Grandline, Paradise, ???

While the different factions in the new world were engulfed in small skirmishes as a prelude to the big war that could break out any day now, by some folks estimation, the life in the first half of the grandline remained rather calm. Of course the term peaceful was up for debate but none the less, compared to the witch caldron the new world had become these days it was not a completely false statement.

In one small part of said ocean a weird mist had appeared as if out of nowhere and brought with it a surprise that not all were happy about. Though the surprise itself was rather gleeful of finally escaping the bloody mist after all the time of being confined in its realm.

Said surprise of course consisted of our lovely teddy bear Azul and his companion Robin that couldn't help but cry out in glee at finally escaping their prison after spending nearly two months inside the stupid thing.

After their release they swiftly decided on seeking out the nearest island and enjoy themselves a good long bath and some different food as they had eaten the same stuff almost every day!

Thus under a cloud of heat and flames signalling the duos arrival, they reached the nearest island and oh were they surprised once they saw where they arrived at.

"How in the f.u.c.k did we arrive here already? We didn't move from our spots inside the damn mist?!" Azul asked with a stupefied expression as right before their eyes laid Water 7, no more, no less.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe we did so unconsciously? Or the sh.i.p.s we stayed upon drifted with the mist?" Robin mused in thought.

"You could have just said you had no idea you know?" Azul replied with a slight grin which caused a slight tick to appear on Robins forehead.

"Hm? Did you say something? No? Okay, then let's get moving again, shall we?" She said in turn while patting Azul on the head which caused Azul to stifle a bout of laughter as he knew exactly that Robin liked to muse about many things and hated it when he brought up the fact that she had no clue just as often as she theorized about the world.

Without replying but with a grin on his face Azul speed of into the distance and soon afterwards appeared in Water 7 where he immediately headed towards the docks he had left his beauty in the last time he was in the city.

While the two went towards the docks Azul couldn't help himself but notice that the activity of marines in the city had significantly increased since they had last been on the island. Wondering what had happened while they were trapped inside the mist Azul walked over to a stall and bought himself the newspaper of the day.

Flipping through them swiftly Azuls eyes widened a little at what he was reading. 'Holy moly, we really had bad luck getting trapped inside that stupid mist in such explosive times!'

"Who do you think will ignite the war?" Robin asked Azul while glancing upwards where Azul was scratching his b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t in thought.

"Difficult to say. It could be anything really. From one of the factions losing their patience to a small time pirate deciding to attack an island under the protection of the world government who in turn could maybe use the attack as a cover to start the war on their own with the moral high ground on their side. I guess we will just have to wait and see." Azul replied while his eyes roamed over the streets filled with stalls and people that went about their daily activities, ranging from small thieves to rich nobles buying everything in their sight.

Soon Robin and Azul had reached the docks and promptly marched inside where they went to look for Iceburg or some other shipwright to guide them towards Azul's beauty.

"Oy, where is the major at?" Azul called over to a nearby shipwright, who had a few nails tugged between his lips while hammering onto the railing of a ship, and said man motioned towards another end of the docks to where the two swiftly walked in order to finally find the man.

They found Iceburg conversing with a few men about some plans they had laid out in between them, depicting various forms on how to construct a new ship no doubt.

"What's up old man, do you still remember me?" Azul asked while his finger dug into his nose.

At Azul's words Iceburg turned around and nodded his head without hesitation. "How could I not after all the trouble you guys brought to my city… I presume you are here for your ship?" The man responded with a slight grumble though his stature still remained tall and noble.

"Yep. Where is she at? I couldn't see her anywhere on my way in." Azul answered while pulling out a humongous booger which he snipped into the face of a nearby shipwright with a grin, causing said man to splutter and furiously wipe the flying snot-ball of his face.

"She is in a separate dock. Come, I'll show you the way, though you still owe us some berry for the time you left her in our care." Iceburg replied while beginning to walk past the giggling Robin who had observed Azuls action in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"No biggy. Will this be enough?" Azul asked back while throwing a small bag of coins at Iceburg who caught it, opened and counted them swiftly after which he nodded and replied: "That will be enough. Now, follow me."

Afterwards the three ventured deeper into the docks until they came upon the beauty that was Azul's ship, which lightly swayed upon the soft waves that rolled into the docks from the ocean.

"Gods, I have missed you darling…" Azul said while he let his hands glide over the railing of his ship while Robin could only groan slightly in exasperation, even if she couldn't help but agree that the ship was beautiful.

'Men and their toys…' Robin thought to herself after which she walked over and joined Azul in boarding the ship.

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