Now, the person who appeared on Aokiji's right hand was a man who looked relatively strong.

He was carrying a special weapon in his hand, holding a cigar in his mouth, and had short silver hair.

On the left hand side was a sexy lady in a crimson dress with long pink hair and a cigarette in her mouth.

Seeing these two people, the navy was stunned. Why did it happen to them?

At this time, in Sengoku's office, Sengoku had already slapped his eyes with one hand, and the expressions and actions of others were not much better.

It's not bad. These two people are still very good in the navy. Although their current positions are still low, their strength is really good. At least there will be no problem with the vice admiral of the navy headquarters in the future.

But if the opponent is a monster girl, thinking of the current monster girl's exposed worst strength is the alternate admiral, even if there is a little worse, it is also a vice admiral, which is the so-called C-level they guessed.

Well, this time in high-end combat power, they have already lost.

As for the general combat power, they don't think the navy soldiers can defeat those robots.

Because they have just received news that there are indeed some cases of navy soldiers disappearing for no reason, that is to say, Tang Tian really sent the monster girl to secretly capture these navy soldiers and personally conducted actual combat experiments!

Looking at the confidence revealed in Tang Tian's previous conversation in the world chat channel, then, under the condition of equal numbers, their navy soldiers should not be able to beat those robots.

The navy seems to be suppressed in all aspects again this time.

How can they win and see victory? No wonder Zhan Guo and others are like this now.

And seeing that the navy side is actually these two people, Tang Tian couldn't help laughing.

However, when he thought of the three strong men on the opposite side, he was indeed a clear stream in the navy that he would not touch in his heart, so he had used his VIP guest power to tell the monster girl that as long as there was no death or disability this time, everything else was fine.

As for the 1,000 soldiers, perhaps some of them are truly righteous and kind, so after asking the world consciousness to find them again, these people will only be knocked out by the robots on the battlefield.

This can be regarded as a trace of mercy given to them by Tang Tian.

At this time, the monster girls also appeared from the disappearance of the light column.

Moreover, because they knew in advance that the opponent was the navy, they triggered the passive in their hearts that Tang Tian had given them, and they had already changed from ordinary girls to monster girls.

As Tang Tian said before, he had an S-level monster girl this time, and it was also the only monster girl he had at present, Maga Yamata Orochi.

The other two were much worse, because this time there was a C-level monster girl, which was really unexpected by Tang Tian.

But in order to ensure the fairness of the arena duel, even the world consciousness could only randomly select the strong ones on his side.

So he was helpless about this, but fortunately, it was Smoker and Tina who went up this time. They were not yet at the level of vice admirals, at most they were at the level of colonels. The two C-level monster girls could still defeat them, which was really a blessing in disguise.

And these two C-level monster girls were respectively. Bermuda and Guton.


[Navy Chief of Staff Crane: It seems that our guess was not wrong. There really is a C-level monster girl, and her strength should be comparable to that of a vice admiral. ]

[Ghost Spider: That is, at our level. ]

[Huo Shaoshan: If we really fight the Monster Alliance, then the opponent will undoubtedly be them. ]

[Doberman: Just take the opportunity to understand the strength of the C-level monster girls, but I don’t know if there are any D-level monster girls. ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Don’t worry, there are none. C-level is the lowest level among the monster girls, and you won’t have too many opportunities to fight them, because they rarely appear on the battlefield. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Well, is it possible that the strength of C-class monster girls is very weak? ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Let’s put it this way. Because of their different abilities, the monster girls who can fight in my Monster League are all B-class or above, and C-class are mainly managers or researchers. ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: But they still have the strength of vice admirals. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Well, why do you suddenly say so much? ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Because for me, it’s harmless to reveal this information, and it saves you from guessing. ]

[Kaido of the Beasts: I care more about S-class monster girls than the real thing. Boy, do they really have the strength of the Four Emperors? ]

[Monster Girl Lord Tang Tian: Watching the next battle, you will know. ]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala, I'm really looking forward to it. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: Humph, you two are in cahoots with each other. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Teach, you bastard actually dared to jump out, aren't there many people chasing you? ]

[Red-haired Shanks: I'm more concerned about what he meant by this? ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Crane: Could it be that my previous guess was right, you two have joined forces, right? ]

[Navy Marshal Sengoku: ??? ? ]

[Iron Fist Garp: ??? ? ]

[Akainu Sakaski: ??? ? ]

[Kizaru Borsalino: Hey, Crane Granny, are you sure you're not kidding? ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Crane: Because I have always suspected that Whitebeard and his men simply cannot come up with so much money and devil fruits, especially devil fruits. Otherwise, the number of devil fruit users in the Whitebeard Pirates would definitely not be so small. ]

[Navy Chief of Staff Crane: And now that Teach actually said so, I doubt that Tang Tian must have a hand in this matter. ]

[Magic Lady Lord Tang Tian: Oh, I didn't expect it to be exposed so soon. Yes, I came up with the idea. If Blackbeard Teach is really captured alive in front of Whitebeard, then the bounty and devil fruits are indeed my. ]

[Kaido the Beast: What, you kid actually cooperated with the old man Whitebeard. ]

[Iron Balloon BIG·MOM: Damn Tang Tian, ​​you kid would rather cooperate with Whitebeard than with me. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Boy, I doubt your vision. ]

[Marshal Sengoku: Damn, you two bastards actually cooperated. ]

[Akainu Sakaski: Damn pirates, they should all go to hell. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: Tang Tian, ​​I have no grudges against you, why do you treat me like this? ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: First, I don't like you. Second, your future in this sea is too uncertain. Third, you dare to say that you haven't thought about my Monster Lady and my Monster Alliance. Just these three points are enough for me to help Whitebeard deal with you. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: You...]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: Shut up. If you dare to say another word of nonsense here, I will send Zhiton and King Qiao directly to hunt you down. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: ... (swallowing my anger)]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Hahaha, Teach, I didn't expect you to have this day. 】

【Jesus Bu: No wonder they cooperated, it turns out they have a common goal. 】


"Now let's introduce the six main participants of this arena match to the audience."

"At the same time, as I said before, they can see their introduction themselves."

The voice of the world consciousness sounded again.

Soon, the experiences of the three people on the navy side and the three people on the monster girl side were played again.

Let everyone have a deep understanding of these three people.

Aokiji's lazy justice, and Smoker and Tina's more persistent justice.

On the monster girl side, the scenes of Bermula and Gudun are the same as the previous monster girls. Even the audience outside are a little tired of watching them. Look at the experiences of these monster girls. They are all similar.

However, when they saw that the main duties of these two monster girls were just to manage robots, all the audience were stunned, including the three navy on the blue and white city side.

It turns out that there are really monster girls who are not good at fighting, but good at handling other things.

But when they saw the picture of Maga Yamata no Orochi.

Everyone was suddenly upset.

Tang Tian appeared directly in the picture, and he was operating in his laboratory again.

Finally, he finished a new bottle of special potion and came to the battlefield.

At this time, a girl had been waiting here for a long time.

"Now let's start the experiment of S4 monster girl, are you ready?" Looking at the girl in front of him, Tang Tian asked her one last time.

"Please give me a way to make me stronger, even if I die, I will accept it." The girl in front of him said with a firm look.

Tang Tian also nodded, and then injected the new special potion into the girl's body.

"Ah ... But in the end, the experiment was successful, and the little girl completely became"Haha, great, the success of my fourth S-class monster girl, the black hole of desire that swallows everything in the world, from now on you will be called Maga Yamata Orochi, the strongest demon monster girl, and also a sharp weapon in my hand." "Yes, master, in order to thank you for saving my life, raising me and making me stronger, I will help you eliminate all obstacles in this world." Maga Yamata Orochi said with a cruel smile that seemed to swallow everything. Then the next scene made many people uneasy, especially the navy. How is this possible?

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