A few days later, Marine Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Two World Government officials in white were talking to Marshal Kong and General Sengoku.

"The two kings of the Shichibukai are Moonlight Moria and Joracol Mihawk. The higher-ups are very satisfied with this."

"But Marshal Kong, regarding the application for the Logistics Minister submitted by Lieutenant General Iron Hammer, there are different opinions."

"The superiors hope that Vice Admiral Hammer can be qualified for the post of general as a new force in the navy."

"Even if you can't be crowned directly, you can still enter the general candidate sequence first."

"After all, the current Lieutenant General Iron Hammer is very good in terms of strength and reputation, isn't he?"

Old Man Kong frowned slightly, and even Warring States was a little displeased.

When did the position of admiral need the intervention of the world government?

But when he thought about the attitude of the Tianlong people, especially the Five Old Stars, towards Iron Hammer, Old Man Kong instantly felt irritated.

After the officials of the World Government left, Sengoku on the side took out the phone bug and put it on the table, and then said to the phone bug:

"Did you hear everything?"

The phone bug clearly showed a resolute face, but it looked a little unhappy.

It's the hammer.

"Well, I heard it. Do you want me to serve as a replacement for the general or even as a general to serve the Tianlong people?"

"It's a beautiful thought, huh."

Feeling Iron Hammer's full displeasure, Old Man Kong and Old Man Warring States looked at each other and smiled.

They know Iron Hammer too well. Even if he has the courage to go out to sea to do missions now, it is just some necessary efforts for him to become the logistics minister.

Although they also hope that Iron Hammer can be qualified for the position of general, the navy is now full of new forces.

In addition to Iron Hammer, there are also three powerful natural ability users, so they will not require Iron Hammer to be a general.

After all, the strength of the Hammer can also be shown in the rear. Maybe the logistics director is indeed the best choice for the Hammer.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to refuse directly? And where are you now?"

"Of course, I happen to be near the G1 base now. If that doesn't work, I'll go to Marigio. I've been working hard for the Navy for many years! Don't you need a logistics minister? I don't believe this evil yet."

Iron Hammer held the phone in his hands and watched with great displeasure as a pirate ship was penetrated by a stream of light.

Then the streamer began to swing, instantly cutting the pirate ship into pieces.

"Well, do you need me to pick you up at Mariegioa?"

"No need, Old Man Kong, you should just wait for retirement. Let me, a young man, do this kind of thing."

Originally, Iron Hammer wanted to cross the windless zone directly from the West Sea and enter the new world, but just when he was about to enter the new world.

He received a call from the old man from the Warring States Period, and it was news that World Government officials were about to go to Marineland.

This made Iron Hammer change its original plan and head towards Marinevando and the Red Earth Continent first.

So he went directly to the New World G1 branch, which is also the largest branch of the Navy in the New World.

Although it is far from being as exaggerated as it will be when Sakaski takes power in the future.

But it is also a steel fortress, backed by the Red Earth Continent, with natural support.

And now the top general of G1 Fortress is Warring States.

Don't be surprised, it is indeed him. There is nothing he can do. Logically speaking, a fortress of this size can be garrisoned by a lieutenant general who meets the standard.

However, as Karp refused to be promoted and Zefa resigned from the post of general, the navy was short of mid- and high-level cadres.

Also because of the importance of G1 and Malinfando, Sengoku could only take on multiple roles by one person. He had to guard both Malinfando and the G1 fortress.

Usually there is Staff He who can help him share some of the burden, but currently Staff He is at sea, so Warring States can only be kept busy.

Of course, he still stays in Marineland at ordinary times. He only needs to go to G1 regularly for inspection.

After all, the G1 branch will also dispatch some lieutenant generals to garrison at any time.

After hanging up the phone, Tie Hammer's face fell into deep thought.

After all, the person he is about to face is Wulao Xing, even though he has already dealt with him once and learned about Wulao Xing's style in his previous life.

But if you want to extract a tooth from a tiger's mouth, you can imagine how difficult it is.

There is also the strength of the Five Old Stars. When he was watching One Piece, the Five Old Stars had not yet revealed their strength, which also made Iron Hammer very annoyed.

Why didn't he watch two more episodes before being blown away? Hey, the enemy is in the dark and the enemy is in the open. It's not easy to deal with.

"Hahahaha! Hammer, I can finally use this knife. It's so useful."

"Although it's not as good as Ye, it still has characteristics that Ye doesn't have. I like this knife very much."

Mihawk looked at the pirate ship that he chopped into pieces and let out a hearty laugh. Iron Hammer didn't even bother to talk to him.

"We'll get to G1 later. Find a boat and go. It's up to you to do whatever you want from now on."

"Lance, give him a phone bug, otherwise I will be in danger and can't find anyone."

Iron Hammer had no intention of paying attention to Mihawk now. His mind was focused on dealing with the Five Old Stars.

They didn't notice at all that the pirate ship that was chopped to pieces by Mihawk had a striking skull symbol with five bones and two horns.

Let the pirate ship sink into the sea.

Iron Hammer led the Warhammer into the port of the G1 branch.

The lieutenant general currently stationed in G1 is one of the veteran lieutenant generals, Bandik, known as the violent bear.

"Oh? Who did I come to G1 at that time? It turned out to be Lieutenant General Hammer. When we first met, I was Lieutenant General Bandick. Just call me Lao Xiong."

Bandik is also a strong man 3 meters tall. Well, how strong is he? His upper body is extremely developed and his lower body is extremely short, which is very consistent with the anatomy of this world.

"This is our first meeting, Lieutenant General Bandik. Please give this guy a boat and let him go."

Iron Hammer pointed at Mihawk beside him.

The moment he saw Mihawk, Bandik's eyes narrowed.

"Navy Hunter Mihawk..."

A terrifying aura slowly emanated from Lieutenant General Violent Bear.

Iron Hammer helplessly shook his head. The man in front of him, like Sakaski, was a pure radical who would kill pirates without mercy.

"You are not a swordsman. I am not interested in you. Give me a boat. I am leaving."

Facing others, Mihawk didn't have a good expression at all, and the sword intent that came out of his body was slowly condensing.

When tensions are high, the hammer has to come out to smooth things over.

"Lance, go find him a boat. I believe Lieutenant General Bandick will not stop him."

"Mihawk, get out of here and go kill pirates from now on."

Iron Hammer walked between the two of them and suppressed their momentum with his domineering appearance and absolute space.

Bendik felt the domineering color exuding from Iron Hammer and the solidified space, and looked at him deeply without saying anything.

Mihawk also left the place under the leadership of Lance.



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