One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 102 - [92] Storming The Base (1)

[2578 words]

----- [5 and a Half Days Ago] --------------- ​​

(Damien POV)


Once I reached the Red Line, I had made a clone to work on 'Black Body' by doing some suicidal activities.

I had him use Semei Kikan to cancel out my clone's healing otherwise all the progress would be for naught.

So he will spend a few months jumping off Sky Islands, holding the pressure of 10 km in the sea, fighting Behomth-Class Sea Kings and whatnot till he attains the new physique.


It took another half a day to fly from the Red Line to Hachinosu.

I had used my Persona and Seimei Kikan to mix around into the masses.

The first thing I noticed was the sheer amount of pirates.

And then the new division and its head.


1st Division Commander - Edward Newgate

2nd Division Commander - Shiki

3rd Division Commander - Charlotte Linlin

4th Division Commander - Shakuyaku

5th Division Commander - Einar D. Damien

6th Division Commander - Kaido

7th Division Commander - Silver Axe

8th Division Commander - Captain John

9th Division Commander - [VACANT]


I haven't met John apart from the little confrontation we had at Sabaody in the Slave Auction House.

That aside, the number of pirates in the divisions had ballooned to a great height.


D-1 has 3000.

D-2 has 10000.

D-3 had 4500.

D-4 had 500 (For Shakky's surveillance and information network).

D-5 had 10.

D-6 had 8000.

D-7 had 1500.

D-8 had 4000.

D-9 had 0.


That's over 30000 pirates!

But then again, numbers aren't everything, which is why my Fifth Division only had 9 men excluding me.



1) Supreme Leader of the Rocks Pirates (Xebec)

2) The Three Titans (Whitebeard, Shiki, Big Mom)

3) The Six Tragedies (Shakuyaku, Damien, Kaido, Silver Axe, Captain John, ???)

4) The Pillars - 500 [Quasi YC - Low-Tier YC]

5) The Fiends- 4000 [Yonko Crew Level Pirates]

6) The Foresaken - 8500 [Elite Paradise Pirates]

7) The Condemned - 18000 [Stronger Paradise Pirates]


i) The Ravens (Shakky's Informant Network) - 200

ii) The Rogues (Shakky's Surveillance Force - They overlook the pirates in the crew, finding traitors or other nuisances) - 300


Strength-wise, most were fodders, but fodders are still useful.

Speaking of Divisions, I ought to go find mine.


[A While Later]


On the far side of Hachinosu were many ports with hundreds of ships.

But if you were to trace your way behind Skull Rock, you would find another, smaller port.

There were only 3 ships of which 2 were empty and the one in the center had a few men.


9 men could be found here.

Some lying around, some drinking, some sleeping.



I landed in the center.

I had also changed my appearance to Sebastian Michaelis as I wore some rather refined clothes.


And instantly the 9 men flashed from their positions and surrounded me.


"Who 're you?"

Their weapons were out and ready to slice me into pieces.

'They each have decent Haki, good.' I judged.


I didn't reply to them and watched them nod at each other.

"Bozo, Obazoba, Bazoon, go." The long brown-haired man said.


The 3 men seemed to be triplets, tanned skin, bald with buff bodies and bulging muscles.

One carried a mace, the other, a broadsword and the last one, a giant axe.



Each one of them brought down their heavy weapons with impressive power as the floorboards beneath me cracked from the weight.


"That won't be enough," I said with a mocking voice.

I had stopped all 3 weapons with a single finger as a small red bubble was wrapped around it.


"Careful, he has powerful Haki!" A voice called out from behind me.



2 guns went off as the bullets neared my open back.

*Clattering Metal*

The bullets simply bounced off my back as they landed on the ground.


I turned my head and saw 2 men.

One had a potbelly with a thick mustache and slicked-back hair.

While the other had a simple long hairstyle and sharp eyes.


"Pascal, Pablo, fall back! Your Haki is not enough!"


A hear the crisp cutting of air as a few blades were unsheathed.

"Go, Juni, Thane!" The man-in-charge said.



2 shadows flashed forth utilizing Soru as they appeared before me.


A saber and a two-handed sword were aimed directly at my throat to decapitate me.


Yet none left a single mark as the black edges slashed my neck.



With that said, I crossed my arms across my body as a fist jammed into both of their chests.


They were shot back and nailed into the sideboards.


"Fury of the Apes!"

"Crushing Finale!"

"Stomping Fever!"

The triplets attacked once more as their weapons held me down.


"One Sword Style - Beautiful Death!"


I looked up and saw a mesmerizing figure of a peacock unfolding its wings.

It then turned towards me as the many feathers turned into razor-sharp blades, flowing together with the man's katana as it descended upon me.


The attacks rained down from all directions - swords, maces, blades, bullets.

'Mid-Tier Yonko Commander level attack, let's test out my new divine vitality.' I thought.



The 9 men seemed relieved as the attacks connected, yet the strongest among them was wary as he peered in the direction of the ruined ship.

All the floorboards near the center were demolished as smoke filled the area.


And it cleared to show the figure of a man.


"N-No way…"

"We didn't even draw blood!?"



Amidst the many cries of shock was a single phrase.

"That type of demeanour… giving one hope and then snatching it away. It's good to see you once more, Commander." The brown-haired man said with a sigh.


"Hehe, you guys have gotten slightly stronger," I said.

I had changed back to my original appearance as they glanced at my face.





Loud gulps filled the ruined ship as the smell of alcohol pervaded the air.


"Ya should have told us it was you, boss."

I smirked, "I needed to test your progress. It's passable."


The 9 men were Indra, Pascal, Bozo, Juni, Thane, Bazoon, Heath, Obazoba, Pablo, my rather few division mates.


"Patrón, we tracked your progress all over," Pablo spoke up.

"Bozozozo, as expected of the Commander, you even defeated the Black Arm!" Bozo yelled out.

"Bazozozo, that's right, Aniki, the Commander is truly youthful!" Bazoon nodded.

"Zobabababa, I'll drink to that!" Obazoba roared out as they clinked their drinks and gulped them down.


I brought something else up, "I have some things for you all."

I then snapped my fingers as some devil fruits appeared before me.


[Present Time]


I had heard the report from Nick, my crow commander of news.

It seems as if all of the 6000 troops sent to G-2 were wiped out.

I volunteered to go as it was a nice way to not only practise my Ryushi Combat Arts but also to test out my powers.

Plus, I would be able to tease the crap out of Kaido.


As for the duel with Whitebeard, I lost terribly.

He only used his Haki in his attacks while relying on the power of Murakumogiri.

As in, the strength of the future 'Strongest Man in the World' was not used. Let's not even get into his fruit powers - a man of tremors.


[Edward Newgate - Whitebeard]

[Age: 35 years, 1 month]

[Height: 21'10]

[Devil Fruit: Tremor Tremor Fruit [P]

[Fruit Rating: 6.5 Stars]

[Fruit Mastery: Grandmastery (II)]

[Skills: Overwhelming Inborn Strength, Soru, Geppo]

[Haki: Low-Advanced for [O], Peak-Advanced for [A] & Grandmastery (II) for [C]

[Strength: Peak of High-Tier Yonko]


It's been like 2 years since I had seen his power level.

He went from Mid-Tier Yonko to Peak of High-Tier!

As for his Haki, his Conqueror's Spirit seemed to have exploded after his frequent duels with Roger and the likes in the past year.

Speaking of Haki, I did get a rather excellent notification that I ignored at the time.



[Your Conqueror's Haki has reached the final step before The Grand Mastery Stage! Congratulations!]


I had learned to replicate Whitebeard's Infusion of Haki during our duel in the heat of the moment as my own Ambition was wailing in refusal, allowing me to grasp the intent of the ability.

I know how it works, but I need a powerful foe to fight in order to fully learn it.


[Fleet Admiral's Office - Marineford]


Kong was seated upon his chair with a grim face.

"This is unsettling… they have begun to gather now, the seas will be more chaotic than ever before." He murmuring in slight anger.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

A large man walked in and sat to the side of Kong's desk.

"Kong-san, what is our plan?" He asked.


Kong looked at the man with the black afro and the glasses.

"Sengoku. Many problems are surfacing... How's the drafting going?" He questioned.

The Admiral nodded and went on to report,

"Tsuru had used her fruit to 'wash' the majority of Enigma's past pirates. We gained nearly 35000 soldiers from it. As for the drafting, all the smaller branches in Paradise, as well as the bigger bases have begun to enlist people."

Sengoku drank some tea and continued, "We recruited another 8000 from Paradise and nearly 25000 from the Outer Seas. Our forces have grown to nearly 170000 marines now!"


Kong's face didn't change which caused the Admiral to raise an eyebrow.

"What wrong, Kong-san? We are the strongest we have ever been."


The Fleet Admiral shook his head, "You know what, all that commotion from the black clouds is surely Xebec."

"As for Roger and his crew… the rumours are already filling the seas about them reaching the Last Log Pose Island of Lodestar!"

He then smashed his teeth together as the room shook in Kong's anger, "And that blasted News Agency! Their autonomy is nothing but a problem!"



The desk before him was crushed as he sighed out loud.

"Escanor is also up to something. The world is a mess..."


Sengoku nodded at his superior's words.

"We also got a report from G-2. They are prepared for the ambush. We will try and eliminate as many as we can. That little monster Kaido is a perfect bait. Six thousand have already been killed by us."


Kong nodded as he leaned back on his chair.

"Yes, every pirate removed is for the better. They are arrogant right now under the massive bounties of their commanders and will be easy to pluck out."


[The Marine Base of G-2 in Paradise Sea]

(3rd POV)


G-2 is currently the second-most fortified base under the Marines.

The base is in the first half of the Grand Line.

Thick steel walls, mounted cannons, tens of warships and nearly 7000 troops on standby.

It is usually under the command of a Vice Admiral, though this was not a normal occasion and an Admiral was called in to oversee it!



A loud roar filled the base as hundreds of men raced back and forth.

*Loud Steps*

The ground rumbled under the footsteps of the person yelling.




3 of them dawning Vice Admiral Coats as they stood as guards before the colossal base of G-2.

They each towered to over 40 feet in size! (12+ feet)


The base was under heavy rainfall as it washed away the endless streams of blood from the countless bodies lying around.

6000 pirates were destroyed under the might of an Admiral.


[A/N; G-2 Image]


[Inside the Base - Research Facility]



"You little monkeys are still trying to poke me with your little toys." Kaido laughed out loud.


He was strapped down to the ground.

All his limbs bound my metal heavy enough to hold up mountains as many IVs were connected to his forearms, constantly supplying liquids to keep the beast weakened.


"Kaido-kun, it would be better for everyone here if you would simply cooperate with me." A man said.

"Oh? Vegapunk… just wait till I'm free of their little shackles and I will break you in half." Kaido said with little care.


The lead scientist dawned a lab coat and 2 long rubber gloves running up his arms.

A mask over his mouth as his messy hair was streaked back.

This is the genius scientist - Vegapunk!


"*Sigh*, we have already deduced your relation to the Continent Puller Oars. This attributes to your incredible strength and endurance but it does not explain your nigh-invulnerable physique." The man sighed.


"WORORORO… just get me some saké at least."


[G-2 Exterior Outpost]


G-2 had many smaller watchtowers built around it with marines keeping eyes in every direction.


"Hey, Enzo, just sit and play cards, man." A marine said with a tired voice.

Another man laughed, "Yeah, sit down and relax. You think anyone would be foolish enough to come here again after we wiped out 6000 of them? Don't kid around!"

"We have an Admiral on our side, newer recruits like you are always so uptight!" An older marine said as he played poker.


Enzo was a young man who recently rose through the ranks and had become a captain after graduating from the Elite Training Course at Marineford.

He was a by-the-books kind of person.


'Kaido of the Beasts, The 6th Division Commander of the Rocks Pirates, there's no way we are safe even with the power of an Admiral.' He thought as he peered into the sea as the rain continued to pour.



He thought he saw something as he picked up a monocular to check.

'A ship?'

It was a small galleon in the distant horizon, racing towards the base.


He was unsure of what to think, after all, it's just one ship.

"U-Umm, sir. We have some company." He said.


The Rear Admiral sighed as he walked over with a nonchalant expression.

"You stupid kid, there's no one out-"

His words were left unfinished as his eyes widened.



His body fell to the ground, dead.


"""Rear Admiral-dono!""" The men yelled out as they ran towards him while Enzo was frozen a few meters away.


"H-His eyes… they're completely melted! It even went through the skull!" A medic reported.


He also fell to the ground he vomited his organs out, though they were in small cubes.

"Raise the alar-"





One by one, bodies fell like flies.

The entire watchtower was filled with corpses, all but one.


"Commander, the other watchtowers are clear." A voice came out of a transponder snail.

The one with the snail was standing in the center of the tower as Enzo eyed him in pure shock.


"Hmm, good." He said as the snail went to sleep.


The pirate then turned his eyes towards Enzo.

"A marine captain eh? You are quite courageous to be able to stand with all your dead friends around you." He said in an amused tone.

Enzo gulped as his eyes cleared up with some boldness.

His shaking hands calmed down as he gazed into the man's crimson eyes.


Enzo was only 7 feet tall, dwarfed by the pirate before him.

The marine captain took a deep breath as he spoke up with clear defiance.


"I-I'm not afraid of you!"


The one standing before him was none other than Damien as he chuckled in amusement causing cold sweat to form on Enzo's back.

The Sin Incarnate's eyes glowed a menacing crimson as an eerie red mist started to emanate from them.


"Then you will die…

braver than most."



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