One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 380 The disappeared hammer and the beaten Karp father and son


Yes, Zefa felt the explosive force on his fist.

"Compression produces explosion, old man, your perception is very strong."

"In this way, your flowing Haki will not play a corresponding role."

Zefar's face was a little serious. He didn't expect that after just a few dozen fights, the God of Craftsman had mastered the method to deal with the flow of Armament Haki.

This adaptability is a bit exaggerated.

Suddenly, the body of the God of Craftsman trembled, and under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The Hammer of Oath actually flew out of his body slowly.

"Damn, Hammer, you bastard! You are still not honest even when you are asleep!"

The Hammer of Oath suddenly lit up with a faint light.

That was the power of the Hammer, and the Hammer was slowly waking up.

And as the Hammer left the body, the body of the God of Craftsman turned into a phantom again.

His power was greatly weakened.

The next second, several figures rushed towards the Hammer at the same time.

They were Dragon, Zefa and the God of Craftsman.

The three people's goal was surprisingly consistent, that is, to snatch the hammer back!

At this time, the advantage of the ability users was highlighted.

The God of Craftsman used the hammer to increase his speed, and Dragon was even more rogue.

He raised his hand and released three tornadoes, covering the two people and one hammer except himself.

"Drag, bastard! How dare you stop me!"

Zefa was so angry, Dragon obviously wanted to snatch the hammer away!

"Hehe, Teacher Zefa, the hammer is a treasure, let me take it away!"

The hammer is a rich man, and in the current situation, I don't know what the hammer is like, but no matter what, snatch it first!

The God of Craftsman is much simpler. Without the hammer, his strength is only one tenth of it.

As he said, he is the second personality of the hammer, and he relies entirely on the hammer to survive.

If he leaves the hammer, his strength will decline seriously.

He can't get rid of Dragon's tornado at all.

Seeing that the hammer is about to be taken away, the God of Craftsman is anxious.

But his strength did not allow him to grab the hammer, so he made a bold decision.

"If I can't get it, you can't either!"

"Personality merger!"

The four big words exploded in everyone's mind like an atomic bomb.

The shadow of the God of Craftsman instantly turned into a stream of light, and the entire virtual mask became as bright as daylight, and then rushed towards the hammer at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the black light of the Hammer of Oath shone brightly, and the virtual mask completely merged into the Hammer of Oath, and the shadow of the God of Craftsman had completely disappeared.

"Damn it! What did he do!"

As the light of the Hammer of Oath became stronger and stronger, even Dragon's tornado was broken.

Accompanied by the light, the hammer took off again and flew towards the other side of the sea.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially Zefa, he was about to get the hammer back! Just a little bit! Just a little bit!

Damn Dragon!

Zefa, who had lost the trace of the hammer, stared at Dragon fiercely like a hungry tiger.

This made Dragon very angry, thinking of the behavior that had just hindered Zefa.

Dragon swallowed his saliva.

"Teacher Zefa... listen to my explanation..."

"What explanation! You dare to stab me in the back! I will not beat you into a mud loach, I will be sorry for my black wrist!"

"Dragon! Accept my punishment! Black wrist! Empty kill!"

The anger in his heart broke out at this moment, and Zefa's red eyes made anyone shudder.

With the iron wave and fist at full power, Zefa chased Dragon and started to beat him violently.

The big bear on the side shook his head helplessly and fell down.

Soon he stood with Ivankov and Koshiro and watched Dragon being beaten.

"Can we just watch?"

"Nothing wrong... After all, it's Zephyr, why don't you go and stop the fight?"

Koshiro wanted to stop the fight, but seeing how miserable Dragon was after being beaten, he held back.

Looking at Zephyr's Iron Wave Fist, and then looking at his small body, he estimated that if he was hit by a punch, he would go to heaven.

As for where the hammer flew to, everyone was silent.

That was not a person, but a hammer. Even the observation Haki didn't notice that he flew there.

It disappeared in just a moment, how can we find it?

A few days later, Zephyr returned to the Navy Headquarters with a dark face the whole time.

When he entered the Admiral's office, he was angry again.

For no other reason, just because he saw Garp.

In an instant, the scene of Dragon blocking him from rescuing the hammer appeared again.

"Asshole, Garp! The good son you taught!"

"Die! Black Arm! Destruction Kill!"

In an instant, the Admiral's office exploded directly, and all the surrounding offices suffered.

Zephyr was as terrifying as a tiger coming down the mountain when he was furious.

In the end, it was Old Man Kong who joined forces with Sengoku and Garp, and the three of them pinned Zephyr, who was wearing the Iron Wave Fist, to the ground in the playground.

"Zeffer, you bastard! What are you doing! You destroyed my office!!!"

"Zeffer! That's too much! It's fine if you destroyed the Marshal's office, but why did my office suffer as well! My table of special tea!"

When he heard about the special tea, Zephyr got angry again!

Where did the special tea come from? It was Iron Hammer who got it for you!

"Zhengoku, you bastard, let me go!"

"How dare you mention the special tea! That was all brought to you by Tiechui!"

"Garp, you bastard! It's because of your good son!!! Otherwise, Tiechui would have been saved by me!"

With one sentence, Old Man Kong and Sengoku instantly turned their heads to look at Garp who was holding down Zefa's left hand.

This made Garp dumbfounded.

"What! Zefa, you can't talk nonsense, what does it have to do with me?"

"Also, my son? Have you seen that bastard Drago?"

Zefar was so angry that he told him everything about the East China Sea.

The more he talked, the less pressure he felt on him. Finally, Old Man Kong and Sengoku let him go.

"No, Old Man Kong, Sengoku, what are you doing!"

"Don't hit me in the face! Ouch! You really think I dare not fight back, right!"

For a while, the artillery fire shifted, and Garp became the target of the three people's beating.

The playground of the Navy Headquarters became a competition field. Garp was beaten badly against three people.

"So, Zefa, where's the hammer? Where's the God of Craftsman?"

Zefa lowered his head as he listened to Zhan Guo's question, a look of desolation filling his body.

"Gone... The God of Craftsman finally merged into the Hammer of Oath, and then flew away."

"My Observation Haki can't sense it at all."


A sigh made this strong man who had originally recovered to his peak suddenly look much more depressed.



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