One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 366: Dharmadhatu and Heaven! God of Craftsmanship!

Qilin, the king of beasts, thunder, the power of destruction.

The attack that condensed thousands of thunders turned into a raging thunder unicorn, rushing towards Doflamingo at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

"Damn it!"

Wanted to defend, but it was too late.

The unicorn flashed by, and Doflamingo was directly swallowed by the unicorn.


"Young Master!"

All the cadres of the Don Quixote family exclaimed at once.

"Shirley! Don't delay, take down Judge!"

"The rest of you! Attack with all your strength!"

While maintaining the output of thunder and lightning, Lance urged others to attack with all their strength.

The people of the G88 branch quickly gathered their minds and began to attack with all their strength.

The first to explode was not Shirley, but Captain Tangka who was fighting one against three.

The overload form was fully activated, and the original king of beasts directly became the king of thunder and lightning.

Surrounded by thunder and lightning, it was very terrifying.

"Lance has spoken, we have to fight quickly, and you three are so weak."

The Tiger King's eyes showed a trace of dissatisfaction.

I thought I had found a few good opponents, but who would have thought that they were just a group of ordinary people, ah.

"Damn guy! He actually underestimated us!"

"Half Moon! Funeral!"

Diamanti held the sword with both hands, and a powerful slash appeared.

"Sticky Meteor!"

Torebol also cooperated to attack.

Only Virgo rushed towards Tangka, and the bamboo in his hand turned black instantly, covered with armed color domineering.


Tangka looked at the opponent's attack and sighed helplessly.

The next second, he moved.

Dodged the attacks of Diamanti and Torebol at super fast speed.


With a sound, the long sword slashed three times in a row.

Three swords slashed three people, and the slash covered with electric current directly turned the three highest cadres of the Don Quixote family into breakdancers.

When the lightning dissipated, black smoke began to float on the three people.

The same situation happened in any corner of the battlefield.

Even though the clone army was extremely large in number, Tiger Head and a kind of Kung Fu sea cow perfectly demonstrated what it means to be the master of the sea.

Using their flexible bodies to swim in the sea, each punch could sink a speedboat.

Tiger Head showed his power even more, and his two black fists could even blow a speedboat into pieces with one punch.

And Vinsmoke Judge was the king of a member country after all.

So Shirley still held back when facing him.

Facing this controlled king, Shirley used capture.

Using the Shield-Shield Fruit to directly make a cage and trap Judge in it.

"Hey, King Judge, just stay here."

Looking at the special cage in front of her, Shirley couldn't help but wipe the sweat from her head slightly.

After all, it was still very physically demanding to make it all with shields.

"Ahem.... Is this the horror of the G88 branch of the Navy..."

"I didn't expect that failure would happen in an instant."

Suddenly, Doflamingo's voice sounded again in the air.

Lance looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Doflamingo standing in the air with his body black and black smoke.

"Huh? Still alive? Terrifying vitality."

"As expected of the owner of Conqueror's Haki, even his vitality is at the level of Conqueror's Haki."

Lance's ruthless complaints made Doflamingo's head bulge with veins.

But Lance was telling the truth, ever since he had seen these kings of the sea.

Whether it was BIG MOM, Kaido, Whitebeard, or the Warring States General.

Or Golden Lion, Barrett, these people all had a common problem, that is, vitality, and amazing combat power.

Oh, yes, and the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, Green Pepper, that was the most terrifying one.

His head was dented but he didn't die.

"Ahem... Damn it..."

"That bastard, why haven't you killed Hammer yet..."

"Are you treating me like a pawn? Damn it!"

The unwilling roar led to the full outbreak of Domineering Haki. Lance was about to swing the Crescent Halberd to stop the sky-high momentum.

But he found that the Crescent Halberd could not move.

No, it was not that it could not move, but it was attracted by something and did not listen to his command.

What is going on? What happened to Hammer from the beginning!

Lance ignored Doflamingo's Domineering Haki.

Instead, he looked at Hammer.

The next second, the picture in front of him made him widen his eyes.


"What is this!"

The picture that appeared in front of him was this.

A dark blue giant wearing a black and white mask.

Holding a silver and black hammer in his hand.

Hammer himself has disappeared. No, rather than disappearing, it is better to say that he has awakened the fruit and turned into that hammer.

What is that phantom? Why can it swing the Hammer of Oath!


"Iron Hammer, you can actually combine the fruit with forging, this phantom, this mask."

The one who was most touched was the Red Earl in front of Iron Hammer.

He watched Iron Hammer put on the mask and then summoned the phantom.

Then Iron Hammer turned into a hammer and poured all his power into the mask.

But what is that mask?

"Hahahahaha! Old ghost!"

"Come on! Let's fight to the death!"

"I have always needed the help of others to show my strength when my fruit awakens."

"I have thought of many ways to do this, and this Dharma virtual mask is one of them."

"Move! God of Craftsman!"

The crazy laughter of the iron hammer suddenly sounded from the hammer body.

The next second, the phantom called the God of Craftsman moved.

The black and white mask on the face of the God of Craftsman instantly lit up.

The next second, the sound of hammering in the sky suddenly sounded.

The iron hammer focused all his abilities on the mask, making the God of Craftsman Dharma perfect with all the abilities of the Hammer Hammer Fruit.

And it is even more powerful!

After all, in addition to condensing the Dharma, the mask has a special ability.

Named: Implement the intention of the blacksmith.

"Haotian Hammer!"

"Ten thousand hammers roar!"

The phantom of the God of Craftsman held the Hammer of Oath in his right hand, and with a sudden move of his left hand, an air-plastic Haotian Hammer appeared instantly.

This Haotian Hammer is more than 30 meters long, and the huge hammer body is even more exaggerated.

As the Haotian Hammer smashed towards the Red Earl.

Countless hammers were driven, directly covering the space around the Red Earl.

"Is this your fruit ability..."

"It's so terrifying..."

"What a pity! This is nothing!"

"Instant Shadow Slash! Hundred Ghosts!"

The dark green slash appeared again, but under the strange power of the Seven Star Sword.

The slash turned into countless invisible ghost phantoms, flying in all directions.

These phantoms collided with the hammer, and countless explosions sounded in the air for a while.

The battle between the iron hammer and the red earl started again!



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