated her eroticism. The pink-haired lolita's excited look made the hammer instantly MAX.

"The final blow, John! Go to hell and repent!"

"Hammer Fruit! Full power!"

The terrifying hammering sound filled the sky.

John, who had just swung a slash and was recovering his strength, suddenly felt something bad.

The whole person immediately entered a state of alert.

I saw the hammer raising his hands to the sky, and countless hammering sounds spread out from his hands.

The air was hammering, the wind was hammering, and the invisible hammering turned everything around him into hammering.

【Ding! Devil Fruit development level: 99%, about to break through! Please come on, host! 】

Assimilation, an ability awakened, especially the superhuman devil fruit, can use this ability to affect all surrounding environments.

At this moment, Iron Hammer has initially mastered the ability to assimilate, but has not yet reached the fruit awakening. It is not difficult to make people wonder what kind of novel abilities will be triggered after Hammer Fruit awakens.

But right now, the ability to assimilate is centered around the hammer, and hammer impacts are everywhere.

At this time, Tie Zhui closed his eyes tightly and had a different look in his mind.

He can clearly feel that his fruit ability affects everything around him.

Hammering, plasticity, and assimilation brought him profound insights.

"Is this the cascading effect of abilities? My mind is clearer than ever before."

"Forge, blacksmith, hammer"

"Although hand forging is the essence, nothing is more direct and terrifying than the violent forging machine and hydraulic press."

Suddenly Tie Hammer opened his eyes suddenly.

Stretch your hands forward and stand up and down in front of your chest.

He already knew how his next attack would unfold.

"Hammer! Plasticity! Assimilation!"

Amidst the shouting, terrifying hammer blows began to surround Captain John.

In an instant, Captain John felt that the space and air around his body had completely solidified, and he was about to run away.

But Iron Hammer didn't give him a chance at all.

"Hammer from all sides!"

The interference skills surged out again, and at the same time, Iron Hammer, who was using his abilities under a heavy load, began to tremble, and a trace of pain appeared on his face.

But his gaze remained firm.

"Captain John, your time has long passed. Go down and reunite with your captain Jibek!"

"Plasticity! Hydraulic press!!!"

The hammer roared wildly.

A hydraulic press is a machine that uses liquid as a working medium to transfer energy to achieve various processes. In addition to being used for forging and forming, hydraulic presses can also be used for straightening, pressing, packaging, pressing blocks and pressing plates, etc.

The hydraulic press created by the hammer does not use liquid as power, but uses hammering as a continuous power.

Under John's horrified eyes, a cylindrical device appeared above his head, and all around him were covered in hammer blows, unable to move at all.

"Impossible! How could your ability be so exaggerated?"

Yes, it is indeed an exaggeration.

However, the Hammer Fruit does not have the destructive power of the Shock Fruit, nor the mobility and control of the Piao Piao Fruit.

Some are just ordinary hammer blows, but under the will of the hammer being amplified by Scarlet, the hammer fruit is breaking through in the grasp of the hammer.

Use hammer blows to create space compression, preventing enemies from escaping.

Use hammering plasticity to create more lethal weapons and annihilate enemies in one fell swoop.

At this time, what Iron Hammer created was the most lethal hydraulic press.

Crush the enemy directly with terrifying power.

As the cylinder formed, Iron Hammer began to feel severe pain all over his body.

But he still gritted his teeth and began to slowly gather his hands toward the middle.

The cylinder also began to press toward Captain John below.

"How can it be repaired! I am the great pirate Captain John! How could I be killed by a newbie in the navy like you!"


Desperate situations always lead to breakthroughs.

Captain John suddenly raised his swords. At this moment, he no longer held back, and all his domineering energy was poured into the swords.

The cylinder and the swords touch.

The next second, Captain John's face changed drastically. What did he feel?

Not pressure, not gravity.

What the cylinder passed to him through the double swords was a wave of impact that was stronger than the last wave.

Yes, although it is called a hydraulic press, it is still hammering and impacting after all.

At the moment when John was surprised, the hydraulic press descended rapidly.

The terrifying impact made John's hands holding the sword begin to tremble unconsciously, and the hammer blow that directly hit the body made him almost unable to hold the sword.


The fear of death suddenly surged into Captain John's heart.

The miserable shout made everyone who was still fighting stop and unconsciously look towards the source of the sound.

Tyrant, Scorpion.

Ghost Spider, Dauberman.

Lance, Shirley.

King Liku and everyone.


Shock appeared on everyone's faces, and even Sakaski was a little surprised for a moment.

He had never seen Iron Hammer launch such an attack all this time, with his fruit power fully activated, completely reckless, even though his face was already red with pain, he was still activating his power.

"This is the first time I've seen Iron Hammer look like this in so many years."

"Is it just for her?"

Sakaski looked at Scarlett, who was looking excited, with puzzlement and confusion on his face.

"Xinei! Pay a heavy price for your actions!"

The final roar came from the hammer's mouth.

The hydraulic press fell again.


Captain John's swords began to shatter inch by inch even though they were covered with armament and domineering.

The terrifying hammer blows wave after wave, even the armed ones will be continuously shaken away.

When the two swords were completely shattered, Captain John, unwilling to do so, raised his hands in an attempt to stop the hydraulic press from falling.

But the moment his hands touched the cylinder.


pain! The hammer blow was transmitted into his body at the moment of contact, causing him to scream in pain.

"Bastard Navy!"

"Wang Zhi, you bastard, it's all your fault! I curse that one day you will be pulled down from the altar by a junior and end up with the same fate as me!"

John knew that he would not escape, and he put all his resentment on Wang Zhi, who expelled him from Beehive Island.

Wang Zhi: Damn, after all, I was a person who had been on the ship, and you actually cursed me like this? ? ?

"You can't see it!"


The hydraulic press fell heavily.




The sound of broken bones sounded instantly, and the terrifying hammer blow completely overwhelmed John.

Bones? In front of the Hammer Fruit with full firepower, do you still want corpses?

Rocks Pirates, the great pirate Captain John, died!

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