One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 385: Life Card Not Working Properly

No matter how strong Hammer is, he is still a human being.

Even Whitebeard died in the hail of bullets, and there was no seastone bullet.

But Hammer is not Whitebeard, and his body is far from comparable to that of a monster like Whitebeard.

Facing the overwhelming seastone bullets, no one can bear it unless it is Big Mom or Kaido.

"Stop! Stop now!"

"I am not the God of Craftsmanship! I am your branch chief Hammer!"

A hysterical roar came out of Hammer's mouth.

But Flying Squirrel said he didn't believe it.

"Humph! It's because Hammer disappeared for three years!"

"Keep firing!"

Hammer: I'm convinced!

"Dad Zefa! Stop him now."

"Those are all seastone bullets!"

"Ouch! Which bastard is still wrapped in Haki!"

Seeing that Flying Squirrel was still commanding the soldiers to continue attacking, Hammer was speechless.

Immediately used Haki + iron block + hammer strike to defend.

"Hmph! You deserve to be beaten. You forgot everything I taught you, didn't you?"

"Whenever you face a battle, you must go all out. Even if you are extremely powerful, you cannot underestimate any opponent."

Zefar crossed his arms and looked at Tiechui with dissatisfaction.

The angry words shook Tiechui.

A trace of helplessness instantly appeared.

He just wanted to tease the flying squirrel. Who knew that the defense of the branch was so strong. Tiechui looked at Zefa helplessly and said, "I know I was wrong, Zefa Dad. I will pay attention next time." He muttered to himself. He didn't expect the flying squirrel to be so serious. Why did he think this bastard was so out of tune?

Zefar looked at Tiechui and said seriously, "This time, take it as a lesson. Remember, in a battle, any negligence may lead to failure."

Then he shouted in the direction of the branch: "Flying squirrel, stop attacking."

"He is not the God of Craftsmanship, but the Hammer."

The flying squirrel was slightly stunned when he heard Zefa's voice, but thought of what the God of Craftsmanship said just now that Zefa was controlled by him.

He was furious again, and cursed at the iron hammer in the sky: "You bastard, you can't fool yourself, and you actually control teacher Zefa."

"Everyone! Change to seastone bullets for me!!"

Iron Hammer and Zefa looked at each other instantly.

"Dad, I remember that Flying Squirrel was not like this before..."

"It's not because you disappeared! This bastard has changed since you disappeared, and has become very serious. Now he doesn't even give me face."

Although Zefa cursed, he was very satisfied with Flying Squirrel in his heart.

"What should I do now?"

Iron Hammer threw a punch again, and at the same time activated the absolute space for defense.

This gave him a chance to breathe.

But if he didn't solve the current dilemma quickly, he was afraid that he would become the first branch chief to be driven out by his soldiers.

Because he saw that the soldiers actually brought out the howitzers and missile launchers...

"What else can I do? Subdue him."

Zefah moved his wrists, ankles, and neck, and a series of noises suddenly came out.

Seeing this, Tiechui smiled slightly and responded, "Okay!"

The next second, the father and son rushed towards the flying squirrel at the same time.


"Don't hurt Teacher Zefa!"

"Damn God of Craftsmanship! Step forward and slash! Thrust!"

In order not to hurt Zefa, the flying squirrel directly stabbed with the Han sword. Under the rendering of the armed color domineering, the Han sword flashed a deep black.

The Han sword itself focuses on stabbing, and the flying squirrel's attack is even more powerful.

But the current task of Tiechui and Zefa is to control the flying squirrel.

The two looked at each other and instantly divided the work clearly.

Since the target is Tiechui, Tiechui will defend and Zefa will charge.

"Flying squirrel, since you want to fight, then come!"

"Absolute space! See if you can break my defense!"

Tiechi launched the strongest defense very heroically, ready to take the flying squirrel's sword.

The flying squirrel did not speak, and at this time all his mind was on the Han sword in his hand.

The fierce Han sword collided directly with the absolute space.


A stream of air suddenly rose.

Tiechui's face changed slightly.

Because he felt that his absolute space was being broken by a sharp air. Although the degree of breaking was very weak, it was really broken.

You have become stronger, Flying Squirrel.

"Alright! Flying Squirrel, stop it!"

But soon, Flying Squirrel was controlled by Zefa who flashed to his side.

Even the Han sword was forcibly stuffed back into the scabbard.

"Damn God of Craftsmanship! Too much!"

Feeling that he was controlled by Teacher Zefa, Flying Squirrel was so angry.

"Damn Flying Squirrel, I'm really Tiechui!"

"I look like this because of the sequelae, do you understand?"

"You kid got cocky because you beat a stone man that day! You don't even recognize your own boss!"

Stone man? Flying Squirrel was slightly startled when he heard these three words.

The situation on that day was indeed that he was fighting against the stone man, but at that time, Iron Hammer was completely crushed by the Red Earl. How could he have time to look at himself?

"Humph, my radar of seeing and hearing knows what you are doing."

"It's just a stone man, you actually fought for so long."

"I am not the God of Craftsmanship, the God of Craftsmanship has completely disappeared, I am Iron Hammer, the real one."

Iron Hammer imitated his father, with his hands on his chest, chest and head raised, and spoke very proudly.

"Are you really Hammer?"

The flying squirrel still didn't believe it, but he began to waver in his heart.

Because he knew that if it was the God of Craftsmanship, he would not know what happened in the first half of the day.

He would not know who he had fought with.

"Distract yourself, flying squirrel, he is indeed Hammer."

With Zefa's assurance, the flying squirrel nodded, but soon he asked another question.

"Since you are Hammer and you are not dead, why can't we sense you with the life card?"

The life card was left by Hammer himself, just to make it easier to find him.

As soon as Hammer disappeared, Lance and others went to the headquarters to retrieve Hammer's life card, but no matter how they held it or looked at it.

The life card was motionless, if it weren't for the fact that the life card was not burning.

They all thought Hammer was dead.

"Ah? The life card has no response?"

"No wonder you haven't found me for three years."

"I guess it has something to do with the God of Craftsmanship. The life card is very magical, just like a soul."

"My soul was combining with the God of Craftsmanship at the time, and it was in the fusion period, so the life card couldn't sense my soul and couldn't be used."

Iron Hammer fell into deep thought. In his opinion, the life card has always remained mysterious.

Flying Squirrel nodded after listening. Iron Hammer's explanation was still very scientific, at least it sounded that way to him.

The next second, he laughed, very happily.

"I'm back! Iron Hammer, the branch chief of G88 branch, is back!"


Flying Squirrel's excited laughter spread throughout the branch.



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