One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 452 Special Products and Devil Fruits

A few days later, Iron Hammer looked at Porusalino who smiled very obscenely and appeared in front of him.

He felt that this smile, well, how should I put it, was getting more and more yellow.

"What are you doing here?"

"I remember you have a mission, don't you?"

"That's a task related to your promotion to general."

In the hammer's forging room, Porusalino sat on an iron stool, smoking a cigarette with a lewd smile.

"Can you stop laughing?"

"Naughty monkey."

Porusalino didn't care at all. When the cigarette went out, he slowly said:

"Fischer Tiger, I saw him. My mission was to kill him."

"But Dorag stepped in to protect him."

Iron Hammer was not surprised at all when he heard this. After all, Fisher Tiger wanted to join the Revolutionary Army. He could imagine these two people getting together.

But looking at Porusalino's appearance, he didn't seem to be discouraged at all by the failure of the mission?

Or did he still kill Fisher Tiger under the protection of Dorag?

"I originally planned to cross Dorag and kill him."

"But your name is out of Fisher Tiger's mouth."

"Iron Hammer-san, we let him go in Marigioa, although it was probably because of the magic sword."

"But I'm curious, what did you tell him?"

Tie Hui put down the steel billet in his hand and showed a helpless smile.

"You won't let him go just because he mentioned me."

"Then you don't plan to be promoted to general?"

Porusalino smiled, even more obscenely.

"I killed a murloc about the same size as him and used my energy to roast it into black coals."

"What does it seem like to be called Aaron? Hey, whatever, it'll be over after just fooling him."

Iron Hammer's eyes widened, what the hell?

Aaron? Well, indeed, Aaron and Fischer Tiger have similar figures, except that one is lavender and the other is red.

"I'm too lazy to care about his affairs with you, but I let him go for your sake."

"Why don't you do me some favors because of this?"

"I know that Vinsmoke Gaji has now joined the G88 branch. This man is a great inventor."

Iron Hammer looked like it was indeed the case.

"I just said, why do you, you bastard, have the time to come to me?"

"Gangqing is here to ask for something."

"I didn't get involved in Fisher Tiger's matter. After all, I know exactly what he did."

"Even if you kill him, it's none of my business."

"But, you can't let him go just because he mentioned me."

"From now on, if a pirate mentions my name, will you let him go?"

Porusalino smiled and shook his head, and said very jokingly:

"Just this once, your name can only be used with me once."

"Of course, you have to reimburse me this time, otherwise I will lose money."

"I've given you enough respect, Tiechui-san, you won't let your brother feel cold, will you?"

Tie Zhui is so depressed, this thief-faced monkey has blatantly come to trick him.

What gave him face? It was all about taking advantage of every opportunity and not letting go of any opportunity to profit from him.

"Come on, you're here, what else can I say?"

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Porusalino smiled and lit a cigarette again.

"I don't want equipment or weapons this time,"

"I know that you now have all kinds of special cigarettes, cigars and wine."

"Every month, give me some supplies."

Damn it, it must have been exposed by that bastard from Sengoku!

The supply of nobles is only limited to a certain amount every month. Old Man Kong's supply has been cancelled. Now it's the Warring States period and the He staff.

Just a little bit of Zefa, and the rest is all with him.

It can be said that G88 is a big warehouse. In addition to weapons and equipment, there are also many special products.

Moreover, there are many things in the Holy Land Marie Joa that he earned with his hammer.

Warring States: It's really not my business. I just hide it and solve it myself...

"That's a special offer. Everything that passes through my hands is measured."

"One box of cigars, one box of cigarettes, and two boxes of wine a month."

Porusalino directly stated the amount he wanted, and Iron Hammer instantly drooped his face.

But he doesn’t really want much, and it’s not like he can’t give it.

But the hammer hurts. Anyone who wants to take something good from him will feel hurt.

"Okay! Just this once!"


Iron Hammer didn't bother to do Tai Chi with Porusalino and directly agreed.

Seeing that the conspiracy was successful, Porusalino once again put on his lewd smile, smiling brightly.

"I'm waiting at the headquarters to receive the goods. Let's go, Iron Hammer-san."

"By the way, I defeated a pirate ship on the way here and got a fruit. I thought it was useless, so I had someone give it to Lance."

Iron Hammer was stunned, Devil Fruit?

"What department?"

"I don't know. I didn't look carefully. It seems to be animal type. You can go and see for yourself."

Okay, it’s just a devil fruit anyway, so it’s not too bad after all.

The golden light flashed, and Porusalino had disappeared.

Iron Hammer didn't stop and took off, heading to the branch building. He wanted to see the Devil Fruit.

But when he saw the devil fruit, he was confused.

It is indeed animal-based, but with this texture and this shape.

Is this an ancient species?

Yes, the devil fruit in front of Tiechui is the animal type·ancient species·spiny back dragon form.

"Hehe, this time I made a profit, some special supplies were exchanged for an ancient species."

You know, the animal type is mainly thick-skinned and thick-fleshed. Although the ancient species is not as resistant as the mythical beast species, it has more tricks.

But it is not comparable to ordinary people.

And this fruit is the fruit of Page One, one of the future six flying brothers of the Beast Pirates.

This was accepted by Tie, and there will be one less spirited guy in the future.

I just don't know if the people in his branch are interested.

After all, although it is an ancient species, its attack method is single, and the spiny back dragon is not very good-looking.

Forget it, if no one wants it, just put it in the warehouse and keep it as a collection.

These devil fruits, if he collects one, there will be one less in the sea, and less trouble.

Just as the fishman brother of the Sun Pirates said.

Now Tiechui, this is really a bit of a collector.

He likes to collect various things, maybe because he is a forger himself.

He likes to put the things he made into the ring space, even if he doesn't use them, he feels comfortable putting them there.



The new book [I am not a human being, and I have caused cholera in the entire ninja world] has been released. The Naruto I wrote before was a little insufficient, so I learned from the lesson and wrote a new one. It is currently updated steadily. Friends who support me are welcome to read it.

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