Grandline, New World

While the Moby D.i.c.k was swaying softly on the ever moving waves of the ocean, the wind softly howling over its surface and the rain drumming in its own melody on the wooden deck of said ship the marineship had finally arrived to their position and were now in the process of lowering a small boat into the ocean that would bring a contingency over to Whitebeards ship under the ever watchful eyes of the Whitebeard pirates.

Not long afterwards the two admirals and one vize-admiral stepped foot on the deck of the Moby D.i.c.k which had many pirates widen their eyes as soon as they understood who was standing right before their eyes. One admiral was already a terrifying existence to most pirates and two in tandem was something not seen often on these oceans for which many a pirate was very grateful for, no doubt about that.

"Excuse our clumsy entrance." Fujitora spoke, though all the pirates were rather confused who the man was that was wearing a marine admirals coat as none of them had ever heard of a man that looked like him holding the position of an admiral.

"Under the orders of the marine headquarters we are here to parley with Edward Newgate, alias Whitebeard, one of the four emperor's of the sea." Kizaru spoke with a monotonous voice, not betraying any thoughts that may be going through said mans head. His partners though could tell immediately that Kizaru was very tense judging by his body language and the absence of his usual drawling way of speaking.

"Never thought I would house three snot nosed brats from the marines on my ship one day, gurarara" the deep voice of Whitebeard sounded out while said man stepped out of his cabine, his usual flask of sake strangely absent. While his body was slightly swaying from side to side the man himself walked over to his throne like chair and sat down on top of it, his eyes never leaving the three marines that had become unusually tense once they spotted Whitebeard.

After Whitebeard had sat down Kizaru followed by Fujitora and Momonga stepped forwards in order to get the discussion on the way.

"So? What is it that you want?" Whitebeard asked the admirals while leaning the side of his head on his fist.

"The marine headquarters is wondering why you have mobilized your whole fleet and are moving into the direction of Dress Rosa an island inhabiting a royal family and thus threatening the sovereignty of the world government and its just rule." Kizaru answered in a monotonous and yet diplomatic voice, though in answer to his words Whitebeard only grunted at first.

"Don't play games with me brat…I am fully aware of the position of the marine headquarters and how close Dress Rosa is located to it thus endangering the old morons that are staying there currently."

"And yet you are still moving towards it, disregarding the carefully crafted balance of power that has been established over the years. Why are you doing this Whitebeard? You have never done so before and aren't known for causing chaos, at least in recent years…Do you plan to go to war against the world government?" Kizaru returned with a stony face while everyone who heard the admirals words had their eyes widen at the words spoken by Kizaru.

"GURARARARARA! You have some nerve brat…To come onto MY ship and lecture me on matters you know nothing of. I'm WHITEBEARD! And I will not dance like a puppet to your tune! This "balance of power" is rubbish and you know that as well as I do. Now run back to your bosses and tell them whatever the hell you want but to leave me and my kin the f.u.c.k alone or I promise you you will get a war you will never forget!" Whitebeard spoke while the sky had become darker just as his face had taken on an angry expression reflected clearly by the anger that he had shown while putting the admiral in his place and none of the men present doubted that Whitebeard was restraining himself only barely from ripping the admiral to pieces by the aura that surrounded Whitebeard at the moment.

"Well well well, if it isn't sparkly the yellow monkey himself. Never thought I would meet you in a place like this! How have you been? Your wounds healed by now? After all you had plenty of time after running like a coward the last time we met…" Another voice spoke into the oppressive silence that had fallen on the deck after Whitebeard had let out a spark of his anger.

The voice that had interrupted the meeting belonged to none other then Azul whos eyes were slightly glowing in the darkness of the cabin while he walked up its stairs, his eyes drilling a burning hole through Kizaru that had nearly snapped his neck by how fast his head had swiveled around as soon as he heard the familiar voice of Azul.

"You…! What are you doing on Whitebeards ship!?" Kizaru nearly snarled with grit teeth, his stony façade cracking ever so slightly.

"Catching a ride but I wouldn't worry about that if I were you little marine admiral. Instead I would be thinking about how you could possibly escape this situation instead since I'm not inclined to let you leave again after the shit that you pulled at our last meeting…" Azul spoke while stepping out into the open in the process taking in a deep breath of the fresh air caused by the still falling rain, giving the air that unique aroma it only possessed after or during rainfall.

To Azuls words Kizaru couldn't help but grit his teeth in a jumble of emotions he couldn't identify at the moment. Turning his eyes away from Azul with some difficulties Kizarus eyes returned to the owner of the ship.

"We came onto your ship under the flag to parley. You know as well as I do that it is a taboo to attack someone while under the flag of diplomacy!"

"You are lucky, little marine…very lucky. Now get the hell off my ship. Your kind aren't welcome here!" Whitebeard said while Azul frowned in dissatisfaction but he was only a guest on the ship of Whitebeard and his honor demanded that he respect the rules reigning on anothers ship he was only a guest upon, even though his every fiber roared for him to rip the cowardly admiral to pieces where he stood and said admiral seemingly had understood this as well after throwing a quick glance at Azul after which he turned around hurriedly before marching back into the small boat they had come upon which soon afterwards was disappearing back towards the marine ship that was already in the process of setting sails.

With a frustrated snarl Azul turned around and marched over to the back of the deck to vent some of his frustrations in his training routine. It seems like the day hadn't turned out all that good in the end…

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