Grandline, Paradise, Sabaody Archipelago

'Now, how should I deal with this shit? Meh, probably the best if I just ride out the wave. No need to fret so much.' Azul thought to himself with a slight shrug accompanying his thoughts.

'But damn…didn't think they would pump it up so much. I'm a little proud, not gonna lie hehehe' Azul continued in his thoughts while a bright grin formed on his face. Standing up he motioned for Robin to follow him after they had just finished their breakfast and marched out of the small inn causing the owner to release a small breath of relieve.

As he was walking out of the inn Azul was greeted by a contingent of marines that had aimed their rifles directly at him while the commanding officer was calling over to him:

"Burning Grim-Azul, under the authority given to me by the world government you are hereby sentenced to death. Fire!" and so they did under roaring bangs the first volley of bullets flew straight at Azul who lifted Robin onto his shoulder while simply turning his hip to the side and in the process dodged the first volley, dumbfounding the marines that had thought he would drop like a bag rice.

"Come now, did you really think I would die to such a pathetic attack?" Azul asked while sticking his finger into his nose after which he released a burst of conqueror's haki at them which smashed the contingent of marines into the ground, knocked out cold.

The bystanders could only look on in shock as he casually walked down the street while stepping over the knocked out marines leading into the direction of the sea, people of all dispositions cowering away from him like he was cursed, though he didn't really mind as it was easier to walk like that.

While he walked down the street Azul spotted a small shop which sold frames causing his grin to widen after which he walked over to it and grabbed one at random, throwing a pile of Berry into the shops entrance right into the owners face who yelped in surprise but didn't protest the gesture.

��This will look good on my ship! Here, mind putting my bounty poster in there?" Azul asked after which he handed over poster and the frame to Robin on his shoulder who only rolled her eyes at his bout of narcissism but did as she was asked none the less.

In her hands now proudly depicted could be seen Azuls bounty reading:

Burning Grim-Azul

Bounty Berry

Only dead!

'Men…' Robin thought though she couldn't help herself but grow a little heated at the knowledge that her lover was now the most wanted man in the whole damn world! Even though she had a f.u.c.k.e.d up past now that she was pretty much safe from everything in this half of the grandline her cautious nature settled down rather quickly.

Soon the duo reached the shores of the ocean and without another look back disappeared into the sky. After all they would soon see the island once more. Not that they were looking forwards to it…

On an island in the new world two gigantic people were standing opposite each other with savage grins plastered on their faces. One of the two wore a pink dress with a triangular hat on her head while a cloud and a sun with faces were floating at her shoulders.

The other individual only carried with him a thorny mace made of steel while a tattoo of some draconic being framed one half of his huge muscled frame disappearing below his long bushy black hair through which two long horns protruded.

"It has been a while LinLin. Did you finally decide to show up here so I can smash your face in?" the tall man with the mace asked to which the equally tall woman only responded with high pitched laughter at first before she answered his words with her own threat.

"You are an idiot Kaidou, you've always been. Though it seems you've forgotten that you owe me. Maybe I'll need to smack some sense back into that thick skull of yours mamamama!"

"You got some nerve LinLin!" and with those final words the two simply decided to cut their banter and get down to business which only suited BigMom just fine as she hadn't only come here for some good old brawling but she knew Kaidou and it had always been a good idea to first spend some energy before you could talk properly with the idiot so she did just that while the sky parted under their colliding power of their conqueror's spirits which could be seen for miles bringing a new sense of dread to the marine spies that promptly reported the happenings to their superior's who nearly got an aneurism from all the shit taking place at the moment…

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