Grandline, New World

"Isn't he getting cold from all this rain and the wind?" somebody asked into the small crowd that had gathered at the entrance that lead downwards into the depth of the Moby D.i.c.k where most of the crew, except those that were needed to keep the ship on course, had taken shelter from the monsoon like rain that splattered on the wooden Deck of the Moby D.i.c.k while the wind was howling overhead, shoving the falling raindrops from one direction into another.

Robin was standing amongst the group and she like everyone else was wondering why Azul was out there in the rain, training. She knew why he wasn't bothered by the rain, at least she thought she knew a bit, though she had never really asked about his abilities besides being told about his devilfruit and thus most of her pseudo knowledge originated from observation alone.

Though his abilities or why he wasn't freezing out there in the rain wasn't what was going through her head as she observed his frame that whirled through the curtain of raindrops that pelted Azul like millions of needles from all directions. No. What she was wondering about was his motivation to train this hard every single day. Yes, she knew about the world government and the small tidbits of information Azul had fed her but she realized she knew pretty much nothing about his past. Her musings though were interrupted by a huge frame that threw a shadow over the small crowd while stepping past them into the storm, immediately swallowed by the curtain of rain while the wind tore at Whitebeards white captains coat as he walked down the stairs to the middle of the Moby D.i.c.k until he reached the steps that lead to the upper deck on the front of the Moby D.i.c.k which he took while swaying slightly in his gait from left to right with every step he took until he set foot on the wooden deck above.

Whitebeard had never questioned somebody for wanting to become stronger in order to pursue their ambition but he couldn't help himself but wonder about the youth that trained before his eyes. He himself had trained many youths in his long and wild life in order for them to lead a safe and adventure filled life, like any good father would have done that carried a position and title like he did. And yet something about Azul was different. He had known this fact in the back of his head since the day he had laid eyes upon the young man. A spirit, filled with vitality and explosive strength like he had rarely seen before, hence why this young man reminded him of Lee Mu Bai so much.

Whitebeard had already thought about helping the young man before him a little bit, even though he knew that Azul was already plenty strong, if only to thank him for the help he had provided his daughter in her hours of need. At least that was what drove him at the beginning but over the last few days Azul had grown onto him. Maybe because he was a little shit like he himself had been in his past? Or maybe it was his kindness? Whitebeard didn't really know and honestly he didn't care much either. The only question he wanted answered was how he could possibly help the young man before him because if he kept growing like he did in the past then it would only be a matter of time until he would be confronted by an emperor and Whitebeard could tell that Azul was not ready for such a confrontation yet.

Whitebeard waited until Azul finally slowed down in his movements signaling the end of his training which was when Whitebeard stepped forwards while pulling his coat off his shoulders and discarded it on a nearby barrel on the deck of his ship.

Azul was fully aware of Whitebeards presence but he wanted to finish his training regime first before putting his attention onto the man besides him. Though he never would have expected Whitebeard to step before him while motioning him to come at him. At first he was a little confused but in the end discarded every thought that would only hinder his progress. Thus he fell back into a fighting stance with his hands raised before him after which he blurred towards Whitebeard who patiently received Azul without batting an eyelash. Azuls first contact with Whitebeards palm that received his fist felt like hitting a wall made of steel causing Azul to widen his eyes as Whitebeard hadn't even utilized his haki to coat his palm. After the surprise wore off Azul continued his advance by folding his forarm inwards towards his c.h.e.s.t while moving forwards to deliver his elbow to Whitbeards face though the man received said elbow without even moving his head aside like it was nothing more then the bite of a mosquito. A bystander may have thought that the force behind Azuls hit was simply too little but judging by the blast of air that drew a trench of impressive length through the ocean behind the railing while the rain seemingly stopped for a few seconds, said bystander would be wrong in every account.

Jumping backwards Azul regarded Whitebeard with a new light in his eyes. Fighting Whitebeard was like fighting his master all over again, like he was thrown back into the past where he would receive a thrashing of the highest order!

"You have some impressive power behind your attacks and your spirit is strong, no doubt. But to hurt me neither your mastery of your devil fruit nor your spirit are strong enough yet. Your haki will take time to advance further and I have the feeling that this is something I will not be able to help you with. Have you awakened you devilfruit yet?" Whitebeard asked while he slipped out of his defensive stance after which he walked over towards his coat which he threw over his shoulders once again.

"Awakened my devilfruit? What does that mean?" Azul asked in confusion. Had he awakened his devilfruit? He didn't really feel much different when using his devilfruit so how would he know?

"It seems you don't even know about awakening…come, let's get out of this rain first and I'll tell you all about awakening. You'll need to know if you want to grow in strength though I believe you would have reached it sooner or later anyways, regardless if I told you." Whitebeard replied while walking down the steps to the lower deck with Azul following behind the old man who was going through the fights he had been in before, wondering if he may have come across an awakened devilfruit but since he didn't know what that term implied it was hard to draw any conclusions.

"Tell me what category does your devilfruit belong to?" Whitebeard asked while he grabbed himself another flask of sake while Azul grabbed himself a piece of meat that lay on the old mans desk, possibly his dinner without any decorum. He was hungry after all…

"Mythical zoan." Azul responded while trying to rip off a large piece of the meat with his teeth bared.

"Hmmm, that makes it a little bit difficult for you to awaken your devilfruit but not impossible. But first let me tell you what the awakening actually is…"

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