"I don't know, what kind of devil fruit is this?"

Seimei murmured something.

"I didn't see the body of the concubine. I just thought it was very weird and scary. It must not be an ordinary devil fruit. Unfortunately, the "Devil Fruit Encyclopedia" is on the boat, otherwise, you can find out by checking it!"

Robin next to Seimei spoke immediately.

"Well, I also think that this is an unusual devil fruit."

Seimei said, and put away this dangerous devil fruit.

Of course, no matter how special this Devil Fruit is, Seimei does not intend to take it.

After all, there are too many restrictions on Devil Fruits. They are afraid of sea water and sea towers.

Don't you find yourself guilty by eating a devil fruit?

With Seimei's current strength, he doesn't need the power of Devil Fruits at all!

However, even if Seimei didn't eat it, he could still give it to the Sombra Corps.

Not sure, this special devil fruit can improve the strength of the Sombra Corps!

However, before that, we need to figure out what the devil fruit is.

In case it is a waste fruit such as the fruit of silence, eat it, let alone increase its strength, and even lose its strength.

It's better not to eat it!

After putting away the Devil Fruit, Seimei led the girls back to the Iron Throne.

It can be said that Nami had a pleasant evening tonight. After everyone returned to the Iron Throne, they also held a celebration banquet.

This celebration feast can be said to be very grand.

All kinds of mountain delicacies, wines, everything you need!

It's as if I can't wait to squander all the billions I just got!

Seimei didn't care about that at all.

Anyway, one billion is extra income, spend it all.

Maybe it was because she was in a very good mood. Nami drank a lot of wine, and even got a little drunk.

Maybe she was really too happy, Nami was a little more coquettish to Seimei, and she was drunk and shouting that she wanted to sleep with Seimei.

Of course, in the end, Nuo Qigao was forcibly dragged away.

Seeing that Nami was like a little girl who didn't grow up, she acted like a spoiled child to her father.

Seimei, the old father, is also very pleased (Okay Zhao).

Perhaps, this is the joy of family!

the next day.

Seimei, who slept in the same big bed with Taotu and Hancock, was awakened by Robin.

Seeing Taotu and Hancock sleeping soundly, Robin didn't react.

After all, she was used to this kind of situation.

In other words, a few days ago, she was not sleeping with a few sisters.

"What's the matter?"

After leaving the room, he closed the door intimately, and Seimei just said yes to Robin.

"Yeah. I have already found out the origin of the Devil Fruit that the king got yesterday."

Robin said, and took out a thick "Devil Fruit Encyclopedia" from behind. .

Chapter 420

After turning to a certain page, Robin handed the book to Seimei.

When Seimei took over the book to read, she introduced it.

"King, the devil fruit you got should be called the most dangerous devil fruit in the world - the nuclear explosion fruit!"

When Robin said this, he paused!

"The most dangerous devil fruit in the world! Oh, interesting!"

Seimei simply closed the book and motioned for Robin to continue.

Seeing that Seimei trusted him so much, Robin was naturally very happy, and continued: "This is a super devil fruit, not only the most dangerous devil fruit in the world, but also one of the most powerful devil fruits! "

"The power is as powerful as a nuclear bomb explosion! It is even more powerful than the shock fruit of Edward Newgate the Whitebeard!"

"It's just that although this Devil Fruit is powerful, it has a fatal flaw. That is, every time the nuclear explosion ability is used, the user will suffer great damage."

"It is even possible that under the power of the nuclear bomb explosion, it will be wiped out!"

After a pause, Robin swallowed and continued:

"It is said that the previous owner of this Devil Fruit was killed because he could not withstand the power of the nuclear bomb explosion!"

After listening to Robin's introduction, Seimei was happy.

There are such interesting (and dangerous) Devil Fruits in the world.

After using the ability, it will not only kill the enemy, but even kill yourself.

But think about it, the power of a nuclear explosion.

There are a few people who can stand it.

And, Robin forgot to say one thing, that is.

To use the power of this devil fruit, you don't want to transmit shock waves by vibrating air or matter like Whitebeard's shock fruit.

Those who have nuclear explosion fruit ability must use their own body as the medium before they can exert their fruit ability.

That is to say, treat yourself as a nuclear bomb and injure the enemy by detonating yourself!

In this way, after using the ability of the nuclear explosion fruit, there is not even a chance to escape.

If your physique is not hard enough, you will really be blown up to ashes by your own abilities!

No wonder, this devil fruit, known as the most dangerous devil fruit in the world, is really not a false name.

This is not just dangerous, it's just joking with your own life!

No wonder, the evil dragon obviously obtained such a powerful devil fruit, but he could only throw it in the treasure house and dare not eat it.

After all, he didn't want to joke about his life either!

Having said that, with Qingming now training his body into the physique of a black knife, even if he really eats this devil fruit, he can guarantee that he will not blow himself up when he uses the nuclear explosion ability.

But Seimei naturally won't eat this devil fruit.

Instead, he had a bold idea.

That is, let the Shadow Corps eat this Devil Fruit!

The Shadow Corps, as long as the ghost general doesn't die, can be resurrected from the shadow.

Even if you are killed by your own nuclear explosion ability, don't worry, as long as there is a ghost general, it can be resurrected in the next second.

In this way, if the Black Shadow Corps can successfully absorb this nuclear explosion fruit.

So, isn't every shadow soldier equivalent to an extremely dangerous nuclear bomb? ! ! !

Really, when the time comes, it is not nonsense at all for a black shadow corps to conquer a powerful country!

If one nuclear explosion is not enough, then two, if two are not enough, then three!

In the shadow soldier who is equivalent to a nuclear bomb, Seimei can't believe it, what other country dares not to surrender to him!

Seimei didn't even have to think about it, he could know in advance that once the Sombra Corps successfully absorbed this Devil Fruit, there would definitely be a qualitative improvement in its strength!

The nine shadow corps belong to different nine ghost generals.

Therefore, naturally only one of the Shadow Corps can absorb this Devil Fruit.

Robin's samurai group, which can now also be called the beast group, has eaten hundreds of animal-type devil fruits.

There are even Shenlong Fruit and Orochi, two fruits of the phantom beast species.

The strength of the samurai group is already strong enough, and there is no need to continue to improve.

After a little thought, Seimei decided to leave this nuclear explosive fruit to Nami's Shadow Eater.

In other words, Nami, the ghost general of the Shadow Eater Corps, is indeed powerful.

You can use the shadow to devour everything.

Even, swallowing a powerful enemy ten times stronger than herself!

However, she is the only one who is strong.

As for the shadow soldiers of the Shadow Eater Corps, they are the smallest of the various types of the Shadow Corps, and they look like small sharks. They look pitiful.

You can only strengthen yourself by devouring the shadows of others endlessly.The more shadows nibbling away, the bigger and stronger they will become. .

Chapter 421

However, if the opponent is above the general level, who will give these little things the opportunity to eat away their shadow?

This is also the reason why Nami, as the ghost general of the Shadow Eater Corps, rarely summons the Sombra Corps.

Because they are so weak!

However, it is different now. Once the nuclear explosion fruit is absorbed, each of them is equivalent to a nuclear bomb!

As long as it is attached to the body of the person, and then detonates... Hehe, even if the opponent is a general-level powerhouse, they have to eat and walk around.

Thinking of this, Seimei even looked forward to it.

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