"Hey, the navy is here too. They are really shameless. After all, they are the ones with the worst relationship with the Monster Alliance, hey." Doflamingo thought.

At the same time, he was more concerned about what Whitebeard said before, including other people.

Of course, except for Dragon, seeing the old man of the Lian family coming to the navy this time, because of the psychological shadow.

He had seen before that the stage of this auction seemed to have to be entered from the other side, so he immediately took Sabo and Kral to other places to avoid the limelight.

At the same time, the navy also came.

And there are more than others, more warships to be precise.

The navy is the force with the largest number of warships in the current pirate world, there is no doubt about that.

And this time, the navy sent a total of ten top-level navy warships.

After all, the people who came to the navy this time are not simple.

And everyone has seen the person standing on the first navy warship.

The current admiral of the navy, Sengoku, is known as a wise general, a four emperor-level strongman, and the owner of the animal-type human-human fruit, the mythical beast-type Buddha form.

Navy hero Garp, although his position is vice admiral, is a true four emperor-level strongman, and he is also a top figure among them. He has the most domineering domineering and physical skills, so he is called the iron fist. In the past, even the Pirate King suffered from his iron fist on this sea.

Navy Chief of Staff Tsuru, whose strength is between the admiral level and the alternate admiral level, is like Sengoku, a think tank of the navy. With a special devil fruit like the Wash Wash Fruit, her strength is also extraordinary.

Navy Admiral Aokiji, an admiral-level strongman, the owner of the Ice Fruit, is called one of the three most monstrous admirals in history by the navy.

Taotu Jiyuan, one of the two alternate admiral-level strongmen of the navy, a top female swordsman.

Now they are on the same navy warship.

The most important thing is that the words "Zhan Guo" were written on the canvas on the battleship. It was obvious that the battleship they were on should be a battleship of the Warring States.

But at this time, they, like the other three Four Emperors, also heard what Whitebeard said before. Although it was far away, they could still hear it, after all, Whitebeard's voice was so loud.

They now had only one idea, that is, the monster girl seemed to have learned Whitebeard's physical skills, and also learned the Conqueror's Haki and the other two colors.

To put it simply, the monster girl learned a lot from Whitebeard through her super learning ability.

"Gulala, it's been a long time since we last met, Warring States. But what's so surprising about this? Tang Tian paid such a high price to help me deal with that bastard Teach, so what's wrong with me teaching them?"

Whitebeard laughed with a dead pig's expression.

Anyway, it is unlikely that they will become enemies with the Monster Alliance. After all, the two sides have already established a good cooperative relationship, and the relationship between people has also become closer. As for how others worry, that is their business.

He doesn't care about Whitebeard.

"You bastard." After hearing this, Sengoku didn't know what to say. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Monster Alliance are equal exchanges, and both sides are quite satisfied.

But the relationship between their navy and the Monster Alliance is not good, and they will never stop until death. Now that the Monster Alliance has strengthened its strength, this is not good news for them.

The expressions on the faces of other powerful people are fearful, envious, and happy. The happy one is naturally Jinbei, after all, he has a good relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates.

It's just that he can't go through the confrontation between the four emperors just now.

As for the others, they are basically some fears and worries. After seeing the strength of the Monster Alliance, they are more or less worried that they will conflict with the Monster Alliance in the future.

Soon, some people from the navy came up and told the navy soldiers on top to manage the warships. Then they came to the beach.

However, they stood a little far away from other forces. After all, the navy and pirates have always been irreconcilable in the past, including now.

However, the navy is undoubtedly the most powerful here now, after all, they have three emperor-level strongmen.

"Gulala, by the way, I heard that you all sent people to hunt down Teach, how come you all didn't get anything? Especially you, Sengoku, if I remember correctly, the little girl next to you went to hunt down Blackbeard's candidate." Whitebeard suddenly laughed.

But soon, he added: "Oh, by the way, Shanks, I remember that you seemed to go to hunt down the whole ship together? Why didn't you catch him? Why don't you want 10 billion and ten devil fruits?"

"Oh, that day when we just arrivedThe ring duel came in the first half of the Great Voyage. Didn't we also participate in the latter part? In addition, we held a banquet to welcome the arrival of this little guy, and then forgot about these things. Now that you mentioned it, I just remembered it. "Shanks touched his head and said, he really forgot.

"Humph, don't mention it, that guy is a turtle, I don't know where he ran off, I searched for a long time but there was no clue, Chatun continued to look, I came back first." Taotu pouted and said, she really had never seen such a turtle that could hide.

"It's almost the same here, Jack can't find anyone."

"The same is true for Cracker. "

Kaido and BIGMOM said unhappily one after another. After all, they originally planned to take advantage of Whitebeard's fortune for free, but now they heard that this fortune seemed to really come from Tang Tian's Monster Alliance, so they were not satisfied.

After all, they originally planned to empty Whitebeard's family assets. At the same time, they also believed that such a small amount of money was really insignificant in the eyes of the Monster Alliance, and they could not empty the Monster Alliance at all.

"Gulala, hearing that Teach was so miserable, I felt relieved about Ace. I was just afraid that this kid was too reckless, and with the power of the Dark-Dark Fruit, he would really end up in a bad way? "Whitebeard laughed when he heard this.

Garp was stunned when he heard this, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Ace was fine, and he wanted to see it. He almost forgot about it before.

And now, Whitebeard said that Ace was fine, and he was relieved.

However, he had to settle accounts with someone about his other grandson, his own grandson.

"Hmph, red-haired kid, let's settle the matter between you and my grandson now. It's all your fault that he became a pirate. I originally planned to train him to be a navy."

Garp twisted his arm and said with an angry and murderous look.

Everyone who heard this was stunned. Shanks lured Garp's grandson to be a pirate. When did this happen?

"Well, wait a minute, Garp's grandson must be in the East China Sea. I remember that you went to the East China Sea and lost this arm, right? "Marco suddenly thought of something, so he said it out.

Everyone was confused, except the Red Hair Pirates. Oh my goodness, how did Shanks lose his arm again?

Hearing this, even Hawkeye became interested. He always wanted to know why Shanks lost his arm.

"Hahahaha, big beard, didn't I tell you? I bet that arm on the New World." Shanks laughed.

But his brothers behind him almost laughed out loud in gloating, but they had to keep an idle look in front of these people.

How did Shanks lose his other arm back then? How could they not know, but they saw the captain laughing and showing a little embarrassment at a close distance.

They also knew that the captain didn't want to say that his arm was bitten off by a beast.

"Hehe, red-haired kid. If this is your reason, then I won't be polite today. "Garp sneered maliciously.

Just about to start, but how could Tang Tian allow them to fight?

So all the A-level monster girls were dispatched immediately.

As the silver light flashed again, Kizaru immediately discovered it, because he was the only person in the navy who had seen the monster girl disappear instantly, and he could also be said to be the only person here.

He hurriedly stopped her and said, "Mr. Garp, stop it."

But in fact, he didn't need to say much. All the four emperors in this field felt it. The energy fluctuations that suddenly appeared in the air were very strong.

"Ah, is it coming again?"

"It seems that the monster girl has appeared again. Obviously, when there are strong people of the corresponding level making trouble, there will be monster girls of the corresponding level coming out to stop it."

The ordinary pirates said immediately.

"Hey, hey, hey, it seems that the A-level monster girls have appeared. "Doflamingo said with a smile.

"Well, is the monster girl who seems to have walked out of our Nine Snake Island coming?" Boa Hancock's eyes lit up, and she turned around and saw it.

Soon, in front of everyone, the monster girls appeared again in the air.

Tang Tian currently has ten monster girls of A level.

They appeared soon, and this time, three ghost girls attacked.

"Ghost Slash × 3!" As the ghost girl Sukuna, the ghost girl Honglian and the ghost girl Lanlian shouted in unison, three cold lights flashed at the same time. They drew out the sharp blades at their waists without hesitation, and instantly poured the surging ghost energy in their bodies into them.

I saw three knives slashing down at the same time, and the fierce attack was unparalleled.Unparalleled power. However, what is even more amazing is that these three powerful forces actually merged perfectly in mid-air, converging into an even more powerful and terrifying demon sword energy!

The power of this attack is earth-shattering, like three general-level swordsmen working together to attack, and its power has surpassed the ordinary Four Emperors. Both the Four Emperors themselves and the Navy were stunned by this sudden attack.

Especially when this slash went straight between Garp and Shanks, the two were even more shocked. Because the distance is very close, they may be involved in it if they are not careful. After weighing the pros and cons, they can only choose to retreat temporarily to protect themselves.

Although it is not difficult for Garp and Shanks to take this attack, they do not want to bear this kind of damage and power consumption for no reason. So, at the critical moment, the two legendary figures flashed and quickly retreated.

Finally, this fused ghost sword energy fell fiercely on the beach, causing a huge wave of sand. The whole scene was extremely shocking, as if the end of the world had come, leaving everyone present dumbfounded.

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