How to say it? You should know that the performance of the monster girls in the previous battles was that they would never use domineering power, and the navy regarded it as a weakness.

After all, domineering power is the most critical power in this sea. If you master domineering power, you will have an advantage. Which of the strong men in the sea today does not have strong domineering power?

Originally, the navy felt a little fortunate and complacent about the fact that the monster girls and the Monster Alliance did not have domineering power.

But now, it is gone.

When they thought that the Monster Alliance still obtained its domineering power through the navy.

They immediately became ugly again.

Among them were Taotu, Chatun, and Mole, who had the ugliest faces.

At that time, they were already very uncomfortable when the monster girls learned their domineering power, physical skills, and swordsmanship to deal with them, and they almost collapsed at that time.

But when they thought that all the monster girls would use their abilities to deal with the navy in the future, they almost fainted on the spot.

Because they felt that they seemed to be sinners of the navy.

"Okay, let's continue. First of all, there is no doubt that the main force of the Monster Alliance is the monster girls. Xiaohe, please tell us about the monster girls that have been exposed so far." Zhan Guo coughed again, and then immediately said to the Crane Staff Officer.

"At present, the monster girls we have come into contact with are A-level and B-level, and the corresponding strengths are admiral and deputy admiral respectively. It is not ruled out that there are monster girls of higher and lower levels." Crane said immediately.

After listening to this, all the navy also believed what the Crane Staff Officer said. Monster girls of lower or higher levels do exist.

"At present, the monster girls exposed by the Monster Alliance include the following: B-level, alternate admiral level Golzan, Melba, and King Aile. These three girls have participated in the ring duel, and I believe everyone is familiar with them. However, in this first attack by the Monster Alliance on us, there are these four, and they are probably also at this level. This is the photo our navy got through some newspaper organizations."

When saying this, He had left his position and came to the blackboard dedicated to the conference room and posted the photo.

There are three of Golzan and the other four, and Ligadelon and the other four. Because Tang Tian did not let them attack civilians, they were hidden among the civilians by the newspaper reporters, and the civilians who were themselves in this profession.

The photos were taken, but the other information is still unclear, especially the names.

"According to my estimation, these four are also B-class monster girls, and they are a special classification. There are also classifications among monster girls. Like King Joe mentioned by Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Akainu, they belong to the mechanical monster girls."

Staff Officer Tsuru turned his head and said, his eyes and expression full of surprise.

Nonsense, how can it not be like this? The same goes for the navy below.

Because at present, the number of B-class monster girls exposed by the Monster Alliance alone has reached seven figures.

Seven alternate admirals, three times more than the current navy, and one more is to be added.

Thinking of this, the vice admirals below were shocked and afraid in their hearts. After all, they had no confidence to face the alternate admirals. They knew very well the gap between their strength and this level of strong people.

And speaking of them, even the three admirals, Garp and Sengoku, became serious.

Seven alternate admirals, this is already a considerable force.

"Then there are three A-level monster girls, that is, the admiral level, Zhiton, King Qiao, and Barton." He then posted the photos of Zhiton and the others.

Many people were silent. They looked at the monster girls in the three photos and were all afraid. After all, the admiral level is already the top level of the world.

What's more, they all knew how terrible these three monster girls were.

Zhiton's powerful comprehensive ability, Barton's poison and claws, and King Qiao's defense all impressed these people.

And overall, the Monster Alliance is indeed very strong, and it is estimated that Tang Tian, ​​who can create monster girls, is not much worse.

"In short, everyone should be careful in the future. Xiaohe, issue a bounty order to these guys, make it more reasonable, and by the way, increase Tang Tian's bounty."

Zhan Guo said immediately, and after the navy discussed it again, the meeting was considered to be over.


On the other hand, the news that several naval bases in the New World were completely destroyed and suffered heavy casualties also spread to the sea.

Those journalists, especially a certain albatross, would not miss these opportunities.

Following their reports, the seagulls delivering newspapers soared in the sky, and this matter spread throughout the world.As for everything played on the screen, it could actually be considered news, big news.

But everyone knows what is played on the screen, and they know it at the first time.

If it is already known to everyone, is it still news if it is spread out? Some of these newspaper reporters would not be so stupid as to be so stupid.

So there are very few things about the screen in these reports.

But there is still one thing, that is, more and more people believe that this screen is not the work of the ability users at all, nor is it a technological means, but the world they live in is really conscious.

This is enough to make many people not shocked, but more people are laughing at the jokes of the navy, and some people have even laughed out loud.

On the Moby Dick.

"Haha, let's celebrate the heavy casualties of the navy, let's toast."

"Haha, it's so funny, the laughing stock these days has always been the navy."

On the ship, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates held a banquet again, but this banquet looked like gloating over the navy's misfortune.

However, holding banquets is already a tradition of all pirates in the pirate world.

If you have nothing to do, you have to hold a banquet to kill time.

There is really nothing more enjoyable and happy than eating a big meal and drinking a lot.

But now there is indeed one thing that makes the whole Whitebeard Pirates feel happy.

That is, their captain of the fourth team, Thatch, has been resurrected. The chef on their ship is the reason why the whole Whitebeard Pirates are so happy.

"Gulala, little ones, sons, let's do it." The tall and mighty Whitebeard was also in a very good mood and picked up a big wine bowl to drink.

"Hahaha, Dad is right, celebrate the return of Brother Thatch."

"Everyone drink, drink, give me the big jar of wine over there."

"Oh, don't grab my meat, isn't there still some on the table?"

Many crew members ate and drank, even those captains. At this time, there were the most people next to Thatch, including those from the fourth team and other captains.

They were all celebrating his return.

"Alas, it's a pity that Ace didn't come back." Vista sighed and said.

"Speaking of Ace, Dad, I'm worried about him." Thatch suddenly stopped drinking and said with a frown.

"Yeah." Whitebeard also looked over, wanting to hear what his son who had returned had to say.

"Brother, Teach's Dark Dark Fruit made Ace suffer a lot when he fought him, and judging from the last ring duel, the other people on his ship are probably not simple either."

"And after the ring duel, especially the fight with the monster girl, Ace is probably still injured. So I'm a little worried."

After Thatch said this, the others also stopped and showed a worried look, because after Thatch's analysis, Ace's situation was really bad.

"Gulala, don't worry, my silly sons, Dad has a way." Whitebeard smiled meaningfully.


On the other side, on a secluded island, Teach and his group walked through the bustling streets.

"Damn it! Why? Why are their abilities not affected by my Dark-Dark Fruit?" Teach was furious, and cursed angrily as he walked.

He really couldn't understand why his Dark-Dark Fruit had such a powerful ability that he could easily invalidate the abilities of other Devil Fruit users by just touching them with his hands. However, in the ring duel, this trick had no effect on the monster girls.

This was completely contrary to his expectations. In his opinion, those monster girls must be the product of Devil Fruit abilities. When he was still in the Whitebeard Pirates, he had secretly fought with those artificial animal-type Devil Fruit users of the Beasts Pirates. Even if they were artificial Devil Fruits, he could easily invalidate their abilities. But these monster girls, who should be in similar situations, were not affected at all.

He was puzzled, and the doubts in his heart lingered like a fog.

"Captain, don't think about it, Ace is chasing us!" Barges suddenly reminded from the side.

"Ahhh - Teach, don't even think about escaping!" Before he finished speaking, Ace flashed out from nowhere like a ghost, leaped into the air, and then a blazing fire fist smashed down like a meteorite.


Other forces on the sea had their own reactions. Shanks, as a peacemaker on the sea, was originally worried that the sea would be in chaos after the appearance of the screen and the exposure of the Monster Alliance.

But now he felt that it was much more interesting, and maybe it could help Luffy attract some attention.

He also knew that LuffyIf you eat that devil fruit, you will definitely be the focus of the world government.

Now that the screen and the Monster Alliance have appeared, especially the latter, he believes that it will definitely help Luffy share some pressure, and this sea may become interesting.

At the same time, the other two Four Emperors and a helmsman are not in such a good mood.

They are still thinking about and regretting Tang Tian's rejection of them before.

But they can't do anything about Tang Tian, ​​he is in the deep sea, they can't get down at all.

They just hope to meet the Monster Alliance when they take over the ring duel.

So that they can vent their anger.

These three guys not only covet the monster girl, but also the reward for victory.

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