Grandline, Paradise, Marine Headquarters

The last few hours had been tense for the marines in the marine headquarters and yet no chaos ensued due to the iron grip the upper echelons had over their subordinates.

Though this all changed at one point in time, namely when the silver transpondersnail rang, the only one of its kind in the marine headquarter. It had only rung once before around 20 years ago when Ohara and its scientists had literally been wiped of the map. By nothing else than a Buster Call, the ultimate weapon of the marines and world government.

Thus it came as no surprise that pandemonium broke out once it rang and the vize-admiral activated the protocoll that stepped into place in a case such as this.

Red alarm lights began to illuminate the whole base while sirenes echoed over the normally quiet and peaceful island.

Marines began to run all over the base, carrying out orders of their superior's who had already began their walk towards the special buster call warsh.i.p.s that were equiped with enough weaponry to blast an island out of existence, as history had proven once before already.

While all the preperations were being made, nobody really had the time nor energy to notice one sole marine captain that stood stock still in the middle of all of it.

Said marine captain wore the name of Buck and was prominent for his directness. This though was only a mask to cover up what was sleeping in the depth of said mans mind. Ambition for transparency. Taking this little bit of knowledge into consideration it would surprise nobody if this man had ulterior motives to become part of the marines and exactly that was the case.

Following his bosses orders and his own ambition Buck had been put into the marines as a spy for none other then the Maichyo, the newspaper.

As Buck was standing there his brain had short circuited when the alarms and echoing orders for the ensuing buster call had been called out until it rebooted and he formulated an idea that would bring him alot further to the fullfillment of his dream. Thus he rushed out of the base, a small videotranspondersnail hidden in his coat while he called his boss to inform him of the news he had become privy to a few minutes ago and would surely be worth his cover to get blown up for should he be discovered while doing so.


Grandline, Paradise, Impel Down

'You madman...! You actually ordered a buster call for your own prison?!' Azul stood in the air, dumbfounded and a little impressed by the ruthless efficency displayed by admiral Kizaru when said man had discovered that he may fail in his task to contain the revolt at Impel Down and simply ordered a buster call to take care of the nuissance swiftly.

Running through various scenarios in his head Azul wasn't sure how to proceed from here on out. As it stood their escape had already been difficult enough since the gigantic gates of justice blocked their easy escapes and made it all the more harder to get back out onto the open waters. Now though they would have to deal with 10 warsh.i.p.s of the deadliest kind, filled with vize-admirals and 1000 marines per ship, possibly only of the captain level no less that would chase them down in the confined room between the gates of justice until the last man fell and only rubble remained of the once proud prison Impel Down.

'Damn it!' Azul cursed in his mind while his mind worked furiously to formulate some kind of plan they could employ to escape this situation but no matter how he turned and twisted the future into the various scenarios it ended up in disaster.

'F.u.c.k! Is this really how it's going to end for me? No! I refuse! Those f.u.c.kers of the world government won't get their hands on me that easily!' Turning around in the air swiftly Azul dashed over to the still battling strawhats that had been struggling against the high numbers of marines that continuously rushed them, supported by the tired looking Crocodile that had various bruises and all over his body, evidence to the hard battle he had been fighting.

With crushing pressure accompanying him Azul arrived on the warship, knocking all the marines unconcious by his aura alone while he transformed back into his human form.

As he arrived confused silence engulfed the strawhats except Crocodile who only let out an exhausted breath while turning into Azuls direction and scrunched up his face at the blank face he saw on the normally grinning face of Azul.

"We have to get out of here as fast as possible! Kizaru has ordered a god damn buster call on Impel Down and all the prisoners that escaped!" Azul spoke as he landed next to the crew that was confused as hell while Crocodiles eyes widened in horror at what was to come next.

"...No way... F.u.c.k! I'll get the other prisoners that are still alive and get to setting sail immediately!" Crocodile rushed away in order to at least have a chance to get out of there alive.

Meanwhile the strawhat crew was very confused, not knowing what a buster call was in the slightest and turned to Azul so he may explain it to them. Azul though had no time to give them a narrative of what was soon descending upon them, turning around and rushed back into the air to delay their worst threat for the moment to give Crocodile the needed time so he could set sail.

Shrugging their shoulders in naivety the strawhats began to get rid of the marines that now lay unconcious on the deck of the ship, throwing them onto the pier of Impel Down while the prisoners began to run all over the deck, not wanting to draw the ire of the former warlord even though none knew why they were being driven so hard.

As he ascended back into the air Azul transformed back into his canine form his eyes rested on the now opening gate of justice with a grim look on his face after which he turned his eyes onto the smugly grinning admiral, an expression so very unusual on Kizaru's normally apathetic face.

With a growling Azul rushed towards his opponent once more, fully intending to rip the man to pieces for good!

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