"I'm so envious. Why don't we have such scenery?"

"Yes, I've never heard of such a big forest on the sea, and there are big waterfalls and the like."

"And it looks like it's inland. The power of the screen is really great."

In the ordinary chat channel, many people praised such beautiful scenery, and many people also sighed at the power of world consciousness.

Although no one spoke in the world chat channel, this time, everyone chose to hide the screen, but they also sighed at the wonders of nature and the beauty they had never seen before.

Even Yimu was the same, but she was not sighing at the current waterfall scenery.

But the power of world consciousness, she has seen more than anyone else, the power to open up space and create all things, even now she does not have such ability.

She has barely come into contact with some of the power of the world's laws. Now, seeing this scene continuously, even Yimu has a little fear and awe of world consciousness in his heart.

Suddenly, the screen changed. In the huge waterfall site this time, it was in four different locations.

Three beams of light were shot down, a total of twelve.

Many spectators who saw this understood something immediately.

"The type of this battle is a melee. The twelve people on the field are divided into groups of three and three, and four different forces come. The first team to be eliminated will be the winner."

The world consciousness finished speaking quickly, and the light column dissipated at the same time. In the presence of all the spectators and those bigwigs.

Twelve figures also appeared.

They were at both ends of the forest above the waterfall, and the two forces in one side were about 100 meters apart.

First, in the upper right corner, there is a healthy man with short black hair, naked upper body, and an orange cowboy hat on his head.

A middle-aged man with a golden punk haircut, who looks very difficult to mess with.

A tall man with a burly figure, well-developed muscles, a broad chest, dark skin, and armor. A big man.

Next is the upper left corner, a middle-aged man with a burly figure, a few teeth missing from his mouth, a rough appearance, thick hair on his body.

A strong man with a wrestler's mask and long purple hair. He wears a fighting champion's gold belt.

One wears a strange hat, an eye patch on his right eye, a long face, a black cloak, and always holds a long gun.

Then there is the lower left corner, a tall and beautiful woman wearing a navy cloak, a pink top and black shorts, with a special spider pattern on her legs and a special mole on her face.

Next to him is a greasy uncle who looks very wretched, wearing a yellow uniform and also wearing a navy cloak.

There is also another one wearing a navy coat, a samurai sword on his waist, a Mohawk hairstyle on his head, and dark purple long hair tied behind his head to form a bun.

Finally, in the lower right corner, three beautiful girls of different shapes appeared here.

But when seeing them, many viewers suddenly changed their faces compared to the other three pairs.


[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala, great, the second duel is played by my sons. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: I'm so envious, why not me? ]

[Sachi: This proves that your luck is really bad. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Wait, Sachi, no, aren't you dead? . ]

[Bramank:! ? ]

[Izo:! ? ]

[Sachi: I am indeed dead, I am speaking from the world of death, alas, I really didn't expect that this guy Teach would. ]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala, my good son, wait a little longer, and when daddy gets the reward that can revive you, he will definitely let you come back. ]

[Izo: Dad, maybe Marco and the others can win without you]

[Sachi: Dad, everyone (touched)]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala, my sons have a good idea, but I am not optimistic about the victory of this duel. Although I did not expect that the bastard Teach would be here, the other two forces are not easy to deal with. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: This...]

At this time, let alone Flower Sword Vista, even other members of the Whitebeard Group and members of the affiliated Sea Group saw the lineup and camp on the screen, and they were not optimistic about the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, many people have recognized that the other three forces are obviously members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The current captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second team, Ace, the captain of the first team, Marco, and the captain of the third team, Joz.Another first one is the Blackbeard Pirates, but after all, it is not the Blackbeard Pirates that have become one of the Four Emperors a few years later.

So many people naturally don’t know the other two next to Blackbeard. Only a few people really know Van Oka and Bajes, after all, they were once very famous fighting champions and excellent snipers in a place.

Unlike Blackbeard Teach, after all, he was the first person to violate the iron law of the Whitebeard Pirates and become a traitor.

Needless to say, the Navy is a well-known force, and the status and strength of these three people in the Navy are solid.

Navy Deputy Admirals Momosato Gion and Chaton Kake are both first-class domineering and Navy Six Styles masters. Chaton is a physical skill master. It is said that he has the strength of an ordinary admiral, but his comprehensive strength is still at the level of a deputy admiral.

Momosato is also similar. As a very rare female swordsman on the sea today, her swordsmanship is definitely as strong as an admiral, but her comprehensive strength is still a deputy admiral.

There is another person, who is neither an admiral nor a candidate admiral, but is also an elite vice admiral of the navy. Mole is also a master.

He is also a well-known swordsman and a six-style expert.

But if it were these two forces, it would naturally not make Whitebeard feel that he had no chance of winning and lose confidence in his three sons on the field.

But this time, there is still the Monster League, the Monster Girl.

For this recently appeared and very mysterious force, even the experienced Whitebeard can't understand it.

At the same time, people are still speaking in the world chat channel.

[Kaido of the Beasts: Damn, he actually let the sons of the old man Whitebeard go on the field, why not my Beasts Pirates? And why can your Monster League go up for the second time. 】

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of the Monster Girls: That's naturally because there are many powerful monster girls under my Monster League, so my efforts over the years are not in vain. ]

[Iron Balloon BIG·MOM: Are you too confident? Damn it, my pirate group has so many people, but no one has gone up. ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Of course I have confidence. Every monster girl is my most outstanding work and the one I am most proud of. At the same time, their daily training is very hard and they have given their all. ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: So I still have confidence in them. At least they can deal with the three damn navy officers opposite them. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Hey, kid, don't be too confident. Mole is the most elite among the vice admirals of our navy headquarters. Taotu and Chatun are even alternate admirals. If there were only three admiral positions and their strength was not as good as mine, they would have been the admiral positions of the navy. ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Haha, do you really think I don't have monster girls who are stronger than alternate admirals? ]

[Marshal Sengoku: What did you say? 】

[Navy Chief of Staff Crane:? ! ! ]

[Black Arm Zephyr:? ! ! ]

[Pirate King Roger: Really. ! ]

[Sea Overlord Rocks: Damn, is it so easy to get talent? Hateful scientist, I didn't have any on my ship at the beginning. ]


Many people were shocked, because from what Tang Tian said, he obviously really had a general-level monster girl, or even a four-king level.

Rocks was really envious and jealous now, because he really believed that Tang Tian really had a lot of powerful monster girls. When he thought that just drinking a bottle of potion could make an ordinary girl so strong, and there were quite a few of them.

No wonder this old captain, who was once betrayed by his crew, was envious and jealous.

But at the same time, the Navy and the World Government were really panicking, and their attitude towards the Monster Alliance and Tang Tian became cautious.

Because they had indeed discovered that Tang Tian's speed and efficiency in cultivating strong people were really amazing.

If the other party continues to develop, it may become a huge threat in the future.

But unfortunately, it is impossible to speak to the people who are about to participate in the battle, so the Navy and the World Government can only pray that Taotu and his team must win this time.

But at the same time, they are also puzzled as to why Tang Tian is so interested in the World Government and the Navy, especially the Navy.

What is the reason?

However, if they knew that Tang Tian just disliked them, especially the Navy, and which system traverser did not aim to destroy the Navy and overthrow the World Government, I wonder if they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.


At the same time, the 12 people who were already in the huge waterfall venue had opened their eyes and looked at each other.looking at the other three groups.

Soon, both of them changed their faces.

"Teach x 3." The three people from the Whitebeard Pirates gritted their teeth at the same time, looking at Blackbeard Teach with fierce and angry eyes.

They wanted to rush up and kill the traitor with their own hands, but due to the rules, they could only stay where they were. After all, their strength was too weak to compete with the world consciousness.

"Hahahaha, yo, isn't this Captain Ace, Captain Marco and Captain Joz? I didn't expect to see them here again. Hahaha."

Although Blackbeard was laughing happily now, he had already shouted unlucky in his heart.

Why did he meet these three bastards here?

At the same time, enemies were particularly jealous when they met. It was obvious that the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates were against each other, and the two sides were standing on both sides of the river.

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