It’s cold,

It’s dark,

It’s quiet.


'The belly is pierced, and there is a weak pulse--'

'Doctor! Where is the doctor? ····Ah, I am a doctor·····'


Good familiar voice····

'Chopper, how about it? '

'Adrenaline, maximum dose injection...Ready for blood transfusion...Who is blood type X? '

'Me! '

A more familiar voice.

'···It’s incredible, the body function is slowly recovering, it can save····’



In the darkness, the familiar anxious voice made the muddleheaded Roman slowly came back to his senses.

Open your eyes, a circle of familiar faces and surprise cheers!


"very good,"

"Out of danger····"

"wu wu wu , Scared us to death——"


"···I am this·····"

Roman blinked, and the image and sound in front of him became completely clear.

"Am I not dead?"

This is impossible!

"It's a miracle, Mr. Roman."

Chopper wiped the sweat from his forehead, and this little reindeer was the only one who would call Roman by the honorific name in the Straw Hat group.

"Your belly is pierced through, but most of the vital organs have not suffered much damage. The damaged place has also been stitched..."

" ···I'm really not dead?"

Roman, who just woke up, stayed there, almost thinking that he had actually arrived at the Netherworld. Because:

This is not scientific at all!

What does it mean that most of the vital organs have not suffered much damage? Roman is fighting Crocodile and Hawk Eyes again!

And now Crocodile is who?

Cold and merciless, vicious and merciless! A formidable person whose subordinates do not work well and will be killed immediately by him.

Crocodile would never do it before he was rescued by Marianu, that is, Miss. Golden Week, taking someone to prison and reminding him of the word'partner' again after a long absence.' show mercy'This kind of thing!

With the opponent's high level Kenbunshoku Haki, Roman simply has no means to hide from Crocodile and pretend to be dead...


Twisted head looked towards the tattered clothes beside him, —— it was Roman’s own coat, stained with blood and holes, and there was a vaguely recognizable white'@' graffiti.

'White of Mercy'

The color ability of Miss. Golden Week can interfere with the'killing intent' of other creatures to the holder.

The ability of that little girl can hit the soul! In the "future", the "Rainbow of Dreams" will be used to make all the cadres in the Baroque Works room face their own hearts, and even make Crocodile in the prison recall his dream of "Pirate King"!

It turned out to be her,

'We were even tied. '

Recalling the words of the little girl when she left, Roman twitched the corner of his mouth.

hehe, what is this? Are there any good guys...

"Okay, well, Roman has woken up, everyone is scattered."

As Chopper rushes people, Roman turns his head Looked around. Except for Zoro and Sanji who are relieved, Vivi and Usopp with tears on their faces, Nami who is smiling at him with blood vessels on their wrists, and Luffy who is sitting in front with his back facing everyone. .

ahhhh, Luffy must be furious...

Maybe I will suffer soon--


With a tingling cheek, the'world' in Roman's eyes shook violently, mixed with a rush of noise.

"Luffy, what are you doing—"

"Take him!"

"The wound, the wound is open~~"


"What do you think of—"

"What do you think of your partner! Roman!!"

Overwhelmed by angry roar After hearing all the sounds, Roman lay down and turned his head with a punch in the face. Luffy's bloodshot eyes came into view.

"Roman, you are smarter than me and know a lot of things I don't know! But—"

"You simply don't know what a partner is!"

"Do you think that in the face of a strong enemy, you rushed up and called your partner?"

"Even if you die, you can say casually: Look, I have tried my best, you should run away?"


"You simply didn't treat us as partners!"

If it weren't for the angry Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were squeezed by Zoro and Sanji. Arm, looking like this, I have to rush up and give Roman a few punches.

"You are very difficult to deal with alone? Very difficult to deal with? Great? You are wrong—"

"You should fight with our lives!"

"This is the partner!!"




You are right.

It is me who is'crossed over' that is wrong.

Even if there is no plug-in, what cheat. Roman's heart is still lurking, which belongs to the pride of the "crossed over"...or arrogant!

trifling aboriginal···trifling plot character···trifling·····

I know your abilities, I know your weaknesses, and I know your past and present , The future...

So, no matter what it is, I will definitely be able to figure out a way! As for Luffy, Zoro, and only need to shout 666 from the side, and see how I can solve various BOOS beautifully.

Even if you lose or die, it doesn't matter, these are also in my'plot against'.

That’s how I dignified crossed over...




Roman sighed, inexplicably thinking of the old ship doctor in Shuangzixia when he learned that he was learning Haki in private, he took a deep look at Roman and Said the judgment of'you are so arrogant'.

It looks like now······

"I am too arrogant."

I think about solving everything by myself, I simply haven’t considered it. Luffy their feelings. What you say for your partner is actually nothing more than a touch of self.



"What are you doing,"

"Don't get up, bastard! "

"The wound, the wound has exploded!!"

In the horrified and worried eyes of others, Roman turned over and sat up, the bandage on his waist once again oozing red . But it still couldn't stop Roman from bending over to face everyone, bowing his head, and apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Luffy, everyone."

"What I did is not worthy of the word partner! I--"

——! !

At this moment, Roman suddenly froze! And Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji all turned their heads and looked towards the direction they came.

And Roman finally noticed that he and everyone in the Straw Hat group were sitting on top of a giant crab. They are speeding in the desert, and in the distance is the outline of a fading city.

"This is..."

The seriously injured Roman twitched the corners of his mouth. Even if he didn't witness the silhouette, it was like a sandstorm sweeping the land. Devouring All Living Things Withered Ling Ling’s imposing manner, without a doubt:

"It was the'Crocodile' who caught up."

Zoro and Sanji let go of Luffy, standing on the left and right. Came out.

"Let us be here--"


A silhouette has already leapt down from the top of the crab's head in two steps, and turned around in midair looked towards everyone.

"You go first!"


"The other party is Crocodile·····"

" Chopper, keep going!"

Faced with Zoro, Chopper nodded then communicated with the giant crabs on board.

"But even Roman—"

"Leave it to Luffy," Zoro grabbed Vivi, who was about to jump down. "That's his battle. We are responsible for You are safely sent to Albana (the capital of Alabasta)."

"Luffy is very strong!"

"Don't worry--"


Is this the difference between us?

Roman, who was lying down again, closed his eyes, Luffy was fighting alone with everyone’s blessing and trust, and he... just made everyone worried.


When the crossed over is this, it is really a cross, will be kicked out of the group by the'crossed over alliance', right? But:

oh la la ,

In Roman’s spread palm, a piece of white paper quickly formed the shape of a paper crane, and then it glide down from the giant crab. .


"Boss, Vivi Princess escaped."

Robin in a white windbreaker looked at the desert The Straw Hat group, who was leaving in a smoke, has a smile on its face, making people unable to see the true thoughts in their hearts.

"The cadres are all gathering in Albana, tell them to stop!"

"As for you—"

Crocodile in a black fur coat looks at The boy with a Straw Hat who was stopped in front of him was unspeakably disgusted.

"Straw Hat brat, who challenged my patience..."

"Vivi, that girl,"

"powerless to defend himself still Thinking of helping others. Makes me very angry—"


"Roman that idiot,"

"Always thinking about fighting everything by myself makes me very angry—"

? ?

"Oh? It seems you are not those stupid."

Crocodile looked at Luffy standing up, and raised his chin arrogantly.

"So, smart people shouldn’t deal with these emotional guys. You think so too—"


Luffy poses Open stance, fist in front, fist clenched around the waist.

"I want to beat you!!"

"So they don't have to think about these messy problems!"

! !

"There is a kind of--"


A fist rapidly enlarged in Crocodile's pupil, interrupting his next words.


The yellow sand splashed and the head burst.


PS: Actually, I am going to post the two chapters together. After all, this chapter... , I'm afraid that your feelings will not be affected by the constant, and the next chapter will be the real change.

Since you are urging, I will post it first.

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