Grandline, Paradise, Impel Down

"What is happening Iva-chan! Why are we rushing out now? We were having such a nice party and the men were... kyaaaaa" a woman in revealing clothing screamed out in embarrassment after her thoughts descended back into the gutter it had been every day since she had joined the entourage of the king of the Kamabakka kingdom filled with transs.e.x.u.a.l, bis.e.x.u.a.l, heteros.e.x.u.a.l and every other s.e.x.u.a.lly oriented being that was imaginable.

Though not so long ago they had been imprisoned in Impel Down because their king had been captured as a member of the revolutionary army and been brought into the notorious prison.

Here they had build themselves a home in between some levels and enjoyed their lives despite still being inside a prison. One day though Emporio Ivankov, king of Kamabakka, had become increasingly restless and soon ordered his subordinates to pack up and follow him as it was time to leave Impel Down.

As they had ventured outside of their hideout it had come as another surprise when the group had not met a single other prisoner or guard on their way upwards until they reached the first level, already excited that they would soon be free once more. Though that excitement disappeared rapidly when they saw corpses without end while the noise of battle echoed down the tunnel from the surface and entrance of the prison, telling them that they would yet still have to fight to get out of this place.

With a warcry the group had rushed upwards and came upon a sight that made their eyes widen in shock. Destruction as far as the eye could see and on top of that further marine sh.i.p.s had appeared at the horizon.

The group soon decided to swiftly try and leave this place and spotted a ship that was setting sails and beginning to sail away from the fighting while beams of light and flames ripped the air above them apart, shockwaves shoving the group backwards while they barely stayed on their feet.

Ivankov meanwhile was observing the battlefield until his eyes came upon a figure he hadn't expected to see at all in this place.

Rushing over to the leaving ship Ivankov enlarged his head to epic proportions while all his subordinates jumped on top of it and jumped onto the leaving ship while Ivankov couldn't help the mirth in his voice.

"Yiiiiihaaaaaa, Croco-boy! Long time no see deary! Hihahahaha" Ivankov spoke while he landed making Crocodiles eyes widen in surprise until he snapped back into focus at the task at hand, knowing he had no time to waste at the moment, bringing Ivankov up short having expected a snapped comment from Crocodile. Instead his eyes were drawn upwards to the battle in the sky, blinding him momentarily after which an explosion engulfed another marineship, followed by a beastly roar that made his arms and legs vibrate under the volume.

Next to Crocodile a woman with deep black hair groggily opened her eyes as well, awakened by the bellowing roar. Casting her eyes around in confusion at first the memories of the past few hours came rushing back to her, making her recoil in fright until her fearful eyes came upon the roaring beast in the sky, causing her to recognize it instantly as Azul, which calmed her down some.

"Where are we?" Robin asked the few people that remained next to her, which caused Chopper to turn into her direction and swiftly started to fuss over her condition, making her smile slightly.

"We are on a marineship outside of Impel Down. The marines arrived with a few sh.i.p.s in order to prevent us from escaping. Not long ago Azul told us that the admiral has called for a buster call, though none of us really know what that means. It seemed to make Azul tense though so I don't think we'll like it that much..." Chopper said while checking over Robin again and again, making sure she was in acceptable condition. Robin though had only heard the last few words from Chopper, making her recoil at hearing about the buster call. Memories started to surface from deep inside her mind, making Robin shiver while she pulled her knees to her c.h.e.s.t in fright.

'Not again. Please. Not again. Please, not again!' Robin repeated in her head over and over while Chopper had fallen into a slight state of panic after seeing the state Robin had fallen into.


Up in the air Azul rushed Kizaru once more whos suit had been ripped and torn at some places while some blood was flowing down the side of the mans face with his glasses knocked of his face long ago. Bringing his claws to slash the mans torso, Kizaru only managed to bring up his arms in fatigue in a cross guard to prevent the worst of injuries.

With a roar Azul brought his burning claws down on his foe, only to be stopped by a normal sword clothed in haki by a hopping vize-admiral. The power behind Azuls attack though smashed the vize-admiral backwards so that he sailed straight downwards and impacted the sea below with a mightly splash of water while Kizaru used this opportunity to transform into a lightbeam that rushed on top of one of the warsh.i.p.s that had arrived and started firing just now, collapsing against the railing in exhaustion.

The vize-admiral meanwhile had swam upwards to the oceans surface, only to be greeted by a burning claw that ripped through the mans face, making him roar in pain. As the beast brought down another claw to seperate the mans head from his body a dog paw, clothed in haki stopped the claws in its tracks, after which the beast jumped backwards. The newly arrived vize-admiral while hopping on air pulled the heavily wounded Momonga out of the water and after throwing said man over his shoulder dashed back on to the secure warship, swiftly being greeted by medics that had already started to treat the wounded admiral Kizaru that was collapsed against the railing under the shocked eyes of the captains that had never seen an admiral in such a state before.

Azul meanwhile after shortly mulling over if he should pursue the admiral and vize-admiral decided to return to the escaping ship that had gained some distance to the buster call all while he was fighting for time.

Turning around, Azul transformed back into his human form and dashed towards the sailing marine ship on which he landed after some time of travelling. Once he landed on the deck though, the first thing that greeted him were slim arms that wrapped around his torso while tears wet his c.h.e.s.t. With a soft smile on his face Azul wrapped the sobbing Robin in his arms, for a moment forgetting all the fighting and simply being a pillar of support for a friend that was in pain.

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