She couldn't believe what was happening. Zhiton had learned her Haki and the Six Styles of the Navy in such a short time.

After just a short battle and observation, she easily stole her years of practice and combat experience.

She even began to doubt whether Zhiton could still perform her own swordsmanship if she had a sword in her hand.

"How did you do it?" Taotu couldn't help asking with her inner doubts.

"Nothing, it's just that we have a stronger learning ability." Zhiton replied with a smile, without any coldness or disdain in her smile.

Her smile was from the heart, because she successfully completed another task assigned by Tang Tian.

Before this duel, Tang Tian had told them that if they encountered the navy, they should not only attack crazily according to the original plan, or even kill them, but also learn as much as possible the physical skills, swordsmanship and Haki mastered by the navy in the battle, especially the Six Styles of the Navy. Once the monster girls mastered these skills, their combat effectiveness would be greatly improved.

Now, Zhiton-niang has successfully completed the task, and she naturally showed a happy smile.

You know, Zhiton-niang is a cold queen among the monster girls. She rarely talks to people, and it is even more rare for her to smile.

At this moment, she can laugh heartily because her 100% loyalty makes her unable to suppress her inner joy.

However, she has not forgotten her original mission, or the mission in the hearts of all monster girls.

As long as she sees the navy, she will attack without hesitation. If possible, put the other party to death directly.

Because Tang Tian knows that at least 95% of the navy is unforgivable.

These sanctimonious and moral navy are like wolves in sheep's clothing. They are what Tang Tian hates most when watching "One Piece".

If it weren't for the limited number of monster girls in his hands and his own strength, he would definitely wipe out these navy in one fell swoop.

However, due to his current lack of strength, he can only use this method to make the navy unhappy.

At this time, Zhiton's attack became more and more fierce.

The difference in strength between the admiral and the alternate admiral was immediately apparent.

Moreover, Zhiton's strength has greatly increased. Not only can she use Haki, but she is also proficient in the Navy's Six Styles.

Taotu gradually lost the upper hand, and the scars and blood on her body became more and more.

But suddenly, she was distracted, because the voice of the world consciousness sounded in the air again, which made her pause involuntarily.

"Navy camp, Chatun admits defeat, activates the relevant protection mechanism, stays in place temporarily, and waits for the end of this duel before returning."

Taotu saw that a beam of light had already descended in the woods not far away.

Did Chatun also lose? Taotu couldn't help but feel a little sad, after all, the navy was defeated this time.

In fact, just a few minutes ago, she saw that Chatun's situation was getting more and more dangerous, especially because he was poisoned and his life was in danger.

Just like the navy cannot lose Vice Admiral Mole, otherwise it will have a serious impact on the navy.

Zhan Guo and his men could not tolerate the loss of a strong man at the level of a candidate admiral in the navy. Moreover, Tao Tu and Cha Tun were in high positions in the navy, so they had to save them.

In the end, Zhan Guo, who was in his office, could only reluctantly help Cha Tun announce his surrender.

Barton, who was originally going to give Cha Tun a fatal blow, was blocked outside the light column.

Looking at Cha Tun, who had been protected by the world consciousness, she knew that the other party had surrendered and she could no longer make a move.

She could only pout reluctantly, stamp her feet, and then quickly rushed towards Tao Tu.

However, Queen Ai Lei, who had set out early, had already arrived at the lake.

"Sister Zhiton, do you need help?" Queen Ai Lei stood on the shore and asked Zhiton, who was still fighting Tao Tu.

"Stupid, come and help, quickly get rid of this guy!" Zhiton continued to fight while cursing.

Taotu and all the audience were stunned when they heard this, and they were as sluggish as wooden people.

No way, this is completely different from what they imagined!

Shouldn't you say "Just leave it to me" with pride? This is the demeanor that a strong person should have!

"Two against one, do you still have martial ethics!" Taotu finally couldn't help shouting, especially when she saw Queen Ai Lei flying over.

"We may still talk about morality to others, but we definitely can't do that to your navy!" Mother Zhidun said with a disdainful and contemptuous smile on her face.

"King Ai Lei, sweep the tail!" Queen Ai Lei's tail, which was condensed with lightning, swept over fiercely.

Taotu hurriedly waved her sword to pick up King Ai Lei's tail that was about to hit her.

Then she shouted: "Why? Why do you want toSo you are targeting our navy?"

Other viewers were also curious, staring at Zhiton, waiting for her answer.

This included the angry senior navy officials, Sengoku and Akainu, who gritted their teeth.

"Hmph, bullying the weak with the strong, haven't you done enough of this in the navy? We call this a tooth for a tooth, and we will deal with you with your own means!" Zhiton said with a sneer. In the end, Zhiton and Ai Lei joined forces to beat Taotu so hard that she had no power to fight back and could only be beaten. The sword in her hand was also knocked down and fell into the lake.

Not only that, Barton also came. She watched the battle on the shore, and seeing that the situation was good, she decided to save her strength to deal with the two opponents later.

"Zhiton Ultimate Beam!" Zhiton put her hands together, placed them in front of her chest, and instantly released a wave of powerful light. The power of this move even exceeded a trillion-degree fireball.

"Discharge beam! "At the same time, a powerful discharge beam was sprayed out of Zhiton's mouth. The two monsters used their special moves at the same time. It was obvious that they were trying to defeat Taotu in one fell swoop.

At this time, Taotu was already covered with wounds and sore all over. She could only watch the attack coming at her. However, there was no panic on her face, because she firmly believed...

"Navy camp, Taotu admits defeat, activates the relevant protection mechanism, stays in place for the time being, and waits for the end of this duel before returning."

"Navy camp, all three have admitted defeat this time, and the navy has been eliminated. "

The high-ranking officers of the navy decisively helped Taotu to admit defeat. The light column descended quickly, blocking the attacks of the two monster girls and successfully saving Taotu's life.

At this moment, the faces of the high-ranking officers of the navy and all the navy were very ugly.

After all, the navy lost miserably this time, and was the first to be eliminated. This was really unacceptable.

But they couldn't sit back and watch Taotu being killed. The navy couldn't afford such a loss.

What's more, there was a staff officer named Crane who regarded Taotu as his sister. It was he who directly helped Taotu to admit defeat.

But this time, their navy participated in the ring duel for the first time, and it can be said that it ended in a miserable defeat.

Not to mention that under their angry eyes, they had already Someone spoke in the world chat channel.


Needless to say, it was Tang Tian.

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of the Weird Girls: Yo, yo, yo, what's the matter, aren't you the navy that represents justice? Can you give everything to destroy the pirates? The moment you shout to admit defeat is really crucial. ]

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of the Weird Girls: Forget it, anyway, your people are seriously injured, and you will probably have to lie in bed for a few days, so I will be satisfied unwillingly, hahahaha. ]

Tang Tian's words really pissed off the navy, especially the hawkish navy such as Akainu, who almost couldn't help but stand up and get angry, wishing to rush to Tang Tian and punch him immediately.

And the pirates and other forces They couldn't help swallowing their saliva. Wow, this guy is really good at talking.

But when they thought of the current situation of the Navy, they almost laughed. Some people even laughed. Those who laughed really wanted to see the Navy laugh.

And soon, under the expectation that they had expected, the world chat channel soon became lively.

[Marshal Sengoku: You bastard boy, you are really mean. It is our right to admit defeat. Why are you joining in the fun? ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Crane: What a sharp-tongued bastard. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Boy, leave a way out for others. In the future Nice to meet you. Don't you know this? ]

[Akainu Sakaski: If you are not your kid, don't hide in the sea. Come out. I will burn you to death with magma. ]

The world chat channel soon became full of words from the Navy camp, madly cursing Tang Tian.

Among them, especially the hawkish Navy led by Akainu.

In this regard, Tang Tian naturally disdained it in the underwater base.

Because in his eyes, the Navy was just incompetent and furious.

It was the Navy that did not have the ability to enter the deep sea 20,000 meters, and the most important thing was this ring duel. It was obvious that the Navy lost miserably and lost very thoroughly.

"But then again... "Tang Jing seemed to have thought of something, so he immediately opened the normal chat channel.

Sure enough, he saw a few messages he wanted to see, so he couldn't help but smile, and then he immediately spoke in the world chat channel.

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Monsters: It seems that I really need to make your navy bleed. Do you remember that I said I would take action before? Hahaha.]

The navy stopped cursing after hearing this. They were stunned for a moment, and then their faces changed after they reacted. Could it be that the Monster Alliance was going to attack their navy on the sea?

Pirates and other forces...The mood also came, their eyes lit up, and they looked over. Is there another good show going to happen, and it's going to happen on the sea.

[Marshal Sengoku: What do you mean? ]

[Black Arm Zephyr: No, Sengoku, check the general chat channel. ]

Zeffer, the former admiral of the navy and the current chief instructor, accidentally found something wrong, so he quickly reminded in the world chat channel.

And his reminder immediately made everyone look at the conversation in the general chat channel.

Then they were dumbfounded.

"Ah, what's going on? Who is attacking us?!"

"Headquarters, headquarters, we are under attack, request support.!!"

"The opponent's firepower is so strong, request support, we are the Navy New World G-134 Division...!!"

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