One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 109 - [99] Impending Mayhem

[2546 words]

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[Mortem Island]

[2 Months Later]


"Nee-san, the Festival will be held very soon," Mihawk said with slight excitement.

Toki, who was cutting the boy's hair, just smiled from behind.

"Mhm, your Nii-san will be in the headlines again," she said with a soft voice.

The boy looked over his shoulders with gleaming curiosity, "They say it will be the Dawn of Pirates of this Era. And that it will decide the future decade of everything."

The green-haired girl gave a small nod, her eyes shining with slight worry, "Yes… all the Pirates will come together to decide who rules the New Word. I just hope your big brother won't get hurt."


A voice interrupted their conversation, "Don't worry so much, Toki-neechan. Knowing Damien-san he will be fine and probably do something crazy again."

It was a lazy yet young voice, Kuzan stood nearby as his body condensed oxygen all around from the coldness of his recent training.


Toki saw his lazy confidence and giggled, "You're right Kuzan-kun, I'm sure Damien-san will be alright."

Similar thoughts were going past a purple-haired girl dawning an assassin's attire in Paradise as she readied herself for a battle against an Underworld Emperor.


[The New World]



A loud explosion resounded all over the waters as the nearby ships were shaking.

A black-haired young man with red streaks slammed his fist that was bursting with blazing crimson energy and black lightning against a giant opponent.

With his glorious blond hair and a thick white mustache, Whitebeard responded with his attack. A right fist that was covered in a white bubble went forth to meet the youth.


A natural disaster raging towards the power of absolute compression as the 2 powers collided.

The atmosphere on one half was cracking and shattering apart like glass as a white hue rained down.

The other half was filled with ripping red energy as it tore the winds apart in its fury.


The 2 powers of great destruction continued to clash as the red one was starting to be overwhelmed.


The white energy finally bashed through and smashed upon the younger pirate as he felt the power of a world-shaking earthquake.



The young man shot through the air as his face was slightly bruised from the tremor as his legs dug into the sea, leaving behind streams of water.

The crimson eyes of the youth shined as his body simply paused in the air, an explosion went off from the remaining momentum. He was floating with a frown.


"Damn… an earthquake to the face still hurts like hell," Damien muttered as he squeezed his jaw.

"Gurararara, kid, you've been taking my hits for hours now."

Damien's cheeks healed as he gave out an exasperated sigh.


"Ossan, you still haven't told me how you Awakened your fruit so I have to do it this way," Damien replied.

The giant man chuckled, "It's not the same. You just have to understand your powers fully. It would help to do it like Xebec. Go to the Isle of Disasters and you will probably do it."

Damien just nodded, "Extinction Valley, right, I already found it but with the Festival coming up very soon I rather wait till after."


Whitebeard agreed, "Hmm, good. Just be ready, Escanor is powerful."

Damien raised an eyebrow, "Enough to duel the crazy captain?"

Whitebeard gave out a solemn nod, "The Festival is held at noon. Escanor will be at his strongest and far above me."


(Damien POV)


After having spoken with Whitebeard, I did have some thoughts on the coming battle.

2 months of gruelling days passed as I continually duelled with the likes of Whitebeard and Shiki, though losing every single one.


I also clashed with Linlin over a bet.

She said that if she won, I would give her my seed.

And that if I won, she would owe me a favour.

She was quite powerful.


[Charlotte Linlin - Big Mom]

[Age: 29]

[Height: 28'11]

[Devil Fruit: Soul-Soul Fruit [Special Paramecia]

[Fruit Rating: ????????????????????????????] (Ultimate-Class Fruit)

[Fruit Mastery: Peak-Advanced Mastery]

[Skills: Incredible inborn endurance and power, Extreme Mastery over Seimei Kikan to carry children during duels]

[Haki: Mastered Observation, Mastered Advanced Armament, Grandmastery (I) for [C]

(A/N: She cannot use Futuresight but can use Emission and Infusion)

[Strength: Upper Stages of Mid-Tier Yonko]


She was completely on par with me and her fruit was quite powerful.

This is much earlier than what was shown in the manga when I was alive so she had different abilities.

For one, her homies.

She did have Napoleon, her hat-sword homie.

[A/N: Napoleon Image]

She had a gun, a flintlock homie named Mars.

[A/N: Her weapon shown in the Rocks flashback.]


The duel of Seeds lasted 5 days straight with no breaks or rest periods.

Her Haki was inferior to mine but she had far more experience in using it than me. My Ryushi was slightly above Napoleon but barely so as it was fueled by her fruit powers which were above mine.


Alas, the victor was decided with me standing above her fallen figure.


She was quite bitter as she went on a reverse-hunger strike and literally ate everything on the ship causing Kaido to roar around like an idiot.

That said, I now had a favour from a future Yonko, nice!


As for fighting Shiki and Whitebeard, it was mostly for my Ryushi Mastery and bettering my experience with Yonko-class opponents.

My Infusion was greatly refined as well.


Yet all that aside, today was a big day.


A little something-something was ripe to be absorbed.

I took out a [Fruit Dial] that had Aurora's Night Powers saved and clicked it on myself.


My body started to shake a little as I slowly descended into my shadow and onwards to the abyss of darkness.



The wind circled around as my main body rose out of my clone's shadow in Paradise.

The clone was responsible for training my Black Body!


Alas, 2 and a half months of constant suicidal actions and whatnot, he was finally ready.


Our bodies shined bright as they walked into each other as I felt the oddness of my body.

It didn't hurt, it just felt odd.

My muscles, my tendons, my organs, they felt like a thick layer of skin had wrapped around them.

With Semei Kikan, I felt the increase immediately.


[You have acquired a new physique, {Black Body} Congratulations!] A mechanical voice resounded in my head.


Everything felt off.

Blackening the inside of your body is a ridiculous concept and requires an extremely powerful vitality to sustain, after all, Armament Haki is meant to be used externally and not internally.

Yet with my {Divine Vitality} and Semei Kikan, it was possible.

My endurance has increased at least 18 times as it did with my Black Bones and now I was a walking mountain.

I would feel pain but I wouldn't bleed or bruise much against people not too far above me.



[Your Armament Haki has reached the final step before The Grand Mastery Stage! Congratulations!]


[Your strength has entered the High-Tier Yonko Stage. Congratulations!]


This did bring a smile to my face.

'Sibyl, show me the stats.'


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 17 years, 5 months]

[Height: 10'9]

[Status: Beyond Healthy]

[Bloodline: Fishman-Human Hybrid]

[Physique: Black Body]

[Strength: Early Stages of High-Tier Yonko]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Unawakened)]

[Weapon: Ryūshi of the Supreme Grade Series]

[Ryūshi Combat Arts Comprehension: 87%]

[Seastone Resistance: IMMUNE]

[Skills: ????]

[Haki ⏬]

[Observation Haki Mastery: Grandmastery (I)]

[Armament Haki Mastery: Peak-Advanced]

[Conqueror's Haki Mastery: Grandmastery (II)]


[Points Balance: 3631 SP]

< Quests Available to be Claimed >


My strength had increased, good.

My Ryushi Combat Arts had improved, though it was slowing down every percent gained.

My Conqueror's Haki went up a level but I didn't gain anything except for better Infusion.


[Few Days Later]


I returned to Hachinosu.

The ships were readying themselves to battle as the trip was a little under 3 weeks to Superbia.



I looked afar as my Haki zoomed in on the lonely woman on the main Rocks Ship - the Titanic.

I landed next to her.


"What's wrong, Shakky-nee?" I asked.

She turned to me and gave me a hesitant smile, "Damien-chan, your Haki has advanced to the point even I can no longer track you…"

She was good at hiding it, but Shakky has become slightly lost in her thoughts for the past few months.


"You seem to be contemplating something rather troublesome to bring such a frown upon your face, Shakky-nee."

She chuckled at my words, "Ufufufu, I guess I can't hide it from you." Shakky then looked in my eyes with a sigh, "I have been thinking about myself, and just how long I can do this."

I saw some reluctance and questioned, "Is this why you went to Sabaody when Xebec called the others back?"


"Mhm," She nodded. "During the years you all were gone, I had time to think... to think that maybe it was time to call it off."


She looked to the distant horizon, "You know, Damien-chan, I found this great place at Sabaody, far from the public yet with a good location."

She giggled, "I sat by the edge of a cliff at Grove 13 and it felt quite nice. It made me think that the time to retire had finally come."


I saw her lost eyes, "Hehe, Shakky-nee, if you want to leave behind piracy then I will support your choice."

She turned and gave me a cheeky smile, "Hmm? You want to get rid of your big sister so badly now?"

I smirked, "It's not that… but I also think that forcing yourself to stay here will only gnaw at your heart more. You helped me day in, day out to train my Haki in the past so of course, I will support your choice."


She turned around and rested her head on my chest, "Hmm, you are right… I think I will have a chat with the Captain about it."

She then looked up with a grin, " I didn't even realize but you have become quite good at talking to girls now, Damien-chan. I wonder what you did the past 18 months."


'Is this women's intuition?' I thought as I saw her curious eyes as she traced her hands over my arm.

"Something like that..." I said with a smirk.


"Ara~ My little brother has become a man now?" She broke out in a teasing smile. "I didn't think you would start a harem now. How cheeky."

She somehow concluded that there were multiple, though I had no clue how.


"*Cough*, well, it's just 2 girls now. I don't think I need any more as they are enough for me." I said as a smile appeared on my face.

She raised an eyebrow, "Hmm, if I didn't know your personality then I would surely scold you but I'm sure they will be happy with you." She then asked, "Is one of them that cute girl from Sabaody, Aurora was it?"

I just nodded with a sigh, "You could tell from all the way back then?"

"Ufufufu, I saw her eyes when you trained her. And then that Amethyst Kingdom Crisis and you destroyed G-4 only confirmed the thought."


I then switched the topic, "What's your plan after leaving the Rocks Pirates?"

She tapped her chin, "Hmm, perhaps make a bar or a restaurant at the spot on Grove 13 after we deal with Escanor."

She laughed, " Hehe, maybe you can bring your girls there one day."

I smiled at the black-haired woman, "You sound so mature but you are only 25, Shakky-nee, maybe you should find a lover too?"


She tilted her head, "Ufufufu, maybe one day."


[Later on the Day]



Shiki's voice thundered out as the ships lined up in a fleet.

His Division held over 10000 pirates as they all cheered their leader.


"I will break that Escanor's face myself!!!" Kaido roared from afar as his Sixth Division followed behind.

It was initially with 8000 men but 75% of them had perished under Basara's hands, leaving behind 2000.


"Ufufufu, Kaido-chan, you should leave that to the Captain or you'll get hurt," Shakky's voice called out from a single ship.

She was onboard the Titanic as clouds of smoke floated above her.


Loud footsteps echoed behind the woman as Xebec stool tall.




Captain John and his Division were also onboard.

*VWOOM* *Splash!*

Whitebeard's fleet also pulled up from the far back-left with his 3000 pirates.

And to the far right was Big Mom's Third Division and Silver Axe's 7th Division behind her.

Damien had one ship with his 9 other Division mates as he sailed beside the Titanic on the upper-right side.


[A/N: Rocks Fleet Formation - SEE THIS]


(Damien POV)


The fleet had begun its sail.

As for leaving behind men to 'guard' Hachinosu, there were none needed, so it was left empty.

Of course, apart from the jovial mood, I could see the greed and gluttony swimming around the ships as the men had their eyes lit ablaze from the treasure beyond.

Though most would die soon.


Fodders aside, Shakky has decided to leave after we take down Escanor, I wonder just how much more chaotic it will get without her supervision and aid.

That aside, over 30000 men were sailing towards Superbia with Xebec at the core.


Strength-wise, we were quite loaded.

Whitebeard and Shiki had both started to enter the Top-Tier Yonko Stage with me at High-Tier and Linlin nearing it.

Kaido and Andor could both hold back Vice Admirals with their Top-Tier Yonko Commander strength.

As for the captain… well he was a monster on his own.


[Rocks D. Xebec]

[Age: 45] {Prime Age}

[Height: 14'7]

[Devil Fruit: Death-Death Fruit [Special Paramecia]

[Fruit Rating: ????????????????????????????] (Ultimate-Class Fruit)

[Fruit Mastery: AWAKENED]

[Skills: Incredible talents in Haki, Extreme Mastery over all movement arts, Great mastery over a Supreme Grade Sword - Mokushiroku, Overwhelming Presence, {Shadow of Despair}]

[Haki: Grandmastery (III) of Observation, Mastered Advanced Armament, Grandmastery (IV) for [C]



According to Sibyl, his Observation has halted at the 3rd stage and will no longer improve.

He fully mastered Ryou Haki to the peak.

And from what I've been told, Grandmastery (III) over anything is the maximum most people can reach out of the 5 stages before hitting their prime.

Yet Xebec had gone beyond that limit in terms of Conqueror's Haki!


Another thing I noticed, the weather above was wrapping around in black clouds as lightning rained down with pouring hail.

Tornadoes formed behind us but not upon us.

I guess having 6 Advanced Conquerors in one region will do such a thing.


As for the destination, I highly doubt it will survive.

My birds have already confirmed practically every major and minor crew on the New World is racing towards Superbia with the Marines with their own schemes.

Some powerful firepower has been relocated to this event as it will surely be endless chaos.


No matter what, this Festival will number the days of the Rocks Pirates as 'that' fateful event is nearing by the days!


Time till the Pirate Festival: 22 Days.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

By canon, Shakky left pirating behind 2 years ago but for reasons you can assume, she stuck around a bit longer.

As for the 2-day delay, well it's difficult to write such a big arc as it will lead to God Valley soon...


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