In the early morning of July 5, 1502, Mitsuki Ota and the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath and Kaido's thousand-man subordinates engaged in a fierce encounter at the Rabbit Bowl...

At the same time, the Jiuli Ota Castle, Ota's mansion, was entrusted by Ota to lead people to gallop through the starry night before rushing to protect Ota's wife and children, the Hakumai daimyo Yasuya Frost Moon Yasuya sat at the gate of the house, turned his back to Madame Shi and said:

"Mrs. Ashi, you have to be mentally prepared..., if Ota lose!!s..."


In the rabbit bowl battlefield, Ota and the Red Sheath Nine Heroes are still struggling to kill the enemy, countless Kaido's fish-belly-like subordinates fall from time to time, and the Mitsuki Ten are still brave!

Kaido's next gunman aimed at Ota, "Hehe" smiled and was about to shoot, and Ota was also aware, that is, he was shocked! Although he can completely dodge this blow during the battle, it will disrupt the rhythm of his attack, slow down his breakthrough pace, and then allow Kaido's subordinates to re-form an effective resistance formation!

Just when Ota hesitated, the gunman screamed "wow", fell on his back, and saw a ninja shuriken electric flint piercing into the gunman's chest!

Onda looked up at the jumping figure in the trees and shouted,

"What kind of man?!"

"Please allow the villain to come and help!! Your Highness may not remember anymore, but Sukiyaki-sama was still alive..." A

young and beautiful chestnut-haired female ninja landed on the side branch of a large tree above Ota's head, holding a shuriken in her mouth and three shurikens between the fingers of each hand!

There was a sudden shock in Gota's mind, and suddenly there was a shock, and the image of a ninja girl jumped out, and Ota blurted out:

"Is it Shinobu?"

"Yes!! Exactly under !! I have always believed that the world will return to the hands of the Mitsuki family, so I have always been in the city under orders..."

Shinobu said with a happy face, and Ota quickly recognized her, making her very happy, so he continued:

"However, the ninja legion of the 'Mitsuki' family, Fukuroku Shouhe..., he still swore allegiance to the Great Snake after all!! However, I longed for my loyalty to you, Lord Ota, and I felt that there was no place in the city!!

Ota listened to Xiao Shinobu's words, but did not blame anyone, but said firmly:

"I will never blame those who cannot trust His Royal Highness the fool!!"

Hearing His Royal Highness Oda's words, Xiao Shinobu looked a little worried, but he didn't say anything, but his admiration for Ota was even stronger in his heart!

Lei Zang, who followed behind him, shouted at this moment:

"This is a thorny road!" Shinobi!! "

I should go !! together"

Xiao Shinobu did not hesitate in the slightest, and said categorically, because of Xiao Shinobu's joining, Mitsuki's group of 11 people will face the siege of thousands of people...


After a while, Mitsuki's group encountered a strong blockade, Leizang, Denjiro, Kanjuro and several people were blocked back, two tall black shadows appeared in front of several people, Kanjuro shouted: "Beware!!"

Denjiro said, "This man is very strong!!" "

In front of him is a relatively fat tall big guy, bald appearance, purple lips, wearing sunglasses, a long golden braid behind his head, two golden beards on the side of his mouth, and a knife in his hand, fighting against everyone!

And Lei Zang on the side was shot away by another person's sword, and I saw that the person was wearing a mask, black tight-fitting clothing, and a pair of huge black wings closed behind him, looking taller than the tall fat man just now, with a well-proportioned body, but full of strength!

These two are Kaido's right men, Ember and Quinn...


Many of Kaido's subordinates, led by Ember and Quinn, blocked the onslaught of the 11 people of Guangyue, and the two sides stalemated here for a while, but this also surprised many of Kaido's subordinates!

Originally thought that this battle of ten against a thousand would soon end and end with Ota and his subordinates being captured or killed, but Mitsuki Ota's strength far exceeded everyone's imagination!

Except for Kaido, who was incarnated by Taize, including Ember and Quinn, they did not expect that Mitsuki Ota would have such strength, so that more than fifty minutes have passed since the beginning of the war...

At this time, in the distance of the battlefield, a guy with an extremely flowing figure was coming towards the battlefield, Kaido (Taize) found the person coming for the first time, and the perception of seeing and smelling Tai Ze found that there was a child under the armpit of the coming person....

At this time, Kaido (Taize), who was hovering in the air, found a suitable opportunity and sprayed a breath of heat downwards, and Ota's group of 11 people were enveloped in it....

A huge pillar of light fell from the sky, causing a violent explosion, a small mushroom cloud rose, a fierce wind blew through, and the Red Sheath Nine Heroes and Xiao Shinobi were both tumbling and being blasted to the side....

A large forest burned, Kaido (Taize) looked at all this from above, also a little sad, a few years ago he Zhao Xinglong changed production technology, control pollution, in order to make the country of Wano not as devastated as in the original book, and at this time the current forest will take many years to recover....

Just when Kaido (Taylor) looked at the burning earth and panicked, "Wow!! With a sound, Mitsuki Ota was also blown away by the explosion and hit a big tree directly, Ota turned over, plunged the knife into the ground, supported his body and stood up, looking at the black shadow of the huge green dragon of Kaido (Taize) suspended in the air in the distance, and shouted at Kaido (Taize):

"I want to cut, only you are the first level!!"

Ota exerted his strength with both feet, quickly stepped on the ground, the whole person rushed to Kaido at high speed, Ota's movements attracted the attention of Kaido (Taizawa) who was hanging high above Tenkaido, in fact, Tai Ze has been paying attention to Ota's movements, seeing the rushing Ota, he knew that this battle was about to end....

The huge dragon-bodied Kaido (Taize) finally fought with Ota for the first time, the last time, five years ago it was Taylor incarnation Kaido and Ota simply passed a few moves, not like today, this kind of fist to flesh, knife and knife to death.

Although Taize's body is not as good as Kaido's body, the almost perfect clone gives full play to the bloodline factors of the giant race and the fur race, which is stronger than Taylor's body, plus the perverted dragon scales of the green dragon fruit, it is indeed very defensive!

But Mitsuki Ota's combat power is indeed at the level of the ceiling of the pirate world at this time period, and the damage is extremely high, so at this time, some undetectable injuries appeared on the giant dragon Kaido (Taize) Dragon!

Others may not be able to see it for a while, but Taize is very clear! If you change to someone else, you may be detected by others after a few more fights, but Taize also has a recovery fruit body, that super recovery ability, in the first time to recover the body injury, the ability is very similar to the effect of Marco Immortal Bird Fruit Qingyan, but there is no flame!

During the confrontation, Kaido (Taize) used the heat breath twice, in addition to attacking Ota, he also attacked the other ten people on the ground by the way!

After Mitsuki Ota was repelled by Kaido (Taize) again, he turned over and rushed to Kaido (Taisawa) again, stepping on the dragon body, the weapon was hardened, and in addition to the sakura, there was also some tyranny on the knife, and Kaido (Taize) once again condensed a hot breath in his mouth and aimed at Ota.

Ota crossed his swords across his chest and shouted in his mouth:

"Ota Erkao-ryu! Taoyuan Ten Fist !! "


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