East blue, Konomi island, Arlong Park (near Cocoyashi village)

The sun was shining down and the pirate crew of the Arlong pirates, as they so smartly called themselfs, was either being lazy and sunbathing, enjoying the best food you could buy in the East blue from money, playing cards, or simply sleeping, while their captain, Arlong, a big man with blue skin, a saw as nose and a fin on his back, was laying in the middle of the whole crew on his chair and with cruel sadistic eyes observed the execution of another villager that had run out of money, to his unending amus.e.m.e.nt and entertainment. Oh how he loved to watch the humans suffer. Just how they had made his former captain, fisher Tiger suffer, and they would for that. All of them!

With a loud bang and a sudden rush of air accompanying it the giant metal gates of Arlong Park flew right past Arlong himself, whos eyes widened in surprise, until they smashed into the main building of Arlong Park, squashing a few of the sleeping pirates under it, not to stand up again.

Standing up in response to his anger at the sight of his brothers being killed in front of him, Arlong set his gaze on the intruder, that was slowly sailing a little ship, build for one man, into Arlong Park, while standing at its front with a neutral gaze observing his surroundings, slightly stopping on the young woman that was supposed to be executed by his crewmember Kurobi, the fishman karateka, before moving on and coming to rest on Arlong himself at last. This brought a strange sense of foreboding to Arlong, which he hadn't felt since his time on the grandline, when he was so outmatched by admiral Kizaru himself. Though back then it was simply a matter of not being able to touch said man to begin with, this time the pressure he felt was different, more directed at his very being, as if his very soul was being judged by the young mans gaze. Being brought out of his musings by the young mans words, Arlongs face was mared by a frown.

"Morning ladies, I'm searching for a person called...Arlong. Is that you?" The young man said, slightly interrupting his sentence to check a wanted poster after calling Arlong by his name.

"What do you want human? Your kind is not welcome here! But no matter, since you are here now you won't be leaving anymore anyways!" Arlong snarled at the young man who didn't seem phased by all the venom in Arlongs words, having brought all his hatred for the human kind to the forfront of his mind.

"Truly, how the mighty have fallen... A fishman from the grandline terrorising a little island in literally nowhere. An insignificant little town, and yet being tortured from someone they didn't even know existed, I'm sure of. No matter, this will soon end anyways." Azul said while disappearing from the ship and reappearing on the shore, next to the waterway his little ship was parked in.

"So, are we gonna fight or what?" He said with a blank face, seemingly asking all the fishmen around him who, in response stood up and drew their weapons to grind Azul to paste on the concrete.

"Grahahahaha, you are a funny little human. Maybe I should keep you as a pet to entertain us when the villagers have to work to earn the money they have to pay me? Naa, I rather would like to see you get scewered by my men before I bite of your head and feed it to my little brethren out in the sea, grahahahaha" Arlong said while spreading his arms as if inviting the young man into them to join him on his way out to the sea. In response to Arlongs words the rest of the fishmen began to grin or outright laugh, while the human woman, that had managed to escape her captores slipped through the gates to inform the village about what was about to happen to the young man, after all nobody beat a fishman! And so she ran and told them, which sparked something they thought lost inside of them and marched with whatever they could grab for a weapon to the gates of Arlong Park to help their fellow human in times of need. But when they got there they frowned at the words spoken and the fear free manner of said voice that replied to Arlongs words.

"So are you prepared to die little human? After all, you just entered a den of monsters and as it is, monsters are mean, grahahahaha" Arlong said, seemingly enjoying himself immensly. The following words though brought him to a stop in confusion.

"Monsters hmmm? I'm not sure you know what a real monster looks like. Would you like to see? I can show you one. One that hunts as the reaper for hell for souls long overdue their punishment that they so rightously deserve. I believe I have found the right place for this..."

With those words spoken an invisible pressure descended upon all present, bringing the weaker ones to their knees before fainting, being caught by those that somehow still remained standing, if only barely. With the descending pressure Azuls face hardened and a fire seemed to ignite inside his eyes. Bringing his eyes back onto Arlong Azul spoke: "Mystical zoan fruit: HELLHOUND!"

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