The great route, on the island named Little Garden.

This is a tropical jungle-like island with towering trees and roaring beasts. It looks like a danger lurks on every side.

"Well, I'll go for a walk with Luffy too, let’s relax."

Seeing that everyone was enthusiastic about preparing for a'out trip', Vivi also cheered up and went out to'freeze.' .

“It’s too dangerous...”

Faced with Nami’s concerns, Vivi pointed to the mount next to him, “Run fast”, “It’s okay, it will protect me Hey."

Hey hey hey, your duck is so scared that it can’t make a sound...

But in the end, this land duck still carried Vivi and Luffy went on an adventure in a group of'happy'. When Sanji faced Zoro who was about to leave, he said:

"You can get some food back by the way."

For these'little experts', lions and tigers are beasts. , Is the standard'foodstuff'.

"Okay, I will bring back some prey you can't handle."

Faced with Zoro's casual words, Sanji raised his brow and jumped off the Golden Meri.

"You mean, you can get a bigger prey than me?"

"Well, it seems that you still have a bit of self-knowledge..."

"What do you mean? Bastard Marimo-head!"

"Huh? What are you talking about, curly eyebrows, lascivious chef!"

ka ka ka,

Legs rested on a long knife, and the two clamored and clashed all the way.

"Okay, come and compare..."

"Who is afraid of whom?!"

In the blink of an eye, the Golden Merley boarded Only Nami and Usopp were left in tears.

"How come one and two are like this..."

"Nami, I know you."

In the face of Usopp's comfort, Nami just Moved to the side.

"hey hey hey, am I so unreliable?!"

"Forget it, fortunately there is Roman..."

When the two turned their heads to look, Roman who was sailing had already raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes blank, a blank look of'Ababa'.

... ·"

"Sorry, I'm not a man on the sea," Nami waved his hand helplessly, "Also, your legs are shaking too fast, and there are afterimages in front of my eyes..."

oh la la ——!

Just when the two girlfriends were talking about each other, the jungle next to the Golden Merley suddenly slashed to the sides, revealing a helmet with a large handful of beard, quite happy. ···human face?

Of course, the fact that this face is bigger than the Golden Merley is very disruptive:

"Giant... Giant!?"

"Want to be eaten..."

Nami and Usopp who stayed behind the ship were shocked dumbstruck and rolled their eyes:

Start Play dead.

"pu hahahaha, it has been a long time since no guests have come!"

In the thunderous voice, the giant who stood up like a dozen stories tall laughed.

"Is there any wine? Two villains——"

"If there is wine, I will trade meat for you."

———— ——

"pu hahaha,"

Even if he sits down, he is still a giant beard like a tall building. He enthusiastically handed Nami and Usopp the "meat block" the size of a house in his hand. . But:

Can’t eat it~~

'Hey, Nami, do you see the bones of the people next to you? '

'Ah, I saw it. '

Beside the two of, beside the three of them, there are piles of human bones. If Roman hadn't "hang up", he would definitely be emotional:

Many Brooks .

"Mr. Giant,"

Seeing that the other party has no plans to treat himself as a'dessert' for the time being, Nami asked boldly.

"How long will it take for this island to be full of records?"

"One year!"

Faced with a serious answer from the giants, Nami and Usopp She burst into tears for an instant.

As for the Roman next to him? Of course it is still on hook. ——Because on the Golden Merley, a new white Knight transformed into a'Roman' is testing the harvest during this time.



On the other side of the island, I was invited by another giant whose beard was dragged to his waist , Luffy unceremoniously gnawed at the huge meat in the house.

"It tastes good, giant uncle."

"Ghahaha, I also accept your lunch box.-Although the amount is too small."

"This is the food carefully made by my companion. If you dare to say it is unpalatable, I will definitely beat you!"

"Ghahaha, it is delicious~~~!"

Looking at Luffy and the giant beard who are really "talking and laughing" in the true sense, Vivi is amazed by the cold sweat.

"···They got acquainted so quickly?"

"Giant uncle, why are you here alone?" Chewing on a huge piece of meat like a house , Luffy asked casually. "Do you have no village?"

"Yes," the long-bearded giant sitting on the ground patted knees.

"It's a place called'Elbaf', somewhere on the great route."

"But there is a rule in our village,"

" If you have a conflict with someone neither giving way to the other, use a duel to resolve the conflict. The great Elbaf god will shelter the winner."

Simple, crude, and very effective.

All conflicts in the world can finally be calmed down by violence. No matter if the violence is fists, swords, or guns...

If the conflict can't be eliminated, just eliminate the people who caused the conflict!

"I also had a dispute with someone, and this island is where we fight."

"But it has been a hundred years," the long-bearded giant looked up to the sky. Laughing, "We still haven't decided the winner, hahaha~~~!!"


"pu hahaha," On the other side, Nami The giant beard that Usopp met was also laughing up to the sky.

"That was a great opponent. I played against him a total of 73,465 times. Comparable!"

"Really amazing..."

Although Nami doesn't understand the "meaningless" behavior of giants that has been playing for 100 years, Usopp on the side has bright eyes, as if he had encountered an idol.

"Yes, I just want to be such a man!"

"What? You want to be a giant?"

"····· "

While they were talking, Roman's body was already mechanically gnawing on the huge fleshy block in front of the room! And his'consciousness'——


"Hey, how can I win?"

The Golden Merley On the top, the'White Knight' version of Roman rubbed the temple. There were all kinds of cursive plans in front of him, all of which he had drawn up in order to deal with the next situation. But:

It is difficult for clever women to cook without rice,

The famous generals are not unarmed against each other.

With the strength of Straw Hat Pirates, now facing the Great Pirate of more than 100 million yuan, is there any other possibility besides being killed by a spike? No...

"Although Luffy used Old Sand's fear of water to defeat the opponent. But...Is this really reliable?"

Old Sand ···Sand-Crocodile obviously has the ability to drain other people's body water in an instant, and can even assimilate buildings into windy sand in a second. How much water is needed...or what timing is needed to get the opponent out of it? ?

"Forget it, I can't figure it out."

"Devil Fruit this thing, don't pay attention to science."

It still depends on whether you can'copy' Luffy The miracle of using water... or even blood to dry Crocodile!

"Speaking of it, Luffy and the others seem to be relaxed during this period..."

Roman touched his chin and worked hard day and night by himself, but they did well: fight every day Playing around-no, as the saying goes, "It's not as good as everyone's music," how can I make Roman stronger by "cultivation" alone? Then it's your turn, hahahaha! !

Feel my pain!


In the jungle not far away, two silhouettes hidden in the bushes witnessed the smile of Roman'evil' on the Golden Merley , And immediately crawled back all the way cautiously.

"Miss. Valentine's Day, did you see it?"

A man in a brown trench coat and sunglasses was sweaty, as if he had seen some Great Desolate beast!

"Mr.5, yes, that's the devil!"

Don't talk about the exaggerated laughter of the stylishly dressed woman, and don't even care about herself crawling on the ground. The behavior will make the whole body more embarrassed.

——It can’t be wrong!

The Warden on that ship are the "enthusiastic citizens" the two of them met outside of Whiskey Hill Town a few days ago! After being beaten up by the opponent, it was bloodletting and experimentation, and almost made the two Baroque Works cadres think that they were about to confess there.

"It seems that this guy is also a member of the'Straw Hat Crew', so careless! Didn't expect the other party to get a puppet captain, it's really mean..."

Luffy lay down the gun everyday.

"What should we do? We are not the opponent of this devil at all..."

"Let’s find Mr. 3 and Miss. Golden Week first."

Mr.5 in the shape of a rock star thought for a while, but finally couldn't swallow this breath! After all, they are different from the two of them who have only 10 million bounty, Mr. 3, and Miss. Golden Week, both are'expert' with bounty over 30 million.

He even hunted 45 million "Great Pirate", I believe they will be able to avenge them.


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