On July 12, 1501, Taize is ready to leave after settling many problems in the country of Wano, Angel is placed in the mirror world, and Kaido is hidden in Taize's soul space in the Dragon Spirit Ball...

The first stop is the holy place of shipbuilders, the capital of seven waters, Taize in the form of a green dragon set off from Xiaokong Island, the capital of flowers, a hundred meters of dragons stepping on the clouds, compared to the natural moonlight form, although the speed is slow, but it is more energy-saving, along the great voyage, all the way to the northwest, it takes about four or five days to reach the capital of seven waters....


On July 16, 1501, the first half of the Great Voyage on the small garden island, the volcano once again signaled, Dongli and Brocky once again began a duel in the middle of the island, although it has been more than 80 years, and even the cause of the duel has been forgotten, but the two still fight every day, day after day, year after year, for the glory of the Elbaf warriors!

Taylor, who has been awakened for a week, also set out from the periphery of the island and headed towards the center, the purpose is very simple, planning to communicate with the two giant warriors, it is best to learn the giant race's trick "hegemony"!

Not long after, Taylor walked to the side of the duel between the two, and Taylor was sitting cross-legged on the canopy of a tall tree, watching the brute force collision, returning to the basics, and after a while, the two unsurprisingly knocked each other down at the same time, and the red ghost Brocky shouted:

"Battle 59734!"

Qingghost Dongli then also shouted:

"59734th draw!"

"Boom", the two fell to the ground at the same time, the two at this time were the most vulnerable, 19 years later, Mr3 Gal Tino shot at this point in time and controlled Brocky!

Taylor did not step forward at this time, mainly because he did not want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, but some unconscious guys came up and wrapped up, a tyrannosaurus leaned out from the woods, its mouth was open, and its saliva was about to bite Dongli, although this guy could not cause any fatal damage to the green ghost.

But Taylor still moved, just when Dongli was about to take the sword, Taylor punched down from the sky and directly smashed the head of the tyrannosaurus to the ground, and with another "boom", a large pit appeared on the ground, the tyrannosaurus spat foaming and blood, rolled his eyes, lying in the pit, life and death unknown!

After that, Taylor sat on the Tyrannosaurus, the size was like a single sofa for Taylor, at this time the green ghost Dongli and the red ghost Brocky both got up, the two came closer, squatted down to look at the relatively large human in front of them, did not speak, but the demonic laughter of the two came out first.

"Kababa Baba..., Ga Gia Gia Gia..."

Brocky: "It's been so long, finally a guest has arrived!" Dongli!

Dongli: "Yes! Long lost guest, Brocky!

Brocky looked at the Tyrannosaurus under Taylor

and said, "Kababa Baba..., the meat is also available, and it can be used to entertain guests, but unfortunately there is no wine!"

Dongli: "Ga gia gia gia gia..., little one, do you have wine?"

Taylor looked at the two huge but somewhat simple and simple big men, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "What a bloody man!"

So he smiled and said,

"Hahahaha! Wine, I have!! Hello two captains! I'm Taylor! Dongli

and Brocky's eyes lit up instantly when they heard the words "wine, I have", so the two smiled and began to prepare the barbecue, and Taylor did not twist, as if by magic, took out a hundred barrels of rum from the system space.

Brocky, who was making a fire, and Dongli, who was cutting meat, were both stunned by this scene! Didn't you understand what Taylor does, special abilities? However, looking at the

hundred barrels of rum, the attention of the two was instantly diverted, their eyes were full of little stars, and they laughed heartily: "Kababa Baba..., ga gia gia gia gia..." Dongli

and Brocky were like children, with happy smiles on their faces, continuing to make a fire and cut meat, but from time to time they glanced at the hundred barrels of rum with eager eyes, and the joy in their hearts was overflowing....

So, after a while, the three of them sat around the campfire, eating barbecue meat, singing, drinking wine, and it was so happy!

In two hours, both Dongli and Brocky drank thirty barrels of wine, the first time in more than 80 years that they drank so cheerfully, and the two of them were dancing around the campfire, but because of their huge size, the scene was like an earthquake!

Unfortunately, the next moment, the volcano erupted again, the two heard the signal, immediately turned pale, sorted out their helmets, shields, Dongli looked at Taylor and said:

"Taylor, you continue to eat, wait until I beat that guy down and then come to accompany you to drink!"

Brocky: "Taylor, don't listen to him brag, I'm Elbaf's greatest warrior!" Look how I beat him down! The

two picked up their long swords and giant axes respectively, and walked towards the distance, ready to start the next round of fighting, but the two were already in a semi-sober state before drunkenness, and the appearance of shaking leisurely was very interesting.

Even the fight scene made Taylor can't bear to look directly, that is, two drunks fighting, slow movements, stumbling steps, but still fighting for a while, the weapon was also knocked out, hand-to-hand combat again, and finally the two at the same time, fists attacked each other, the result is not known if there is double shadow in the eyes, no one hit anyone, but because of too much force, the two lay forward at the same time.

Taylor jumped beside the two, patted his thighs and announced with a laugh:

"Ahahaha! Battle 59735, draw!! Ahaha! "

Kababa Baba..., Gaga Gia Gia Gia Gia..."

The hearty laughter of the three spread throughout the island, and the birds in the forest rose into the air, and the beasts fled away!


It's night, the capital of seven waters of the great voyage, the sky is covered with dark clouds, drizzle, adding a unique atmosphere to this water city, above the clouds, Taize stepped on the clouds changed from the green dragon form back to human form, looking at the thick dark clouds below, and looked at the bright string moon above his head, put on the long robe with a skull hood, fell straight down, through the thick clouds, drenched in soft drizzle, and the mood has also changed somewhat, rainy days, in fact, it is also very good!

Stepping on the moon, buffering the speed of falling, finally hovering above the huge fountain in the center of the capital of seven waters, first went to find the location of Tom's studio, after determining the location, Tai Ze "painted the mirror" in the air, entered the mirror world, and then took Angel to find it in many mirrors....


The next day, the capital of seven waters, Taize and Angel came out of the mirror world and walked to the back street of the capital of seven waters, Tom's studio under the hole of bridge 6, Taize came to the capital of seven waters this time The purpose is very clear, that is, to build ships, it is best to build two ships, one large and one small. Zhao Xinglong knew that Tom was developing a sea train at this time, starting in 1498, and now it has been three years.

However, shipbuilding is indeed not a big deal for Tom, it is estimated that two ships will take up to ten days, and in order to make a living, Tom Studio does not refuse shipbuilding orders, but the Justice Island trial 3 years ago made Tom Studio's business bleak, not many people dare to let Tom build ships, for fear of being implicated!

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Tesser gestured for Angel to knock on the door of Tom's studio a few times and shouted,

"Is anyone there?"


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