One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 279 Pedro goes up and down

After the full moon, the Furry Principality held a two-day bonfire party as usual.

A huge bonfire was lit in the center of the town, and all the citizens gathered around it. The atmosphere of joy instantly filled the entire kingdom.

Tiechui and Shirley were fortunate to participate in it.

"Tiechui, I wonder how many people you want to choose to settle in your branch?"

"Try it, we brew our own fruit wine, which you can't drink outside."

Tangka handed Tiechui a bottle of wine, and the latter took it and drank it.

"Hiss, the wine is good."

Feeling the rich fruity taste of wine in his mouth, Tiechui thought it was very delicious.

And his eyes fell on several figures.

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Cougar... Panda... Lion...

Hmm... Three little ones?

Tangka followed Tiechui's gaze and also found the few people he was looking at.

"Oh? Pedro, Jepo, and Beckmus."

"Why do you want to choose these kids to be the navy?"

"Then I guess it's impossible. Those kids have wanted to go to sea for a long time. They will probably become free pirates."

Tangka rarely smiled. It was not known whether it was the effect of alcohol or a smile from the heart.

Anyway, he smiled. Tiechui took another sip of wine and said:

"No one is born to be a navy or a pirate. If there is, then they deserve a beating."

"I think those three kids are good. They look promising."

Tangka nodded. He agreed with Tiechui. The three kids were indeed talented.

Especially Pedro, who can be described as having amazing talent, is rare in Zou.

At the age of 10, he can already skillfully use his talent.

Just as Tangka and Tiechui were watching the three kids chatting, the three kids actually went directly to Shirley who was dancing.

"Oh? They actually found Shirley, quite interesting."

"Tangka, let's open a bet. Let's bet whether Shirley will beat up those three little devils?"

"The bet is, if I win, I will take 50 bottles of fruit wine. If I lose, how about I make you another star iron long sword?"

Tangka looked at Tiechui with a little surprise. He didn't expect that he could bet on this matter.

He thought about it, looked at the three little ones and then at Shirley.

He thought about the inventory of fruit wine and the useful star iron short knife.


"Bet! Although I haven't been in contact with Shirley for a few days, I think Shirley's temper is still good. I bet Shirley won't beat them."

Tiechui laughed, his eyes full of teasing, but he didn't let Tangka see it under the cover of the campfire.

"Okay! Then I bet Shirley will beat up those three little ones!"

The bet was established, and both of them laughed.

This scene was discovered by the surrounding guards, and they came over curiously.

After hearing the bet, they followed suit and placed bets.

Most people thought that Shirley would not attack the three little ones, which made Tiechui very happy.

Seeing more and more people joining in, Tiechui accepted everyone who came, because in Tiechui's opinion, they were all there to bring him supplies.



Shirley, who was dancing, was suddenly approached by three children, and looked at the three little ghosts in front of her with curiosity.

"Huh? Are you looking for me? Do you want to dance together?"

As the eldest brother, Pedro looked at the snow leopard girl in a long skirt in front of him and snorted with disdain.

"I heard you are a navy?"

Shirley stopped dancing and looked at the three children in front of her with great curiosity.

"Huh? Yes, I am a navy, what's wrong?"

Pedro heard Shirley admit it and snorted again.

"Zou does not welcome the navy! We are all men who want to be the freest pirates!"

"Right, Jepo, Beckmus?"

The panda man Jepo and the lion man Beckmus behind him nodded and looked at Shirley with the same unfriendly look.

This made Shirley laugh, just three little ghosts.

Shirley didn't want them to affect her mood, so she waved her hand casually and prepared to continue dancing, not wanting to pay attention to them.

Who knew that Pedro would not give up and stood in front of Shirley again.

"I'm talking to you, did you hear me!"

"Zou doesn't welcome the navy!"

To talk about why Pedro is so resistant to the navy, we have to talk about the Roger Pirates.

Since the Roger Pirates landed in Zou, a seed of free pirates has been planted in the hearts of Pedro and others.

Let them look forward to the life of pirates, and at the same time make them full of resistance to the navy.

"Little devil, it's too much, what's wrong with the navy?"

"Eating your rice?"

"Get out of the way, I'm going to dance."

Shirley's last bit of patience turned into three sentences, wanting Pedro who was blocking him to get out of the way.

But she underestimated Pedro's determination, and he just wouldn't get out of the way no matter what Shirley did.

Seeing this scene, Tiechui couldn't help but pray for Pedro in his heart.

Little devil, you don't know how terrifying Shirley is.

This has to start from when Shirley started to work as a trainer, because she had to train Kung Fu Hainiu and Tina, and even help a certain number of soldiers with their training.

All these things directly stimulated Shirley's hidden nature, which was the tyranny after being extremely irritated.

Tiechui saw Shirley grab a soldier by the collar and throw him into the sky, then beat him up with the moon step.

That scene, wow, it was horrible.

"Will you let go?"



"Just not...Ah!!"

Shirley's patience was finally exhausted. She grabbed Pedro's collar and threw him into the sky. The jaguar instantly turned into a flying leopard and flew into the air with a scream of fear.

This stunned Jie Bo and Beckmus.

Shirley looked at the two of them with a sinister look.

"Will you two...let go?"

Jie Bo and Beckmus instantly felt a chill, and they shivered.

"Sister, let us let go, let us let go!"

Jie Bo and Beckmus quickly let go, fearing that they would be thrown into the sky by Shirley like Pedro.

Shirley looked at them so tactfully, nodded with satisfaction, and then turned and left.

After Pedro fell from the sky, he was covered in dust and looked at Shirley's back with anger.

"Damn, this woman..." He gritted his teeth, endured the pain and climbed up, chasing after Shirley, and at the same time drew the long sword behind him.

"Don't underestimate me!"


Shirley didn't even turn her head, and with a sweeping kick, Pedro made another full contact with the ground.

Tiechui laughed when he saw this scene.

"It seems that I won this bet."

"I am willing to accept the loss, remember to send me the wine later."

Tiechui said proudly.

Tangka smiled bitterly, he didn't expect Shirley to be so decisive, once up to the sky, once down to the ground.



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