One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 359 It’s done! The rabbit bowl belongs to Tie!

As the saying goes, there is golden light in my body, which reflects on my body. Ghosts and demons are frightened and spirits lose their form.

The big green insect in front of me, oh, the big green dragon!

In the eyes of our Monkey Taoist, that is a big monster! He must be killed!

The Taoist sword's amplification is very pure, turning flashes of light into golden light, turning lasers into laser cannons, and turning lazy monkeys into Taoist masters.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Laser cannon!

Thick and powerful golden lasers burst out from the tip of the Tao sword.

That was a laser far thicker than Kaido's heat breath, and Kaido was stunned by this launch.

Before he could react, he was hit in the chest by a laser.

"Ouch!! Here we go again!"

You must know that Kaido's chest originally had burns, which were caused by the laser cannon using the same attack method.

Now the monkey's laser shot directly brought out all his old wounds.

In the cry of pain, Daqinglong was a little shaken.

This was not over yet. I saw Taoist Monkey, the Taoist sword in his hand suddenly raised up, and the sword pointed at the sky.

The golden laser cannon disappeared in an instant, replaced by golden swords that filled the sky.

Well, it’s actually just a change of shape from the eight-foot magatama.

But it looks really deceptive, and the special effects of the scene are at full level in no time.

In exchange for a hammer, it would be: Huo! Monkeys are awesome, the treasure house in the sky has been simulated!

"Tao Sword Conquers Demons!"


As soon as the word "go" came out, countless lightsabers shot towards the big green dragon.

The hammer, who was still acting as a porter, didn't even fly in while looking back at the show. He just took out his peanut and melon seed beer and shouted: Good show!

The Great Azure Dragon was completely suppressed, and Kaido was directly blindsided.

The entire dragon body was suppressed by the golden sword, and he could only watch his rabbit bowl getting farther and farther away from him.

"No! Give me back my rabbit bowl!!"

Unfortunately, the remaining half of the rabbit bowl has been taken away by the hammer.

Only a monkey Taoist and ruthless golden light were left.

"Pindao's mission is completed."

"In Diugou, after receiving so many attacks from me, he was not seriously injured."

"As expected of the phantom beast seed fruit, Pindao also withdrew it."

Monkey Taoist retired after his victory, once again condensed a large piece of golden light sword as a parting gift, and shot it fiercely towards the big blue dragon below.

And he turned into golden light and fled towards the country of peace.

Everyone who was still fighting saw a large piece of land rising into the sky and then disappearing into the sky.

"Very good! Our mission is accomplished!"

"The next step is to take care of Kozuki Oden, so we can retreat."

Guernica watched the golden light dissipate, and he understood that the hammer must have moved the rabbit bowl away.

In this way, more than half of the mission was completed, leaving only Kozuki Oden and his group in front of him.

"What? What happened?"

"What's going on with that land!"

Kozuki Oden, who was still in the dark, was a little confused. The land he just flew up looked familiar.

what is that?

Of course Kinemon, who has been staying in Wano Country, knows about the situation of Usagi Bowl.

When I saw the land rising and flying away, I immediately understood the problem.

"Damn it, Oden-sama, that's a rabbit bowl!"

"The navy took a fancy to the sea floor stone veins and took away half of the veins last time!"

"This time the remaining half of the mineral vein must have been moved away!"

"Damn robbers! That's all Wano's land!"

Hammer: Huh? Have I become a robber? Forget it, that’s it, the mineral veins won’t be returned anyway!

"Is that so? That hammer did a good job!"

"Damn, I knew that hammer was not a good thing! Bai Ji actually said he was a talent!"

"Shit talent!"

I heard that someone actually moved the land from Wano Country.

Oden is also very angry, but there are more important things to do right now, which is to take back the country of Wano!

"Kin'emon, don't worry about that for now, finish the things in front of you first!"

"Keep fighting, everyone!"

The battle continues!



At this time, it was over the sea outside Wano.

"Haha, you can do it, monkey. The last few moments were so enjoyable to watch."

"Tiehammer-san, don't tease me. That guy Kaido wasn't seriously injured at all. Let's run away quickly."

The monkey sat directly on the floating island, no need to fly by himself, and looked very happy.

It feels really good to have someone else take you flying.

Iron Hammer was also standing on the floating island, feeling very good.

"Tch, lazy monkey, but this mission is accomplished."

"I have captured the entire vein. From now on, the mining of sea floor stone and wine iron ore will be much more intensive."

Regarding Liquor Iron Ore, Hammer has not yet started forging it himself.

He was very curious about what attributes this special ore from Wano Country could trigger.

"Tiechui-san, I did a lot of work this time."

"How are you going to repay me?"

Suddenly the monkey spoke up, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he went straight to the topic without any hesitation.

They are all in the same bed, oh, no, a good comrade who came out of the dormitory, and he can pick up things very easily.

"Tch, I know you are very greedy."

"For the sake of the mine cover, I won't argue with you. You can tell me whichever weapon and equipment the G88 branch has."

Iron Hammer is in a good mood now. After all, getting the mineral vein is more important than anything else.

"Hey, I know Iron Hammer-san is the most generous person."

"Actually, it wasn't me who wanted it, it was Stoloberg. As you know, he is also a major general now."

"I asked for it for him. After all, it's enough for me to have a sword."

The monkey stroked his Tao sword with a satisfied look on his face, thinking: Nothing can compare to my Tao sword, not even Sakaski's nest of Qs can compare to the Tao sword!

Sakaski:? ? ? How about we make some gestures and see if I can burn your broken wooden sword?

"Okay, isn't it just the Han Sword and the Huanshou Sword?"

"After you go back, go directly to Tina to fill out the application form."

"I'll let you take it away on the same day."

Monkey chuckled and suddenly took out a phone bug in his hand.

"Stoloberg, did you hear that? Quickly change course and go to the G88 branch."

"I'll wait for you there!"

Hammer: Me@! @#! @%! ...Good guy, my feelings are always on the phone! Too much!

This is not over yet. Stoloberg on the other side of the phone said very calmly:

"Lieutenant General Porusalino, I'm already at the G88 branch."

"I'm discussing with the flying squirrel. I have to say that the food in the G88 branch is good."

For a moment, the monkey stopped laughing and turned into a hammer.

"Monkey, you can't do this! Hahahaha!"

The monkey's face turned dark when he heard Iron Hammer's laughter.

"Little comrade, your road is narrow!"

"When I get to the G88 branch, I have to have a good chat with you."

After hanging up the phone, Monkey and Hammer looked at each other and smiled.

It is a good thing that subordinates can detect the leader's thoughts in advance, which proves the tacit understanding between them.



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