One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 3 Ghost Gun Vic, take action

A tavern somewhere.

Today is the kingdom's annual lantern festival, so people are coming and going on the island at this moment, and some even come from other islands.

The tavern is naturally crowded at this moment, and the seats in front of the bar are also full.

The tavern owner stood at the bar with sweat on his head, looking at the few drinks on the wine rack and worrying secretly.


The door of the tavern was pushed open from the outside, and a tall figure squeezed in.

"Sorry, guest, today's wine is sold out." The tavern owner said apologetically, "Can you go somewhere else..."

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, the tavern owner's pupils suddenly shrank, and the voice stopped abruptly.

The people sitting in the single seat in front of the bar and sharing stories around the round table subconsciously glanced at the door when they heard the noise.

In an instant, the noisy place just now became silent.

Then there was a whispering sound.

"Then... could it be... is..."

"It can't be wrong... it's Gekko Moriah himself!!"

"He disappeared for eleven years, but I didn't expect him to show up today!!"

"Why did he come here?"

The figure that entered the tavern was Moriah.

No wonder the reaction was so intense, because this is the hometown of Gekko Moriah.

Looking at the entire West Sea, Moriah's popularity is also among the top, even just behind Red Hair Shanks.

For people in this world, idols are often those famous pirates, and these pirates have become their after-dinner talk, not to mention that this pirate and they come from the same sea.

At this time, Moriah has not yet become a Shichibukai, and the bounty is 320 million, and this is the bounty ten years ago.

The best places to get information are the romantic places and the taverns. Moriah originally planned to go to the former, but it would not be good to bring a little loli with him.

Moriah walked to the bar with Perona, who looked like a curious baby. People sitting in front of the bar slid down from their seats instantly, and some timid people ran away directly.

Without being polite, Moriah sat on the seat at the bar, and Perona sat beside him. The tavern owner immediately poured Moriah the best wine in the store.

"Welcome Lord Moonlight Moriah to our store." The tavern owner wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he could see the tension at the moment.

To be honest, the tavern owner felt that this was the pirate with the highest bounty he had encountered since he opened the store, and it might be the same in the future.

Moriah waved his hand and put a bag of money on the counter: "This is the wine money, and the rest is the reward. I want to ask you something."

"Please tell me, I don't know if you know about this." The tavern owner didn't take the money directly, after all, he didn't know if this would be possible at that time.

"I want to recruit crew members to go to the Grand Line again. I wonder if there are any pirates active around here?"

As soon as Moriah said this, the people drinking looked sideways, and most of them had a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Most of them are also pirates. Joining the pirate group of a big man brings unimaginable benefits.

Although they intend to join Moria, none of them dare to take the lead. After all, they don’t know much about Moria’s temper. The most important thing is that their strength is a bit weak, and they are afraid that their lives will be lost.

Hearing this, the tavern owner felt relieved. He thought it was something difficult, but it turned out to be asking about this. Then it was time for him to perform.

The tavern owner asked Moria to wait for a while, and searched in the room for a long time before taking out a stack of bounties.

"These are all pirates with bounties over 5 million, take a look..."

"Ghost Saru, bounty 12 million Berries... Chameleon Mark, bounty 15 million, executioner..."

Moria flipped through it and was disappointed. There was no guy that interested him.

Guys of this strength may be domineering in the West Sea, but there are too many strong people in the new world, and they are not good enough, and there is no capital for Moria to invite him personally.

Moria shook his head and said nothing, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that these guys were not in his eyes.

Just as Moria was about to get up, a figure suddenly rushed in front of him.

"Moria, let me get on your ship! My name is Vic, my bounty is 25 million, my nickname is "Ghost Gun", and I am the captain of the Ghost Gun Pirates!"

The voice was a little hurried, with expectations and desires.

The figure stood there nervously, as if he had just submitted his resume for an interview.

After hearing the title "Ghost Gun", the people at the next table immediately began to whisper with their hands covering their mouths.

"I didn't expect him to be Ghost Gun Vic. It is said that when he shoots, the bullets will shoot out from any part of his body, so he got the title of "Ghost Gun."

"I heard that he is cruel and treacherous..."

"Shh! Don't want him to hear you when you speak so loudly?"

The focus was on Moria at this moment. People were waiting for his reaction, anger, or...

Seeing that someone actually recommended himself, Moria smiled on his expressionless face with a hint of appreciation.

"Ghost Gun Vic, right? I admire your courage, but I have to ask you, how many years has your Ghost Gun Pirates been established?" Moria suddenly asked a question that was completely unrelated.

"Three years and eight months."

"Although you have the strength to join my pirate group, your crew members may not have it." Moria said: "Get rid of them, let me see your determination, and let me see the name of "Ghost Gun" by the way."

Everyone in the tavern took a breath of cold air.

Especially the crew members who were originally sitting at the same table with Ghost Gun Vic, their expressions were horrified at this moment, and their eyes were fixed on their captain.

After a while, Ghost Gun seemed to have made up his mind and stretched his hand into his arms.

As if knowing the answer, the other members of the Ghost Gun Pirates instantly ran to the door of the tavern.

But just when Ghost Gun was about to take action, Moria did call him.

"Okay, I know your choice, and your strength is also good... but" Moria changed his face, his face full of disgust, "Get out!"

"What do you mean?" Ghost Gun Vic also changed his face, "Are you kidding me?"

"You... can't get on my ship!" Moria stared at him, and Ghost Gun Vic felt cold all over, like an eagle looking at a wolf.

Ghost Gun Vic took two steps back, cold sweat on his forehead, and his hand began to reach into his arms.


When Ghost Gun Vic's fingers were about to touch the gun, Moria threw a punch, and then his figure was embedded on the wall of the tavern.

This bloody and exciting scene scared everyone in the tavern, and the boss's scalp was numb at this moment.

As Ghost Gun Vic was thrown out like a kite with a broken string, Moria's voice came: "Even a piece of stone should be warmed up in three years! But this can't warm your heart!"

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