Just as Reuben replied, several other old stars also came to their senses, looking at the phone bug in front of Reuben's eyes, they also heard Reuben's question, all waiting for Effie Moron's answer!

Effimolong: "This is really not so much, I have just said, the groups that can know ancient texts in this world include the scholars of O'Hara, the descendants of the Empty Island Moon Clan, basically all of them are temple personnel, the descendants of the huge kingdom, and the descendants of the craftsmen of the country of the country!" "

But O'Hara has been destroyed, scholars who understand ancient texts, according to my cognition, count me, four, empty island temple personnel, the number is unknown, but they will not come to us, basically equivalent to nothing, descendants of the huge kingdom, unknown, but no one left should understand ancient words, finally, the craftsmen of the country of Wano should no longer be there, the craftsman family is the Guangyue family, and the current intelligence knows that the Guangyue family was destroyed by their original retainers, the Black Carbon family!" Whether there are orphans is unknown, and even if there are orphans, there is a high probability that they will not understand ancient texts! When

everyone heard Effimolong's words, they were also slightly relieved, indicating that there were really not many people who knew ancient texts, so that the value of Olvia was much greater, and when everyone was thinking about how to talk about Olvia, Effimolong poured cold water on them....

Effie Moron: "Uncles, Cecilia Palace, your eyes don't need to focus on Olvia, let go of my feelings for her, objectively and realistically speaking, at present, she really does not have so much value, not worth our attention, I know your worries and concerns, just two points, one is afraid that others will know the content of the historical text, and the other is to think that we ourselves can always know the content of the historical text, I said, that's right!"

Lukaski: "Moron, you are right, if you can give us a reasonable explanation and explanation from these two aspects, we will no longer embarrass her, let her live a peaceful life, and even if you miss her, you can also meet from time to time!"

After saying this, Lukaski also looked at the others, according to common sense, he is not the oldest golden old star Fan-Yanlin, nor is he the spokesperson of Lord Im, the old star Cecilia, so the speech is somewhat arrogant, but he feels that what he said is right, and he also sells Efimolong a favor!

The other old stars did not be unhappy with Lukaski because of this little thing, and when they saw the inquiring eyes that Lukaski threw at him, they all nodded at Lukaski cooperatively....

Although Effimolong can't see the scene of the conference room, he can see through the phone worm that Lukasky just turned his head to look at everyone's expression, the expression is a little solemn, more serious, it can be seen that everyone still attaches great importance to what he is going to say, and even turns a blind eye to the private meeting between Effimolong and Olvia in the future!

Effimolong understood the understanding, and also changed to a serious and solemn look, and said: "

Uncles, Cecilia Palace, let's talk about the second article first, I can interpret ancient texts myself, so don't worry too much about no one available in the future!"

Everyone nodded and said, "Well, that's true, there's no problem with this!"

"Regarding the first article, I am afraid that others will know the content of the main text of history, I don't know if you are clear about the information I want to say next, but I can basically determine that this information is true, and you can also verify it through other aspects!"

Reuben: "What information?!"

Everyone also stared at the phone worm with a solemn expression, wanting to know what this information was as soon as possible!

Effimolong: "If you want to know the meaning of the words on the stone tablets in the main text of history, you don't just know the ancient texts!" "

Ifimolong's words were like boulders thrown into a calm lake, and for a while they stirred up huge waves....

Vanhorst: "What?!"

Reuben: "How so?!" Gansey

: "Nani?!"

Lukaski: "Isn't it?!"

Cecilia: "How is it possible?!" Jin

Laoxing Fan Yanlin did not speak, but the knife in his hand revealed his mood, "Oh, click", the original ghost opened and closed....

After the sound of all the old stars exclaiming or drawing their knives and closing their knives, they immediately fell into a kind of tranquility, like the extremely oppressive tranquility before the storm was about to come...

Effimo Long was also affected by the atmosphere of the conference room thousands of miles away, so he exhaled and continued:

"Whew...! As far as I know, there are two ways to know the meaning of the stone tablet in the historical text, without knowing the ancient text, one is the three-eyed family!

Lukaski: "Three-eyed family?!" "

Effimolong: "The three-eyed family, of course, must also be an awakened three-eyed family, and the third eye of the awakened three-eyed tribe has a strange ability to decipher the text of the stone tablet in the text of ancient history!" And the third eye of the awakened three-eyed family can be closed and hidden, we can't find it at all!

Ruben: "I know this race, there are not many of them, they really can't, they can..., hum!" "

Effie Moron: "Uncle Ruben, your idea is good, but you can only find the three-eyed clan that has not awakened, but the three-eyed clan has intermarriage with many races, and half of their bloodline factor is hidden, so killing is not clean, and it will cause resistance and revenge from the three-eyed clan, which is not worth it!"

Gansey: "Then watch like that!"

Effimolong: "I am not in favor of using force against the Three-Eyed family, but you can consider wooing and adopting, secular civilians will think that the Three-Eyed family is a monster, so the Three-Eyed family is relatively withdrawn, there are no friends, even if the awakened Three-Eyed family, will not interpret the text of ancient history for anyone, so it's good to woo!" Van

Horst: "What Moron said is a good method, we can try some gentle means, hard gang many times the results and effects are not very good!"

Effimolong: "The next way I want to say is more difficult to figure out and difficult to control, but in the same way, there will not be too many people, and this ability is more difficult to awaken than the overlord color domineering!" It is the ability to see and hear the ultimate in domineering and listen to all things! "

Listen to all things!!"

Except for Cecilia who frowned slightly, the corners of the other five old stars couldn't help twitching twice, they didn't know this ability, and they were very clear about the four ultimate applications of domineering.

First, it has insight into thousands of miles, can perceive the movement of everything in a large range, and the ultimate application of the spatial level;

The second is to foresee the future, to be able to see what will happen in the short future, the ultimate application of the time level;

The third is to listen to all things, be able to communicate with all living and inanimate objects, and the ultimate application of the communication level;

The fourth is to read the human heart, be able to perceive what life thinks and mental activities, and the ultimate application of the perception level!

Although there is a little exaggeration, the ability to listen to all things can indeed learn some incomprehensible information, but the interpretation process is indescribable, because the golden star of the five old stars in the previous generation is able to listen to the existence of all things, how do they not know!

Effimolong added another knife in time and said:

"One Piece King Roger is a strong man who knows how to listen to all things, although in the end he also found Mitsuki Ota to help, but it is undeniable that Roger himself knows a lot of history and secrets through the domineering knowledge of listening to all things!"

Everyone was silent again, Effie Moron was right, this domineering of hearing all things is rarer than the overlord domineering, the most important thing is that you don't know which cloud has rain, which person will awaken to see and smell domineering after many years, you don't know, which person will awaken to listen to the domineering of all things, you won't know!

Everyone thought so, but also relieved, can not be killed by the whole world, there will always be people who can interpret the text of history, can not be prevented, so Olvia is not as important as imagined!


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