West blue, Ishiria island, roku town

As no name was walking down the full market he eyed the different street vendors with keen eyes, checking their age, height and if they seemed fit or not, after all it was easier to loose someone on a chase that was too fat to run. After a few minutes no name found his target. The man he had his eyes on was one of his favored targets. Not only was the man fat but he was an avid coniseur of the black markets slave trading, funtioning as a middle man, which only served to help no name make his decision quicker.

With no hesitation to his gait no name walked past the stall and as soon as the vendor turned towards a middle aged woman for a customer no name grabbed two pies from the stall and made a run for it. His quick actions earned him a side glance from the woman, which in turn made the fat vendor turn in his direction with realisation written all over his face.

"Oy brat, come back here!" the fat man yelled and dashed after no name, well more of a wheezing jog but you get the point.

After a minute of jogging the fat man stopped running and turned left and right, thinking of a way to finally get that brat since he remembered that this wasn't the first time the brat stole from him.

Turning to the left a menacing idea entered his mind.

'If it isn't the Rubbly brothers, what luck. They must be in town for the newest devilfruit shipments. Maybe I can persuade them to catch the brat for me.' With an evil grin on his face the fat man literally wobbled over to the two brothers who by now had seen him walking over to them.

"What do you want Charles?" the older looking brother asked the vendor with an obvious twitch to his right eyelid, since it wasn't the first time Charles came to them with some kind of demand or offer. But since it had always been profitable for them in the past the older brother swallowed down his annoyance and waited for Charles to finally catch his breath and spit out his need.

"Hehehe, good day to you too Jim. If you would lend me your ear for just a second I promise it won't be to your disadvantage if you do."

"Alright, spit it out already, what do you want?"

"There is this ennoying brat that always steals from my stall and I want his head so I was thinking that if you two could bring him to me I could maybe forget to lock the door to the storage tonight so two fine gentlemen like yourselfs won't have to go hunting for some chemical entertainment tonight. What do you think, hmm?" Charles said with an allknowing grin to his face. After all, there is nothing more important to a junkie than his next shot.

"Fine, you got yourself a deal Charles. What does he look like?" Jim said with a slowly forming grin of anticipation on his face.

"He just ran past you two. He has dark grey, nearly black hair, deep blue eyes and is around 7 years old I think. Slightly ripped trousers and a grey shirt. Oh and two pies in his hands." Charles grumbled the last information more to himself then to the two.

"Alright, I hope you'll keep your end of the bargain. If not, we'll see you tomorrow morning." Jim said with strained voice and turned in the direction no name ran into while Jims brother took out some ropes from carrying all the crates down at the harbour, just in case the brat tried something funny. With that they took off after no name to get the payment for tonights dosage while Charles slowly tracked back to his stall with an evil grin plastered to his face.

No names heart was pumping wildly in his c.h.e.s.t, now and then turning back only to spot his two pursuers coming closer by the minute and soon they had caught up to him. With a jump the younger of the two crashed on top of no name whos body started to get flooded with adrenaline.

Turning on to his back under the man that was sitting on top of him, no name threw a punch to the mans solar plexus which seemed to be effective as the man started to wheeze which gave no name enough time to rob out from under the man. Unfortunately the older of the two men chose that moment to make himself known which earned no name a hard punch to the face which threw him against an opposing wall. By now the younger of the two had gathered himself and stood up with a glare maring his rugged face, directed towards no name.

"Shitty brat, that hurt!" He said and punched the already downed no name in the face which resulted in no name smacking his head into the wall once again. With the pain from the punch the world started to degrade into blurs.

"End of the line for you brat! You're coming with us. Charles wants to have some fun with you." The older said with an evil grin on his face while grabbing the rope from the younger brothers hands roughly. He proceeded by kneeling down before no name with the intention of tying him up.

'Damn it! All this for two pies? What a pathetic way to go down...' no name thought to himself while feeling the rope being tied around his hands. Just as he was about to pass away into uncounciousness he spotted a third blur make his way over to the two men, who suddenly seemed to rapidly disappear from his view while the new one occupied his whole vision until he finally faded into the darkness.

(2 minutes earlier, Jim pov)

'F.u.c.k.i.n.g brat, giving us such a hard time to catch him. At least we have him now. Now we can finally get another shot, mehehehe' Jim thought to himself, already rejoicing at the thought of the following night.

"Move it you piece of seaking shit!"

"Ehh? Say what?" Jim said and turned around, only to be greated by a fist in his brothers face, which catapulted and as a result embeded him straight into the wall at the end of the alley. Still gobsmacked by such a feat Jim turned around, or rather tried to turn around while midair, which seemed to be the result of a kick to his own face which implanted him next to his brother before passing out, wondering what the f.u.c.k just happened when everything was going so nicely for once.

"They did quite the number on you eh kid. Well, I wanted to take you with me anyways so two flies with one hit." Turning around to the two brothers inside the wall the man chuckled to himself "In more then one way it seems. What a good day, kahahahaha"

And with that the man took the kid and threw him over his shoulder before disappearing down the now quiet alley.

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