One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 459 Even when asleep, he is still a Moon Lion


Shirley roared unconsciously, and then fierce electricity began to surge, and her originally snow-white hair began to grow.

The Moon Lion's transformation was completed in an instant.

Feeling the strong power in her body, Shirley was shocked. It was daytime, how could she...

But now was no longer the time for her to think.

Because five moon lions now appeared directly on the deck of the Warhammer.

Three of them went berserk, and Dunli and Holder were suppressing the three berserk ones.

This is the first time that the three little ones have transformed into moon lions, and they cannot control this violent power at all.

With red eyes and angry roars, Pedro, Jiebo, and Beckmus turned into crazy war machines.

"Oh my god, is this a moon lion?"

"No, it's daytime now, how is this possible!"

Rayleigh felt that all his cognition was shattered.

This was the first time Jinbei saw Moon Lion, and he was equally shocked when he felt the violent current and momentum on the Warhammer.

Shirley didn't bother to explain to the two of them. She moved and appeared on the deck with super speed.

"One person suppresses another!"

"Beckmus! Just go to sleep!"

He punched the little lion hard in the face, causing the latter to stumble.

If this punch had been normal, Beckmus would have definitely been unconscious.

But now that Moon Lion was activated, he completely ignored the pain, and this punch made him even crazier.

Although there is a certain difference in size between Shirley and Shirley, the little lion still started to attack Shirley crazily.

This made Shirley frown slightly.

"Aren't conventional methods no longer effective..."

"Beckmus, don't blame me afterwards."

I saw the dark armed domineering force instantly covering Shirley's fists.

The next second, she moved, and her fists rained down on Beckmus.

I gave him a full body massage directly.

The same situation also happened with Dunli and Holder.

During their days in the G88 branch, under Zefa's training, the two of them had also awakened their two-color domineering energy.

At this time, his fists were also covered with domineering force, and he ruthlessly suppressed Jiebo and Pedro with powerful fists.

"Leave the rest to me!"

"You guys stand back!"

At this time, Hammer appeared, and he placed something that looked like a baton on the ground.

Then put your hands together, and the hammering will start instantly.

The absolute space directly suppressed the three little ones.

With the help of Iron Hammer, Shirley and the others flew back. Sherry retreated to Iron Hammer and began to ask about the doubts in her heart.

"What's going on?"

"Why can we transform into moon lions in broad daylight?"

Iron Hammer smiled awkwardly, then looked at the baton on the ground.

"That baton will release a wave when it is turned on, and the fur tribe covered by this wave will turn on the Moon Lion."

"Originally it was still in an experimental state, but this kid Beckmus transformed directly and almost destroyed my forging room."

"After hearing the noise, Pedro and Jiebo came over and transformed directly."

"As for you, Dunli, didn't Holder transform when he got close?"

After hearing Iron Hammer's words, Shirley and the others looked at the strange-shaped baton on the ground.

The top of this baton is in the shape of a moon. It is silver-white in color and looks pretty good.

But what shocked the three of them was that such a little thing could actually help Moon Lion transform?

Sure enough, things forged with a hammer cannot be thought of according to common sense.

Iron Hammer himself was also very depressed. He used his ability to directly give a prop that could help Moon Lion transform.

But I didn't expect it to be a range attack.

As long as there are fur tribes within the range of the fluctuation, he will enter the moon lion state.

Gan, if you don't use this well, you will be destroyed by your own people.

After all, not all fur tribes have mastered moon lion transformation. Beckmus, Pedro and Jiebo have never contacted moon lions.

As a result, after this transformation, he immediately went berserk.

"How long does it take for the first transformation to end?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on the individual situation. They have all gone berserk now. I guess it will take a while."

Iron Hammer heard the words and nodded, continuing to maintain absolute spatial suppression.

No matter how hard the three little ones struggled, they could not break through the absolute space.

Shirley and the other three transformed into moon lions during the day, so they couldn't help but be a little curious.

"The transformation in broad daylight is a bit interesting."

Holder moved his body, then jumped up high, and began to shuttle through the air like a meteor.

"Hammer Nissan, how long will that baton be effective? We can't keep this attitude forever."

Shirley showed a hint of helplessness.

Iron Hammer was even more helpless about this, because he did know the time of the fluctuation.

"It will take an hour..."

"It will last for one hour after being turned on, and the cooling time is three days."

One hour? ?

Hearing this time, Shirley felt dizzy instantly.

"No, you should knock the three of them unconscious. Otherwise, if this continues for an hour, it will be too long."

Iron Hammer sighed, there was nothing he could do.

After all, it was the first time forging, so I couldn’t get the scale right.



In order to reduce losses, Iron Hammer chose to listen to Shirley and hit the three little ones on the head with three hammer blows.

In addition to the original attack, these three hammer blows also have hypnotic abilities.

The hammer struck down, and the red pupils in the eyes of the three little ones froze instantly, and then they fainted directly.

But even so, the three little ones still maintained the form of moon lions.

"You didn't even faint?"

"My God, Nissan Iron Hammer, what kind of thing did you build?"

Looking at the three little moon lions sleeping there, Shirley felt that she was stimulated.

"By the way, Rayleigh is here, just below."

Iron Hammer nodded, he had already sensed it with his observation radar.

"Move the three little ones below, and let Rayleigh start coating first."

As he said, Iron Hammer carried Shell Muk and Jepo to the shore with one in each hand.

Shirley carried Pedro.

"It's really a moon lion..."


"How did you do it, Iron Hammer?"

Rayleigh also heard the conversation on the deck just now, but he still couldn't believe that the scene in front of him was caused by human power.

"Hmph, what do you care about me? Go and coat the film. If you are slow, you won't get paid!"

Rayleigh: I am... a bastard!

"Jinbei, will you come with us?"

Jinbei nodded. He was planning to be a guide for Vice Admiral Hammer.



The new book [I am not a human being, and I have caused cholera in the entire ninja world] has been released. The Naruto I wrote before was a little insufficient, so I learned from the lesson and wrote a new one. It is currently updating steadily. Friends who support me are welcome to read it.

I am asking for likes and a paragraph review every day. If possible, give me a five-star praise.

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