Redline, Mary Geoise

On the redline, the one and only continent on the planet sits the holy land, namely Mary Geoise. It is home to the world aristocrats or sometimes called Tenryuubito. There on top of the world they reside, being catered to by butlers and slaves who have to follow their every wish, else they most certainly will die or worse.

Besides the Tenryuubito, or better said along with them live the five people who have control over the marines, the secret services of the world government, the cipher pol, and the seven samurai of the sea, also called shichibukai which are pirates who apprehend other pirates under orders from the world government and in return are left to their own devices.

Normally those five people only gently direct the direction of the world and act mostly from the shadows, only showing their faces when something drastic has happened or needs to be prevented.

And so it seems an event which may influence the world to the better or worse has transpired, leading these five men to discuss how to preceed from there.

"I thought we rendered them all from the face of the world. How is it possible that a new one appeared? And from the west blue no less, not many years after we wiped Ohara from the face of the earth..." the youngest of the five elders spoke with a frown on his face.

"You forget that there was one other many years ago, causing chaos all over the grandline but he disappeared not long after. He must have something to do with it. I refuse to believe that they could reappear in this world without help. That would make all our past work pointless!" the eldest one spoke in a voice barely containing his frustration.

"I doubt that to be the case. It was with Lee Mu Bais help, I have no doubt about that. The question is what are we going to do about that? The island from which the pulse of Haki emenated is a kingdom so we cannot simply send a bustercall to take care of the problem. If we did the rest of the kings would get on our nerves and possibly boycot in fear of the same happening to their countries."

The middle elder, a long and thin indivdual with a white long beard said in a rough voice.

"Why not send the cipher pol? Mu Bai must have grown old, as have we so I doubt he could still render their assault pointless." The youngest spoke to the rest.

"Hmm, but one devision won't be enough. Where are cipher pol zero and nine at the moment? Those two should be enough to take care of this." The eldest inquired to which the youngest turned around to check a few papers until he pulled two out.

"Zero is currently undercover in the new world, observing Doflamingos process at Dressrosa and step in should any problem arise, though I doubt that should be the case. Still it never hurts to be cautious. I would advise against removing them immediately. Half a year should still suffice since they still need some time to travel to the west blue which should take another half a year. That should give us ample time. Now CP9 is still in water 7, observing the mayor and his brother Franky and if they do or do not possess the plans for the ancient weapon of their former master Tom. I would advise on keeping one member there to remain as observer while the rest start preparing for the task. The CP0 can take them along on their way to the west blue and take control of the operation as they see fit. They are capable enough I believe." The elder said, finishing his report and advice before stacking the papers in his hands cleanly and putting them back on the desk where he got them from.

"That sounds like a sound plan. I will send out the orders then. Everyone in agreement?" The oldest asked into the group.

"Ay!" came the response of the rest in one word. Thus the order was send out. What they did not know was that another organisation had perceived the outburst of haki and was making preperations to take over said country to use the origin of power as weapon against the world government whom they would soon be at war with all over the world, not knowing that it was a human boy who was responsible for the big figures of the political world to set in motion another major play on the board of the world.

???, Headquaters of the Revolutionary Army

"Send word to the second fleet, which should be preparing in the west blue near where Ohara used to be, to set sail to Ishiria once they are ready. We cannot be the only ones to have perceived the outburst of haki from there! When will they be ready?" Asked a commander of the revolutionary army one of the men responsible for the transponder snails who was contacting the second fleet right that moment to inquire about their status.

"Sir, they will need more time. They just started. They are not ready as of yet. Minimum six months, maybe longer." The man replied while saluting his officer.

"Dammit! Alright, send word for them to hurry up! We cannot loose that island to the World government! Not when the war hasn't even started yet!" replied the officer with a grimace on his face.

"Yes sir!"

And so the game had begun.


West blue, Ishiria island, roku town

Meanwhile in the small house on the outskirts of the town master and apprentice were sparring with each other, trying to bring out a stronger manifestation of the slumbering haki belonging to Azul.

A race against time since old man Bai knew, once his disciple started his path as a journeyman, things would become a lot more difficult for him and he wasn't nearly strong enough to stand against the tide that was to come. On top of it old man Bais health detoriated by the day and he knew it wouldn't be long anymore until he would be taking on his last journey, but he swore to himself, not before getting his disciple ready for what was to come, and if it killed him in the process he would smile death in the face with a middlefinger in his opponents direction!

And so the months passed by until only one month remained until the CP agents would arrive and the war over the world would begin.

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