One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 94 Green Manager, Mysterious Pirate Group

The dwarfs, also known as the Dontatas, live on Greenbit Island, northwest of Dressrosa.

The residents of Dressrosa call them fairies, and they can take anything on the island.

When the dwarf saw that he was discovered, he wanted to escape immediately, but his stomach was a little full and he couldn't run.

"You are the thief, you dare to steal my food." Hoseman poked the bloated belly of the dwarf with his finger, then gently held it in his hand and said fiercely.

"Let me go, you bad dwarf." The little guy struggled violently, and although Hoseman didn't use any force, the former still couldn't break free.

Perona looked at the little people who were smaller than her palm and immediately became interested: "It's fun, I want to play too..."

Moria spread his palm and said to Hosman: "Don't scare him, give him to me!"

Hosman handed the little people over, and Moria stared at the little people and said: "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you."

"Really?" The little people were puzzled,


"That's great." The little people cheered, the Tontata people are very kind and easy to trust others.

Moria handed over a grape and asked: "What's your name?"

"My name is Inhail, an intelligence officer of the Tontata reconnaissance force."

The little people named Inhail took the grapes as big as his head, but didn't eat them. He had eaten enough. The fruits cultivated by their Tontata people are several times more delicious than this.

The reason why Moria is very interested in the little people is because they are called green managers, claiming that there is no plant in the world that they can't cultivate.

"Can you take me to see your leader? I have something to tell him." Moriah smiled in a self-congratulatory way.

"No, Captain Leo said that some adults are liars and their words cannot be trusted."

"We are good people, and it is very important."

"Then follow me."

In this way, Moriah and his group easily followed the scout Inhail into Greenbit.

But when everyone entered this primeval forest, an unexpected scene happened. In a forest on the Greenbit island, purple poisonous gas rose.

"Everyone, I'm back, how are you?" Inhail shouted loudly with a hand-made trumpet.

At this time, a flying unit riding flying insects flew over the poisonous gas in the forest, and two figures fell from the sky.

"Inhaier, it's bad. Because Wicca believed the lies of the adults, she brought back a group of bad adults. Now some ordinary people have been captured."

A little man who looked like a rhinoceros beetle said in panic, and then saw the people behind Inhaier and was shocked: "Huh? Adults?"

Then two little men showed a vigilant look, took out their spears and pointed them at Moria and others: "Bad adults, are you in the same group with them? Tell me, where did you capture our people?"

Moria and others were a little confused, but still explained: "We don't know the people you are talking about. We are good adults."

"Is that so?" The two little men thought for a moment and then expressed their belief.

After bypassing the dense forest filled with poisonous gas, Moria and others finally came to the Kingdom of Tontata deep in the forest.

"Everyone, I brought back a few adults, and they said they could help us." The rhinoceros beetle shouted inside.

Not long after, many small figures poked their heads out of the small houses on the trees.

Moriah and the others repeated their words again, and these kind little guys chose to believe again, even though they had just been deceived.

For a moment, Moriah felt a little ashamed in front of these innocent little guys.

The captain of the dwarf tribe also told the whole story. Some slave traders who were very familiar with their personalities first gained their trust, and then used nets to capture them while releasing poison gas bombs.

By the time they reacted and prepared to fight back, the other party had already run away.

It is not surprising that the dwarf tribe can attract the attention of slave traders. After all, a dwarf tribe is a walking 700,000.

It is worth mentioning that the fur tribe also has 700,000. It is extremely difficult to capture the fur tribe, and it is easier to capture the dwarf tribe.

At this moment, the princess of the dwarf tribe, Manshirley, is activating the ability of the healing fruit to detoxify every poisoned tribe member.

Even Moria covets this ability.

Thinking of what to do next, Moria took the initiative to say: "Which direction are they heading? I think we should be able to give you some help."

Leo, the captain of the army, glanced at Mansherry for a few times, and then said to Moria: "Thank you, you are really a group of good adults. They ran to the northeast. We have contacted our reliable ally Riku..."

"If I help you rescue your people, can you agree to one condition of mine?" Moria asked.

"Of course, because you are good adults!"

Moria and his group were moved by the innocence and kindness of the little people. Although they are little people, they are two extremes of little people.

Perona's ghost scouted the specific location, and Lafitte went there alone.

Even if he was dealing with pirates on an entire ordinary pirate ship, his ability was not a problem, not to mention just some scheming businessmen.

Half an hour later, a slave ship docked at the shore of Greenbit.

On the deck of the slave ship, a dozen figures were tied tightly to the mast, with rags stuffed in their mouths.

Lafitte used his cane sword to cut through the net, and the captured dwarfs ran out one after another.

Some cried with joy, some cried bitterly, but it was always a happy thing.

"Thank you, you will be our trusted allies in the future." Leo jumped on Moria's shoulder and thanked him, "If you want to help with anything, just ask."

Other members of the Tontata tribe also agreed, including the tribe leader Gan Qiao.

Others may say this just to be polite, but this group of little guys obviously is not. Seeing that the effect has been achieved, Moria did not hide it, but asked:

"I heard that there is no plant that cannot be cultivated in the hands of the Tontata tribe. I also want to see it today. Now I have some seeds in my hand. If any of you can cultivate it, you have to follow me for a while."

"No problem." The dwarfs are eager to try without any doubt. They are very confident in their own means of cultivating plants.

As expected, there was an accident.

As a result, only a part of the seeds that should have been produced came out from the whole tribe.

As for the reason... it was because some of the seeds Moria gave were cooked seeds.

All the people in the tribe were very kind, and there was no one who cheated.

In the end, Moria's condition was to let the selected Tontata people go to the island to help grow food and fruits.

The Tontata people were willing to accept the loss and did not doubt it. They really sent some of the people selected by Moria to help open up the wasteland.

As a reward, Moria also left the flag in Greenbit. I believe that almost no slave traders will dare to set foot there in the future.

After all, the Moonlight Pirates are praised by people for destroying six countries overnight. Such a large-scale massacre rarely happens once in decades.

There are still two weeks before the auction of the Golden Fruit. Moria and others did not stay in Greenbit and Dressrosa for too long, and continued to sail directly towards the North Sea.

In a certain sea area, the huge sails of the terrifying three-masted sailboat were spread out in the wind, and the onion hairstyle and a pair of skulls with flaming bat wings on it were very conspicuous.

A large area around can be seen, and some unknown pirates will take a detour when they see it from afar.

Of course, there are all kinds of fish in a big sea.

"Listen to me, bring the boat over!" On an extremely huge pirate ship, a tall and strong guy with double horns on his head commanded his subordinates.

"Boss, but... the other party is the Moonlight Pirates, a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea newly appointed by the World Government." A subordinate raised his head and reminded.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea, Moonlight Moria, this is the guy I'm looking for."

That deep voice came out again, and the boat really came over...

I broke my promise, because I came back late today because of something, and I missed a chapter. I will punish myself with another chapter. I will pay it back after owing two chapters. Thank you all for your support!

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