One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 378 The Materialized God of Craftsmanship

At this time, the God of Craftsman was still suppressed by the attack of the Great Bear, but as Zefa approached, his momentum was shaken.

Is it another weapon made by that bastard Iron Hammer?

Technological arm armor? Well, is it blessed by Iron Cloud? Interesting, this weapon is pretty good.

In addition to the weapon, another thing that surprised the God of Craftsman was that the visitor actually called Iron Hammer his son.

But in the perception of the God of Craftsman, the two sides had no blood relationship at all.

And Zefa's heavy punch actually shattered the absolute space he condensed again.

You must know that Zefa's attack completely infused his fists with armed color, and the flowing domineering aura greatly increased the penetration, and Zefa's fists were already full of power, otherwise how did the name Black Arm come from?

Just like Garp's iron fist, Zefa's fists also represent the peak of physical skills.

What's more, there is the amplification of the iron wave and the fist, and the burst in an instant directly shattered the already broken absolute space again.

"Hmph, bastard, you are so frivolous."

"I really don't know what you are thinking."

"Everyone or two I meet is related to you. If that's the case, then cut off everything."

"The God of Craftsman who truly stands at the top does not need these unfounded emotions!"

"Hundreds of forgings make steel! Forging iron! Hundreds of forgings merge!"

The God of Craftsman became more and more angry, and finally he exploded.

The hammer of oath in his right hand was thrust towards his chest, and the hammer disappeared in front of everyone.

No, it didn't disappear, but was integrated into the body of the God of Craftsman.

The next second, the God of Craftsman changed violently.

First, the breath, the originally calm momentum instantly became like a volcano.

Then the phantom body actually solidified little by little.

With the fusion of the hammer of oath, the God of Craftsman actually got rid of the phantom state and turned directly into a solid body.

This is another unique skill of the God of Craftsman, forging iron. You should know that he and the hammer were originally the same person, but the God of Craftsman used the virtual mask to virtualize.

The God of Craftsman also pulled the hammer into the fusion process, and the entity he lacked was directly supplemented.

Such a God of Craftsman is the real God of Craftsman.

"Iron forging method! Smelt thousands!"

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the God of Craftsman moved.

He lifted his hands.

The surrounding space was completely replaced by hammering, and the range was so large that it actually directly wrapped Zefa and several others.

Of course, there was no Ivankov, after all, he was still on the ground.

It was also thanks to Dorag that the battlefield was moved out of Shimokatsuki Village, otherwise I was really afraid that Shimokatsuki Village would become history directly.

"Hmph, Dorag, we'll talk about your business later."

"God of Craftsman! Hand over the hammer!"

Zefa could no longer care about Dorag, and only God of Craftsman was left in his eyes.

In his opinion, God of Craftsman was the culprit who took away his eldest son.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the change happened.

The whole space began to ignite flames, and the fire rose completely in an instant.

"Tsk, do you want to smelt us like steel?"

"Not that easy!"



Drag showed disdain on his face, and was about to activate his ability, but was punched away by Zefa the next second.

"Damn, Zefa teacher, why are you hitting me?"

As soon as he said this, he saw Zefa and Big Bear staring at him.

"You bastard! Wind helps fire, don't you know?"

"Forget it, why am I saying this to someone who didn't pass the cultural courses!"

"Use physical skills for me, don't use the fruit ability!"

Zefar scolded Dragon with a look of disappointment.

What Big Bear was about to say turned into a chuckle in an instant.

And Dragon's face darkened, who would learn something like cultural courses!

"Don't be unhappy, kid. You're the only one who got zero in the cultural subjects among the four of us!"

"That's enough. I don't want to waste my time talking to you!"

"Black Arm! Empty Kill!"

Zeffa really didn't want to look at Dorag. In his opinion, this disciple was useless. He was not as good as Sakaski and Borsalino, not to mention the Hammer.

The next second, Zefa's attack started again.

He suddenly threw six punches at the God of Craftsmanship.

These six punches perfectly explained what the pinnacle of navy martial arts was.

Because these six punches looked very simple, but when you look at them separately, they were six shots of the Six Kings Spear.

You should know that the Six Kings Spear is the pinnacle of the Six Styles of the Navy.

And Zefa made six strikes in an instant.

This was also thanks to Man Shirley who cured his body perfectly. Otherwise, his previous body could not withstand the recoil of such a fierce attack.

"Hmph! Old man, although you are already at the peak of martial arts! But I am not afraid at all!"

"Iron forging method! Pendulum!"

The God of Craftsman transformed two ram-horn hammers in his hands, both of which were in the shape of the Heaven-shaking Hammer.

The next second, the two hammers attacked and met Zefa's attack.

For a while, various explosions were heard in the space where the flames were rising.

"We will go too!"

"Dragon Claw Fist!"

"Pressure Cannon!"

Seeing this, Dorag and Big Bear also joined the battle again.

In an instant, the three people started a hand-to-hand fight with the God of Craftsman.

At the same time, the temperature in the space was getting higher and higher.

Ivankov below looked at the three people surrounded by flames in the sky, and his huge face was full of horror.

"The terrible God of Craftsman, facing Dorag, Zefa and Big Bear alone, he was not at a disadvantage at all."

"Damn it, why do you have to fight in the sky? Bully me because I can't fly! How can I repair it!"

The sky was completely dyed red at this time, and the three people who were fighting continuously were sweating.

Zefa's Iron Boga Fist has even begun to slowly turn red.

This is all caused by high temperatures.

"Damn! This space is getting hotter and hotter."

"Dorag, think of a way to break the space!"

Dorag is speechless. He is also very hot. Although he is wind, if the temperature is too high, he will become hot wind.

And within this space, his abilities cannot be used, which is so annoying.

Just when everyone was helpless facing the hot space.

A golden-red slash suddenly cut through the sky and shot straight into the sky.


A sound of metal breaking suddenly sounded.

The craftsman god who was being besieged suddenly looked down.

I saw Koushiro who didn't know when he had appeared on the edge of the cliff.

In his hand, he still held the newly tempered and reborn Wado Yimonji.

"Ittōryu·Iai·Secret Sword·Fusher Blade!"

The slash that sliced ​​the sky just now was made by Koushiro.

I saw him looking at the craftsman god in the sky with a serious face.

"Your Majesty the Craftsman God, although I am very grateful to you for recasting the word "Wado", I cannot let you harm Mr. Dorag and Mr. Big Bear."

"Excuse me for being rude! Please step aside!"

"Ittōryu! Shigureluo!"

After the peak of martial arts, there is the sky of swordsmanship.

The golden-red slash extended from the edge of the cliff to the front of the Craftsman God like a rainbow bridge.

That rainbow-like slash, with the blessing of Wado Ichimonji, rolled up all the flames and formed a brand new attack towards the Takumi God.



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