And just like the Donut Fruit ability before, the greatest ability of the user after eating the Senbei Fruit is to create a lot of delicious Senbei out of thin air, at least better than the ones that are now on the market and made by ordinary chefs.

Hearing this, Garp laughed immediately, because he liked eating Senbei more than donuts.

Then, under everyone's silence, Long couldn't help but cover his eyes.

Garp and Charlotte Linling came to compete again.

But this time, Garp didn't give in at all, and even took out the money from his family that he had saved.

Finally, under Charlotte Linling's angry eyes.

This devil fruit was bought by Garp for 1.5 billion Baileys.

Queen Airey personally came on stage, took the devil fruit down, and handed it to him.

"Hahaha, in that case, I will accept it without hesitation. BIGMOM, you fat girl, are you convinced?"

After getting the devil fruit, Garp laughed loudly, and then said to Charlotte Lingling in a mocking tone, but at the same time he was thinking that he should give this devil fruit to the marines on his warship.

"Haha, let's wait and see." Charlotte Lingling smiled with anger, then lowered her head and immediately ate up a lot of food on the table.

Obviously, she was still angry.

Tang Tian couldn't help but smile, because he had gained a lot now.

It has reached this year's 12.8 billion Baileys.

But in fact, at this time, what he cares more about is the mysterious girl.

This time, he even took the initiative to contact the other party in private chat, just when everyone was still immersed in this devil fruit auction.

But fortunately, the mysterious girl contacted him soon.

At the same time, he also quickly learned the girl's name, Xue Yueer.

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: I ​​really didn't expect it. 】

【Xue Yue'er: Me too. 】

The conversation between the two sounded strange, but the next moment.

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: Odd things change, but even things don't. 】

【Xue Yue'er: The symbol depends on the quadrant. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: How much is a string of Bobo Chicken? 】

【Xue Yue'er: One yuan a string. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: The King of Heaven and the Tiger of Earth. 】

【Xue Yue'er: The Pagoda that suppresses the river monster. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: A big hammer? 】

【Xue Yue'er: 80. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: A small hammer? 】

【Xue Yue'er: 40. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Strange Lady: In our previous life country, everyone's favorite dish. 】

【Xue Yue'er: Chicken stewed with mushrooms. 】

The two were obviously exchanging secret codes. When they were almost there, both Tang Tian, ​​who was sitting on the stage, and Xue Yue'er, who was sitting below, could not help but smile at each other.

After all, it was a meeting between fellow villagers, and now it was a clash between time travelers.

[Xue Yue'er: Hehe, I didn't expect to meet my fellow villagers again, and my fellow villagers were exposed before me. ]

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of the Weird Girls: I didn't expect that there were other time travelers besides me who came here. ]

Yes, after some confirmation and exchanging secret codes, the room was confirmed. Xue Yue'er was the same as him, and with this name, it was obvious that she was not from the pirate world.

There is no doubt that the other party was also a modern time traveler. They came from the same era and the same country.

The two continued to discuss, and the auction of devil fruits continued.

The 13th and 14th were a fairly medium-sized superhuman devil fruit and an ordinary animal rattlesnake form.

These two fruits were auctioned off by one of the underground emperors and empresses respectively.

1.1 billion and 1.2 billion.

Compared with the underground emperor, yes, the empress finally won a devil fruit. After all, it is a snake devil fruit. Even if it is Kaido, she will fight for it.

"Hmph, it's given to you." Kaido looked at her and said, and then did not deliberately make things difficult.

Because let's not talk about it first. In Kaido's eyes, this is just an ordinary seed, not a big loss.

And he knows that this woman seems to have some relationship with Rayleigh, and he is also a little afraid of the first two queens of Nine Snake Island, Xia Qi and New Granny.

Especially the latter, who was also a member of the Rocks Pirates back then. He knew that the woman was also not easy to mess with.

So forget it this time, anyway, it's harmless.

Seeing this scene, Hancock was relieved immediately, after all, Kaido could kill her with a stick.

At the same time, the auction continued.

Tang Tian and Xue Yue'er's private chat continued.

Through the conversation, Tang Tian also knew that Xue Yue'er's situation was similar to his own.

Whether it was some experiences in the previous life or someLove of comics.

Then Xue Yueer came a year ago. As for the time of awakening the system, it was about the same as his, but relatively speaking, his system was more powerful.

But after knowing Xue Yueer's system capabilities, he did not dare to underestimate it. After all, Xue Yueer seemed to restrain herself a little.

After listening, he even laughed and cried a little, but more of the excitement and fun were born in his heart.

Let's put it this way, his system is a monster girl summoning system.

And Xue Yueer's system is called the Ultra Girl Exchange System.

It can be used through some special powers in the pirate world, the most direct one is the famous sword, and the devil fruit.

As long as you get enough devil fruits, or special devil fruits, you can exchange them for Ultra Girls from the system.

And Xue Yueer also has a novice gift package.

That is, you can exchange an Ultra Girl for free, and the other rewards are the same as his.

However, the three-color domineering is not the top, but the advanced.

Let's just say that the ability sharing is similar. If he is at the level of the Four Emperors or even the Super Emperor in terms of domineering, Xue Yue'er's domineering is between the Four Emperors and the Generals.

However, on this basis, Xue Yue'er also has a novice gift package, that is, her system will give her money, 10 billion Baileys a month.

This is why she can take out so much money now.

This makes Tang Tian very envious, because if he has this ability, he doesn't have to worry about the funding problem of the Monster Alliance, at least not 1/3.

Then there is the Ultra Girl that Xue Yue'er exchanged for free.

Some specific conditions of her Ultra Girl are similar to those of his Monster Girl.

There are also five levels from low to high: C, B, A, S, and SSS.

That is, Lieutenant General, Alternate General, General, Four Emperors, and Super Emperor.

Even the Ultra Girl she exchanged and appeared in front of her was transmitted by the same color of light beam.

The corresponding levels are white, blue, purple, gold, and red respectively.

And the Ultra Girl she exchanged for free.

It was Orb Girl, and she could switch forms at will, switching between eight forms: Heavy Light, Explosion, Gale, Dark Glory, Original, Triple, Brilliant, and Wisdom and Courage.

But her Ultra Girl's strength was erratic.

Just like this Orb Girl, the other forms were the strength of the Admiral, Dark Glory and Original were a little stronger than the Admiral, but below the Four Emperors.

If the triple form was used, it would be the standard strength of the Four Emperors.

This was quite special.

And with the sharing of abilities, Xue Yue'er now also used Orb's strength and all abilities and skills.

And Xue Yue'er's Ultra Girl also had the same abilities as Tang Tian's Monster Girl, including super learning ability, super recovery ability, and immortality.

When Tang Tian and Xue Yue'er talked about this, they were also very confused, why were their abilities similar, or their system came out to say something.

Because the original abilities that constituted their two systems were the Ultra World, monsters and Ultraman, in fact, there was not much difference.

Therefore, what is provided to them is similar.

There will not be an Ultra Girl for each form.

This is the reason why Xue Yueer's system is not as good as Tang Tian's system. Not to mention the difficulty of both sides obtaining corresponding combat power, it is definitely more difficult for Xue Yueer.

Just because Tang Tian now has so many monster girls, and already has two major underwater bases and a large number of submarines and numerous robots.

On the contrary, Xue Yueer now has only one Orb Girl, and now she is hiding in the dark to protect her.

There is nothing else, this is the best proof.

And the most important point is that, although in the Ultra World, the same monster has many forms, such as Gomora.

There are ordinary forms, mechanical forms, virtual forms, and EX forms.

But unlike Xue Yueer, the monster girls that Tang Tian can obtain can be one monster girl for each form.

So after a comparison between the two, Tang Tian's system is still more powerful.

As for why the system was not discovered by the space shuttle system and the world consciousness, it was because Xue Yueer's system was hidden. It was really inferior to Tang Tian's system, and it was not able to be on par with the world consciousness, so it was hidden.

But now it is obviously exposed. Now Xue Yueer's system has actually been invited to drink tea by Tang Tian's system and the world consciousness, but fortunately their host relationship is already good, so the three of them will not get along badly.

After understanding each other's situation, the two continued to chat.

[Xue Yueer: It seems that you don't plan to become a pirate and create a force yourself, and in order to maintain mystery and concealment,That’s why I chose to build my own power and territory in the deep sea. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Monster Girls: That’s right, and don’t forget that most of the monster girls’ attributes are dark. Even if they are not, there are many monster girls who like dark environments, so it’s the best for me in the deep sea. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Monster Girls: Don’t talk about me, what about you? 】

【Xue Yue’er: I yearn for an adventurous life like Luffy, so I want to be a pirate and become a captain. As for my crew, they are Ultra Girls. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Monster Girls: From what you said before, I can see that you really want to be a pirate, and your nature and core are similar to Luffy and the others. 】

【Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Monster Girls: Then what are your plans for the future? If you are active on the sea, and now the only one who can really treat my monster girl is your Ultra Girl. 】

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