Smoker and Tina fell to the ground like puppets with their strings cut. One was already unconscious, and the latter was just a spent force, still struggling to hold on.

They were no longer able to fight. These two strong men of the navy, well, they were strong men, in a sense, they had been defeated.

Suddenly, both the two C-level monster girls still on the battlefield, Bermula and Gudun, and Maga Yamata no Orochi in the city, were stunned, as if they had received some news. However, their movements were very small and did not attract the attention of others. This process did not even take two seconds.

Gudun and Bermula immediately went towards Smoker and Tina separately.

"Hey, stop it." Seeing this scene, Aokiji frowned and finally took action. Two ice spears appeared beside him in an instant, aiming at the two C-level monster girls and rushing away.

Seeing the ice spears coming towards them, Gudun and Baimula raised their heads and stopped. They shot out blue flames and red destructive rays from their mouths and eyes respectively, heading for the ice spears.

The two rays hit the ice spears accurately. This was just an ordinary move of Aokiji. Even with these two moves, there was still a gap of two stages compared to the big moves of the two monster girls. However, the attacks of the two monster girls still successfully blocked the ice spears.

The moves collided with each other and produced an explosion, and the smoke produced by the explosion instantly engulfed the two monster girls.

Feeling the oncoming air wave, Maga Yamata no Orochi had no expression on her face, as cold as before, but her claws had been clenched into fists.

"No wonder Smoker and the others lost to you. You are indeed very strong and invincible in the same level."

Looking at the two C-level monster girls after the smoke dissipated, Aokiji said. He jumped up and jumped into the air.

"Ice ball!" He waved his palms, and five icicles flew straight towards the two monster girls like arrows.

However, a black tornado suddenly roared in, like a ferocious beast, swallowed all the icicles, and then swept away in the direction of the black tornado.

"Huh?" Seeing this amazing scene, Aokiji was stunned, and his eyes followed the direction of the black tornado.

Then, he was shocked, and all the audience were shocked.

Because they saw that this black tornado was actually sprayed out from the mouth of Maga Yamata no Orochi, and those icicles were all sucked into her mouth.

"Burp - it tastes good, but it's a bit cold." Maga Yamata no Orochi burped after finishing her move and said to Aokiji.

At this time, the whole audience was silent, or everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Admiral Aokiji, this powerful admiral-level warrior, even the existence of the Four Emperors, must be prepared for his moves.

However, Maga Yamata Orochi's way of dealing with it was to eat it, which really surprised them.

At the same time, they were also extremely shocked by this method.

But how could they know that Maga Yamata Orochi was a famous glutton in the Ultra World, and could even swallow an entire planet.

"Gudun, Bermula, go and get rid of those navy soldiers, leave this to me." Maga Yamata Orochi smiled.

"Yes!" The two monster girls who received the order quickly ran to deal with the few remaining navy soldiers.

This time, Aokiji did not stop him, because he knew that he was about to face an extremely terrible enemy, an enemy that he could never defeat.

"Do you still want to continue fighting? You let these soldiers die in vain. You are a high-ranking member of the navy. If you admit defeat now, you will at most be scolded when you go back." Maga Yamata Orochi smiled from a distance.

"I know this very well, but I still want to fight with you. Let me experience how strong the S-level monster girls are, right?"

Aokiji glanced at the two C-level monster girls who were already slaughtering the navy soldiers, raised his head, and said to Maga Yamata Orochi.

Then he rushed over immediately.

"Your courage is commendable, but for the master, the navy must die, Maga Light Bullet."

Maga Yamata Orochi raised the corner of her mouth slightly, revealing a sly smile.

However, her smile disappeared in an instant, her face became expressionless again, her mouth opened, and a huge silver-white light bullet condensed in front of her.

The light bullet flashed with dazzling light and rushed towards Aokiji like a falling star.

Kizaru was also shocked when he saw this scene, because he knew very well that this was also a light-attribute attack, exactly the same as his ability.

However, his was a beam of light, while this girl's was a light bullet.

He could clearly feel that the power of this move was so great that it definitely surpassed all the moves he had developed with the Flash Fruit."Frozen time capsule!" Aokiji hurriedly released a stream of cold air to try to resist.

However, this cold air was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and had no effect on the light bullet. Its speed increased instead of decreasing, and it went straight towards Aokiji.

"What?" Aokiji was shocked and dodged sideways. The light bullet whizzed past and exploded in the sky with amazing power, as if it was going to tear the entire sky apart.

"Haha, come again! Maga Thunder!" Maga Yamata no Orochi laughed. The spikes on her body flashed with lightning, and then several lightning beams roared like a mad dragon and pounced on Aokiji.

"You actually have lightning skills?" Aokiji was shocked. Such a powerful lightning skill would be useless even if he was elementalized. He dodged in a panic and finally avoided these attacks.

"Hmph, let's see where you can hide!" Maga Yaqi Great Snake Lady snorted, with a hint of pride in her eyes.

"Magga Yaqi Fireball!" Countless flame bombs erupted from her back in an instant. These flame bombs were like a group of angry firebirds, overwhelming Aokiji. The attack trajectory of the flame bombs was chaotic, but as dense as raindrops, making it impossible to avoid.

Aokiji knew that he could not dodge, he gritted his teeth and decided to face this move head-on. He released countless ice spears, standing in front of him like an iceberg, trying to block the impact of the fireball. However, there were so many fireballs and they kept coming, and the ice spears were ultimately difficult to resist. In the end, he was still hit by the fireball.

Aokiji was hit by several fireballs in succession and was constantly beaten back, but fortunately, when facing fireballs, they did not have the penetration of lightning, so elementalization was still useful.

Aokiji was not seriously injured.

"Hahaha." Maga Yamata Snake laughed loudly, then jumped out immediately, gathering the power of Armament Haki on her claws, and swung down with one palm.

"Ice Blade." Lightweight waved his hand casually, summoning a slender ice blade, holding the ice blade and slashing it.

The sound of sharp weapons colliding sounded, this was the sound of Maga Yamata Snake's claws slashing on Aokiji's ice blade.

"Maga Yamata Stink." Maga Yamata Snake attacked again.

"What, stink." Aokiji was shocked when he heard this, and he quickly turned into an ice element and ran away.

He didn't want to be stained with stink.

All the audience saw this scene and were stunned for a moment. Are you kidding me? You, a little girl, are playing with stink.

But no matter what they thought, Maga Yamata Snake did spit out yellow-green gas from her mouth, but it looked more like water vapor.

And the reason she did this was to get Aokiji.

Fortunately, the cloud of water vapor soon floated down. The robots were fine, but the marines were in trouble.

"Ah, it stinks."

The large number of marines affected immediately stopped their offensive.

They were all stinking, but the Zibel robots seized the opportunity and killed many of them.

"Ice bursts into the pheasant's mouth." The cold air shot out by Aokiji formed a huge ice bird.

The ice bird rushed towards Maga Yamata Snake.

"Maga Yamata penetrate." Maga Yamata Snake released a red light from its mouth, which easily broke Aokiji's ice bird nearby.

And it also hit Aokiji directly.

Aokiji immediately used elementalization, but he had no idea how terrifying and powerful this move was.

With a crackling sound, a trace of blood suddenly appeared in those ice houses.

This made all the audience dumbfounded, especially the navy side, they couldn't help but stand up directly.

How is this possible?

And when the battle came to this point, they also found a surprising point, that is, Maga Yamata no Orochi has multiple abilities, even surpassing Zhiton in this aspect.

Of course, many other strong men on the sea also discovered this.

But if Tang Tian knew about this, he would definitely laugh at them. Nonsense, Maga Yamata no Orochi was originally considered a stitched fusion monster in the Ultra World. It is a powerful demon beast that combines the power of the six elements of the demon beast and the great demon beast, seven monsters.

Isn't it normal to be in charge of multiple abilities? Besides, when it comes to mastering multiple abilities, the new generation of Ultraman, the group of cheaters and debt kings are much stronger.

At this time, on the battlefield, Aokiji also immediately turned from an ice element into a real person, but everyone who saw him changed their faces, because there was already a blood hole on Aokiji's right shoulder.

Akainu was also shocked when he saw this scene. You know, if it was him, if he didn't use all his strength for several days and nights, he wouldn't dare to say that he could beat Aokiji like this.

But look at the Maga Yamata no Orochi in front of him, it seemed very relaxed, as if he was just playing around.

At this time, even Akainu, who was usually very arrogant, fell silent.

Because he had to admit that the S-level monster girl was really strong, stronger than many of the Four Emperors on their side.

"Really amazing." Aokiji endured the pain and said to Maga Yamata Orochi in front of him.

"Give up, you are not my opponent, I haven't even used half of my strength now. If you don't want to all die here."

Maga Yamata Orochi said with disdain, with her hands on her hips.

Hearing this, Aokiji fell silent and looked at the battlefield below.

The navy, who saw less than 400 people, at least in his opinion, could still be awake and stand up to fight.

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