One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 398 Steel Bone Kong fighting with all his strength

Due to the interference of pirates, the originally planned ten-minute artillery fire sweep lasted only seven minutes.

But the entire Beehive Island has been completely scrubbed in 7 minutes.

The original pirate paradise has completely turned into a battlefield.

It will be all flames and black smoke.

"Stop the artillery fire!"

"Generals, lead your troops to suppress the thieves!"

"Leave no one behind!"

Old Man Kong pulled off the cloak of justice from his back and stood on the bow of the ship like a sharp sword.

As the order was given, he was the first to jump from the bow.

Tie Zhui watched Old Man Kong leap high and the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

"Don't listen to Old Man Kong! Lance! Cut off all the vines!"

"I'll lower the boat a little before you jump."

This old man, does he think everyone is as strong and strong as him?

Although it is not very high, it is only a hundred meters above the ground, but what if you jump and miss the mark and fall into the fire?

Can't listen to him.

Upon hearing this, Lance instantly turned into thunder and lightning, wandered around the five warships, and cut off all the vines.

The warship then slowly moved downwards.

When the warship was less than 50 meters above the ground, Iron Hammer issued the attack slogan instead of Old Man Kong.

"Everyone! Attack!"

At one time, thousands of marines unsheathed their weapons and marched towards Beehive Island.

Wang Zhi and Yin Ax had been numbed by the naval gunfire, and they were finally allowed to wait until the navy landed.

"Has it landed?"

"Everyone! Kill them all!"

Wang Zhi was the first to charge. The less than ten minutes was too long for him.

He had a lot of pent-up anger that he wanted to vent.

The same was true for Silver Ax, and the two of them directly led the charge.

"Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, after today, Honeycomb Island will no longer exist. You Rocks remnants should have disappeared long ago."

Old Man Kong was the first to fall into the battlefield. He looked like a demon. Any pirate standing in front of him would be smashed to pieces by his fists.

Wang Zhi and Yin Ax also saw Old Man Kong, and they directly attacked Old Man Kong.

Old Man Kong showed no fear at all. He was covered in armed domineering aura and directly staged a show to fight one against two.

The two sides were fighting fiercely. Old Man Kong was fighting one against two, but he still managed to survive.

Wang Zhi and Yin Ax were secretly surprised. They didn't expect Old Man Kong to be so powerful.

At this moment, Old Man Kong shouted loudly and used his special move, and a powerful aura spurted out.

"Cyborg! Fall!"

I saw Old Man Kong charging up his right fist, and his armed domineering energy exploded after being completely compressed.

Seeing that something was not going well, Wang Zhi and Yin Ax quickly joined forces to resist, but were still knocked back dozens of steps by Old Man Kong's power.

Old Man Kong takes advantage of the victory and pursues them without giving them a chance to breathe.

The battles for the other generals are much simpler.

The team headed by Lance and Sakaski is definitely a steel army.

Any pirates who stand in the way will be mercilessly killed.

Iron Hammer looked at Lance's thunder and the little Karami, not giving the pirates a chance to survive, and couldn't help but cursed: "You still said that you were not affected by Sakaski, this is really cruel."

But so quickly, the navy encountered obstacles.

Wang Zhi and Silver Ax's direct forces, led by several cadres from Asabi and Giza, contacted the navy.

In an instant, the pressure on the navy increased sharply.

These are all the old crew members of Wang Zhi and Silver Ax, that is, many of them were the original crew members of the Rocks Pirates.

The combat power is completely unmatched by ordinary pirates.

Almost everyone of these pirates can use Haki.

Even the elite naval force was stopped for a while.

At this time, the power of many generals was displayed.

Shirley was the first to break out.

"Shield! Thousand-Change Shield!"

The Shield Fruit took action instantly, and countless shields appeared out of thin air, directly arming the naval forces.

"Ah la la! We can't let some pirates stop us!"

"Ice! Thousand Ice Falling Blades!"

Kuzan, who had been responsible for besieging Beehive Island before, finally came to the battlefield.

As soon as he took action, the sky was filled with ice.

Jiaji and others also raised their knives and went forward.

The two elite teams collided together.

Just when the battle was in full swing, Iron Hammer, who had been standing on the bow of the warship, suddenly looked in two different directions.

His brows furrowed slightly.

"Damn, why are they here?"

Iron Hammer's color radar has a very wide range, and several powerful auras in his perception are rapidly gathering towards the Beehive Island.

And he was very familiar with these breaths.

They are: Kaido, Big Mom, Jhin, Katakuri.

"Did you ask for help?"

"The remnants of Rox..."

Iron Hammer spat in displeasure, and then shouted to Old Man Kong below:

"Old Man Kong, they're asking for help."

"Kaido and Big Mom are coming soon!"

Old Man Kong, who was concentrating on handling Wang Zhi and Silver Ax, trembled when he heard this, with a hint of anger on his face.

Damn it, he had been preparing for this battle for a long time.

But he just didn't expect that Wang Zhi and the others would ask for help.

After all, even when the Rocks Pirates were still there, there were various internal divisions.

There were frequent fights between cadres.

Wang Zhi and Silver Ax have always had a bad relationship with Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling and others.

Unexpectedly, at this time, they actually asked for help.

Damn, I didn't expect these two guys to give up their so-called self-esteem.

You are still a big pirate, ugh!

Look at Golden Lion, look at Whitebeard! They both disdain to interact with the original crew.

Why are you two so spineless!

"Everyone! Attack with all your strength!"

"Defeat them as soon as possible!"

Old man Kong also burst out again, and every punch was thrown at Wang Zhi and Silver Axe with all his strength.

"Hahaha! Steel Bone·Kong! Want to take over Beehive Island! You navy is just dreaming!"

"Silver Axe!"

Wang Zhi blocked Old Man Kong's fist with a sword, and roared at Silver Axe.

The two flew back in tacit understanding.

The long sword and the battle axe crossed again!

"Not good!"

"Steel Bone! Jade Shattered!"

With that familiar posture, Old Man Kong certainly knew what the other party was going to do.

But at the moment, he couldn't dodge at all, so he could only gather his domineering aura and send out a shocking blow.

The domineering aura on his fist began to spread around like a spider web.

It really was just like the name of the move, Jade Shattered.

Seeing him release the attack, Tiechui's eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

"Damn, old man, you are so cruel..."

Using the characteristics of the flow and internal destruction of Armament Haki, he actually forced Armament Haki to produce the power of collapse.

Is this the peak use of Armament Haki?


The power of the giant erupted again.

The attacks of both sides collided again, and this time they directly shattered the surrounding buildings and the ground.

A large piece of dust instantly swept across the entire Beehive Island.



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