Grandline, Paradise, Skypea

The island god Enel resided on proofed to be one giant island covered in thick forests, occasionally interrupted by a random milky way, the pathways the guards of the island traveled over with their scaters, consisting of a certain kind of cloud that was easily formable and thus made into 'waterways' that floated in the air without issues, making traveling that much easier.

The flying lamb though was too big for those milky roads and so after some arguing on how to proceed the group decided to leave it besides a giant shrine in the middle of skypea. After having settled that problem the group split up into smaller groups, each wanting to travel into a different direction. Azul and Robin decided to remain a team with Chopper as third teammate while Nami and Zoro formed the second group, which only left Luffy, Usopp and Sanji for the last team.

Packing their stuff the group jumped down from the flying lamb onto the solid earthy soil of skypea but of course not before causing Azul another giant laughing fit as he watched Zoro with an enourmous 'Tarzan-cry' swing on a liana from the ship on the shore, toppling over Usopp and Sanji in the process which brought another row upon the group.

After having calmed down again a little, Azul, Robin and Chopper set out into the thick jungle, soon loosing sight of the rest of the group in the process.


Grandline, Paradise, Shandia tribe

"Today brothers and sister, the proud warriors of Shandora will reclaim their birthright and heritage from the false god that has stolen our duties as guardians and our home from us, which the great warrior Kagara left behind to his descendants. But no more! Pick up your weapons brothers and sisters in arms! It is time for war!" A tall man with dark tanned skin and tribal tatoos spoke passionately to a crowd of his fellow warriors before him who answered his call for vengence and retribution in kind and so once more the proud warriors of Shandora went to war. But this time it was a gamble they were all aware of. Either they would succeed or loose and perish in the process!


Grandline, Paradise, Upper Yard

A tall muscled man with short blond hair hidden partially under a white bandana, b.a.r.e upper body, which had a ring made of metal sticking out of his back like a halo for his head, and yellow-black wide pants on, was sitting on top of a thick branch with legs dangling lazily over its edge.

Opening his eyes slowly and bringing his focus back to the here and now, god Enel couldn't help but laugh in mirth.

"Ahhh, finally the Shandia have arrived in the Upper Yard, and thus all pieces have assembled for the final battle over gods garden hahahahaha! Just as I, god, have fortold it would be happening and so it did. Let us see how many of you will remain in the end and if any of you are worthy enough to follow me into my destined kingdom, Fairyworth hahahaha!" God Enel spoke, after which he disappeared with the sizzling sound of an electric current, transforming himself into a small bolt of lightning, right towards the soon to arrive warriors of the Shandia to begin the battle royal!


Grandline, Paradise, Skypea

As they passed through the thick bushes and trees of the jungle they were currently in, Azuls instincts started to tingle slightly once again making him pause in his steps, earning him a curious look from Chopper and Robin, before he simply smiled at them, continuing right behind them, already having passed a few old stony ruins, indicating them getting closer to what must be remains of an old civilisation, possibly the golden city itself.

Azuls mind though was occupied by his instincts that began to flare up a little now and then. Having enough of the uncertainty, Azuls eyes grew minimally sharper, stretching out his observation haki as far as he could, covering about half of Skypea with it. Frowning a little at his limited view due to it not being his strongest ability, he vowed to continue honing this ability more. But soon his musings came to a stop when his perception came upon two different groups of people that seemed to be fighting by the emotions that were covering the groups like a fog of rage and bloodl.u.s.t.

One group seemed to consist of some kind of tribal warriors while the others were all clad in white, making cackling noises like goats, making Azul pause once again. This time though he didn't smile since his haki had come upon another person. That person radiated arrogance to the extreme and moved with such speed that it was extremely hard for Azul to keep up with him, though that was only the case when said person moved in jumping motions from his perspective. Sometimes he seemed to remain standing in front of an opponent, that judging by his emotions began to slowly fall into despair, which only made said mans arrogance grow in glee, until without a warning said arrogant mans opponents life disappeared from Azuls view like a flickering candle in the wind, simply extinguished.

'Judging by the mans spiritual strength I believe this should be Enel and it seems he is proficient in the use of observation haki as well, though no signs of armament haki...' Azul thought to himself, having stopped walking completely for a few seconds now while observing what was happening on Skypea, bringing slight worry to Robin and Chopper as they saw his blank face, not knowing what made Azul pause. In fact they had looked around themselves quite worried for some time, thinking there might be enemies nearby but had found none so their worry morphed into confusion, at least in Choppers case. In Robins case her experience taught her not to jump to conclusions without proof that you weren't in trouble and thus she remained vigilant, until Azul finally brought his focus back on to the two, speaking what he had discovered.

"It seems we have stumble into the middle of a war of some kind between a tribe of warriors and what must be the enforcers of Enels rules. But the small fry shouldn't be of any worry to us. The only threat we need to be careful of is Enel himself and something tells me we'll meet sooner than we expected..." Azul said, murmuring the last words mostly to himself and yet in the process informing the both of them about his thoughts, bringing clear worry to Robins face and an anxious one to Choppers. Whatever made Azul become cautious could be a lethal threat to Robin and Chopper, which both of them were very aware of. Nonetheless the group stepped further into the ruins, burying their thoughts for times when it was nescessary to worry and focus on the here and now.

And so they marched on, soon reaching a giant city made of stone.

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