Grandline, New World, ???

While Azul and Robin indulged themselves in relaxation and discovered the joys of their budding relationship the world didn't stop in its steps to wait for the two.

On an island, located in the New World, two rather dangerous groups of people met. One of the two was the ambitious type but he understood it well to hide his goals and dreams behind a curtain of lies and deceit.

The other one was of a similar disposition though he was a lot more cold blooded when it came down to it, possessing none of the other mans dreamer like qualities.

Due to the two groups mentalities and character traits it came as no surprise that the atmosphere at the place of meeting contained no jolly and good natured streaks, even though both parties leaders wore their trademark grins, looking every bit the vicious men that they were.

Sitting opoosite each other the two groups stared with various expressions at their counterparts. The tense athmosphere was soon broken though by none other then the host of the meeting whose grin widened in glee.

"Hehehehe, who would have thought that you would actually have the balls to come to me of all people despite your knowledge of my affiliation. And yet, I can't help but feel a sense of joy at the prospects this meeting may yet bring to fruition hehehehehehe!" The captain of the hosting group said while reclining on the couch he was sitting on with his arms lazily thrown over the back of said couch, dangling besides him as if they had no bones inside them.

Despite the mans lax attitude and rather funny outfit, considering he wore a pink flamingo like jacket and pink glasses to boot, none of the guests would dare to piss the man off without good reason as he carried an air of ruthlessness with him that was rarely seen on the grandline.

"Sense of joy ehh? I didn't take you for type to prefer to only observe where the world will go in the future Doflamingo, or did you throw away your kings disposition after having taken a glimpse at the true monsters this world has to offer? ZEHAHAHAHA!" The other parties captain asked with a vicious smirk adorning his ever grinning face after which thundering laughter erupted from his throat.

His words caused a few of the crew members to grit their teeth at the mocking words directed at their captain and were about to step forward and start an argument only to be stopped in their tracks by the small chuckling of their Captain that soon turned into amused laughter. Though some of his more prominent crew members knew that it was not a laughter of happiness which was easily identifiable by the Veins that began to bulge on Doflamingos forhead bringing a slight sheen of sweat to his subordinates backs.

"Enough with the bullshitting. Tell me Blackbeard, what is it that you want?" Doflamingo spoke, abruptly cutting of the laughter that had filled the room only moments ago.

"Straight to the point I see..." Blackbeard answered curtly, bringing contemplative silence to the room as the two captains eyed each other with calculating gazes though it was hard to pinpoint that fact in Doflamingos case due to him wearing his trademark glasses. After a minute of silence Blackbeard once more spoke his mind, seemingly completely off track though.

"A few days ago I was staying on a rural island not far away from Dress Rosa, recovering from some wounds I sustained a while ago that were rather deep. That was though until I received the newspapers one beautiful morning and guess what. To my surprise, the man that caused me these injuries had caused an incident of such magnitude in just a few days that all my plans were thrown over board like a piss drunken sailor in a vicious storm. But fortunately while doing so he rang the bell you may have heard yourself in the process. A bell that signals the start of the contest for the throne that has been empty for a long time now. War is coming and I intend to participate in it. What do you say Doflamingo? Why not join me in an alliance for a while? ZEHAHAHAHA!" Blackbeard spoke, his voice reveberating through the room that sent shivers down the occupants inside of it while Doflamingo remained silent in contemplation while his face was completely blank.

While Doflamingo was thinking one of his commanders and member of his family spoke up, ripping Doflamingo out of his thoughts along with the droning voice that was nearly overtuned by the belowing laughter caused by Blackbeard.

"We have only just started our negociations with Kaido, Joker. It is not yet too late to pick a path of our own. Though that would mean we would have to go against an emperor sooner then was originally planned... What should we do Joker?" Trebol spoke while snot was running down said mans nose as was common from him.

Doflamingo only hummed in thought at his subordinates words, thoughts running a hundred miles per second all the while.

"Oh? I would have thought someone with your connections would have an inside source in the marines and thus would have informed you zehahaha" Blackbeard spoke, slightly laughting at the end in amus.e.m.e.nt which brought another vein onto Doflamingos forhead. He would have to speak with Vergo after this meeting...

"After Azul caused the destruction of Impel Down and burned down Mary Geoise a man I had contacted previously to the destruction of Impel Down, who by now has become a member of my crew, informed me from inside the marines of the decisions that have been made yesterday morning in a meeting of the highest authorities of the marines after which he left the headquarters in the bustling and began his journey to join me. The marines have decided to relocate their headquarters into the New World and it is only a matter of time until further drastic measures will be taken, I can assure you of that Zehahahaha!" Blackbeard spoke, silencing all the murmurs that had started in the room, bringing a shocked silence to the occupants.

"...So it is true... Fine. I will join you in an alliance but don't think for a second that I won't rip your throat out on a moments notice should you even think about backstabbing me!" Doflamingo said with steel in his voice, shocking the occupants in the room once more into further silence only disturbed by Blackbeards bellowing laughter.

"That's what I wanted to hear. May the strongest prevail and earn himself the right to wear the title of 'King of the Pirates', ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Blackbeard spoke loudly after which his whole crew began to laugh alongside their captain.

Doflamingo meanwhile was grinning to himself while his crew began to cheer in anticipation to the coming days.

'Indeed, only the strongest will prevail but that doesn't mean the strongest will be dumb as well Blackbeard. Only I will become King of the pirates! You will see in due time hehehehehe...' Doflamingo thought to himself while his grin widened in glee.

Not long afterwards the two captains settled down in a nearby room and began their planning and with it the elimination of the fiercest competition while both of them pursued their own agendas along with the slowly building plans that would bring each closer to the throne...

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