One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 327 O'Hara is about to begin

"Huh, that's it for arms."

"Do you have any new candidates for the Shichibukai King? The World Government has given a list of names, but the people on them are worse than the last. I really have nothing to say."

The King's Shichibukai is a big event. The World Government is pressing hard for it, and the pressure has already been put on the Sengoku side.

Old Man Kong immediately activated his semi-retirement state and handed over all matters to Warring States, euphemistically saying that he would be allowed to experience the life of a marshal first.

"Shichibukai... there is no one left. Currently, those are the only ones who are famous in the sea."

"I have already won over everyone I can. Otherwise, how about I go to the Kingdom of Flowers to see the green peppers?"

Speaking of green peppers, Iron Hammer himself laughed.

That guy's head was blown off by Garp, and the treasure was robbed by him.

Life has become extremely gloomy.

"Forget it. Although Qingjiao has some strength, its intimidation has been greatly reduced by you and Garp."

"He cannot serve as a Shichibukai."

Sengoku directly gave Qingjiao a pass, mainly because Garp directly discounted his strength at half price, so how could he be used as a Shichibukai.

"Then there is currently no suitable person, so let the World Government wait a little longer."

"The sea is so chaotic now, how can I have time to find a Shichibukai for them?"

Warring States nodded, and then asked Tie Zhui something off-topic.

But it caused waves of waves in Tie Zhui's heart.

"Iron Hammer, do you know O'Hara of the West Sea?"


I'm sorry, it's only 1998, although it will be 99 soon, oh, well, the O'Hara incident is indeed coming soon.

Damn it, forgot about this big problem.

Iron Hammer suppressed the shock in his heart with strength.

"O'Hara? Is it an island? What is it for?"

Sengoku didn't know when he saw Iron Hammer, so he began to tell him about O'Hara's situation.

When Warring States finished speaking, Tie Hammer showed a thoughtful look.

"So, these scholars are peeking into the truth of the world, and the world government feels that they have touched the bottom line."

"Want to catch them all in one fell swoop?"

Warring States nodded.

"Now there is a group of scholars, 34 people in total, who are digging around to find the historical truth."

"I have sent people to catch them."

"Iron Hammer, let me ask you, if O'Hara is really going to be destroyed by then, are you willing to accept this task?"

Hammer fell silent.

Seeing Tie Zhui's silence, Zeng Guo sighed slightly, feeling slightly relieved in his heart.

It can be seen from Tie Hammer's silence and Warring States period that Tie Hammer is a kind-hearted person.

It's no wonder Zefa chose Hammer as his successor.

The two men are the same at heart, with an inexplicable sense of justice.

Iron Hammer: I really don’t know when you became blind, old man from the Warring States Period... Yes, I am kind-hearted and just, but I will deduct your Warring States pension everywhere.

Iron Hammer has always felt like a salty fish, but he also has his own pride and bottom line.

He really can't do anything to destroy a country.

"I understand. When the time comes, I will arrange for Sakaski or Kuzan to complete this task."

"You'd better strike your iron with peace of mind."

Warring States left, leaving very happily.

Looking at his leaving figure, Iron Hammer knew.

From now on, the justice that reigned over the world during the Warring States Period is about to change.

Becomes: absolute justice.

After Warring States left, Iron Hammer did not go to forge iron. Instead, he returned to the room alone and expanded the absolute space.

He took out a phone from his pocket and after thinking about it for a long time, he dialed.

"Polo Polo..."

"Hey, I'm Hammer, I want to meet you, Gaya Island, now!"

After hanging up the phone, Tie Shui opened the window, put on his cloud armor and flew out. In order to avoid being discovered by Warring States, he chose a different route.

It doesn't matter even if it takes a long way around.

In the entire G88 branch, only one person saw the hammer's movement, and that was his father Zefa.

Zefa looked at the figure disappearing into the sky, with a trace of worry on his face.

"What did this bastard Sengoku say to him..."

"That kind of serious expression is rarely seen on his face..."

"Hey, what a troubled time."



One day later, Grand Line, Gaya Island.

Although this is an island where pirates gather, few people make trouble here.

After all, pirates also need supplies and repairs, and no one will destroy an island suitable for rest.

Iron Hammer, wearing a cape and a mask on his face, was sitting alone in a bar drinking, waiting for someone.

The radar for seeing and hearing was spread out, and the entire island was within his perception.

Suddenly a group of pirates pushed open the door and entered very arrogantly.

The leader has a tiger tattooed on his chest and looks very fierce.

"Boss, give me ten beers! Hahaha!"

The rough voice and the loud sound made the whole tavern tremble.

"That's the tiger Toso with a bounty of 60 million beli, and he actually came to Gaya Island."

"It is said that he massacred three or four pirate groups, and even the navy was unable to do anything to him."

A series of exclamations sounded.

Tiger Toso enjoyed these words very much and strode to the counter and sat down.

As luck would have it, he happened to be sitting next to the hammer.

"Hey, bastard, didn't you see me? Move over there, or I'll bite your head off."

Iron Hammer showed a hint of disgust and was about to take action.

Just detected a familiar breath in the radar range.

This bastard finally came...

"Didn't you hear me talking!"

"Give me..."


Before Tiger Toso finished his words, he felt a huge force coming from his head, which directly knocked him to the ground.

The chairs and the floor were all broken, and Tiger Toso had been knocked to the ground of the tavern.

As if he didn't see anything, Tiechui took out a few Baileys and put them on the counter, then walked out.

"What's the situation? What happened?"

"Where's Toso? Was he killed like this?"


Just when everyone was surprised, a huge figure suddenly jumped up from the ground.


"Where did that bastard go!"

"I'm going to bite off his head!"

The guest next to him hurriedly pointed to the door.

Seeing this, the black shadow rushed out.

The huge body directly smashed the door of the tavern.

Tiechui heard the movement and looked back, only to see a huge orange cat appear behind him.

Well, a human-shaped orange cat.

It's pretty, furry.

But the face is not good-looking.

"Asshole, you were the one who did it just now!"

"I'm going to bite you to death!"

Tiger? Toso?

This thing is obviously a cat.

"Haha, you dare to call yourself a tiger, you are obviously a big orange cat."

The iron hammer's complaints hit the other party's heart.

Just when Toso was about to take action.

A very heroic voice sounded from afar.



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