One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 11 - [10] The First Step

[2591 Words - (⊙_⊙) ]

[Another big chapter - I wanted to wrap this arc up in this chapter so yeah.] ​​


The sun dawned upon a youth in the woods.

The wind was quite pleasant as it pushed back his black hair.

The crimson strands dancing in the morning sun.

A tall boy, with a strong and powerful body, sat in the middle of a clearing within the moist woods.

Eyes shut.

His every breath seemed to cause a small vortex as air raged into his lungs.

His heartbeat was barely 10 beats a minute.

Every inch of his body seemed to have grown with nature.

Birds, squirrels, wolves, lions, and thousands of other animals were sitting around him.

Some eating, some chatting, some sleeping.







Many voices chatted about, rather odd from afar though.

The youth who had essentially become a beacon for all these animals finally opened his eyes as his crimson pupils shined bright.


"A year has passed since I purged the filth," he whispers to himself.


(Damien POV)

'Sibyl, show me my stats." I tell the voice in my head.

[Coming right up...] she hummed.


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 14]

[Height: 8'4]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength: Quasi Yonko Commander] (Damien ≈ Crocodile)

*[A/N: Do recall Yonko Commander is not Katakuri level or something... go check AUX for more info]

*[A/N: Croco was hella nerfed in Alabasta. He was holding back Doffy in Marineford, no way he was as weak to be beaten by a virgin Luffy]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Peak-Basic Mastery)]

[Seastone Resistance: 36%]

[A/N: Seastone resistance increases at an exponential rate as his body grows more and more used to it]

[Skills: Disease Immunity, Rapid Regeneration (MAX), Superhuman Vitality, Voice of All Things, Persona (MAX), Fruit Sensor (MAX), Concentrated Breathing (Constant), Primitive Rokushiki Art, Observation Haki (Low-Intermediate Mastery), Armament Haki (Low-Intermediate Mastery)]

[Points Balance: 9900 SP (Upgraded some skills while also got some back from miscellaneous quests)]

< Rewards Pending from Completed Quests >


'Not bad, not bad at all. I can take on practically everyone before the New World by now, excluding the outliers of course.'

"Show me the quest log."

[Hai Hai...]


[Quest Log]

[Reach Yonko Crew Pirate - Rewards: 4900 SP (COMPLETED)]

[Reach Quasi Yonko Commander - Rewards: 5900 SP (COMPLETED)]

[Unlock Observation Haki - Rewards: 3000 SP (COMPLETED)]

[Unlock Armament Haki - Rewards: 3000 SP (COMPLETED)]

[**Avenge your Mother** - Rewards: (Skill - Navigation), Count's Regal Attire (COMPLETED)]


I had yet to claim any quests as I liked the satisfaction from collected all of them together.

"What's up with that last quest?" I asked her.

Sibyl replied, [The System sometimes generates a quest that you yourself wish to complete from the deeper parts of your heart. So if anything, the quest was made by you.]

I nod in understanding, of course I wont turn down a free reward.

"Go ahead and claim them all." I give the order.

[5 Quests Complete - Rewards: 16800 SP, Navigation Skill has been learned, Count's Regal Attire has been moved to {Inventory}]

[New Balance: 26700 SP]


'Mhm! Sweet. And I got a skill. But for now I can do 'that'.' I nod with a mischievous smile.

Over the year I had made acquaintance with some docile and friendly animals, but some outright rejected my hand and tried to kill me.

Due to that, my training area had become a small hub for these friendly animals, though they were only chilling and whatnot.

'But with this ability...'

"Evolve my (Voice of All Things) Skill, Sibyl," I instruct my trusty system.

[There's that creepy smile of yours again...] she said.

[Voice of All Things' ---> 'Ancient Voice' - All simple-minded animals shall do your bidding. This includes mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and even Sea Kings. Weak-willed humans too shall submit to your orders while others may sway slightly. Stronger effect on Zoan users]

[Remaining Balance: 1700 SP]

As soon as the notification dropped I felt a change.

Something beyond anything I have felt before.

It wasn't loud like the VoAT. It wasn't odd like Haki.

It was as if a new understanding entered my mind.

I felt superior. Above all else. Not in strength, but in my voice. My vocal cords were vibrating like an instrument as a warm heat emitted from them.

I had my eyes closed as I felt the new ability.

After a few minutes, I opened them and looked around.


All the animals were gazing into my eyes.

They stopped what they were doing and just waited.

The ones on the trees jumped to the ground, making sure their eye-level was below mine.

They were waiting in patience.

Waiting for me to instruct them.


{{Continue as you wish.}} I said.

Though I didn't feel any different, it wasn't the same for the others...

[A/N: any text encased with double braces are referring to his (Ancient Voice)]


(Harry the Hummingbird POV)

I was chatting to 'Olly the Owl' near the interesting human.

We were chatting until I felt something odd.

It was like my mind was telling me to hush.

My instincts were flaring.

Like my ancestor was telling me to yield.

As if raising my voice or flapping my wings would be blasphemous to Mother Nature.

A voice in my head told me to fall to the ground and yield.

I looked at the Human. No, the 'Great One'.

I flew to the ground and simply waited.

Waited for his words.

No matter what they were, I would follow them through.

If he asked me to fly in a volcano, I would do it with great joy.

If he asked me to become his lunch, I would be honoured.

If he asked me to fight a titan, then I would put all my heart to it.

And it wasn't just me, all the other animals too did the same.

We waited for his words.

No matter what they were.

We waited.


(Damien POV)

Apart from reigning over the simple-minded and the weak willed, I also felt something else.

It was like a force building up in my soul.

Like a giant sea of water being held back by a weakening dam, begging to burst through.

I wanted to release it, but was lacking something: an idea? A will? A worry?

Whatever it was, it was very close to bursting forth, but needed one more push.

Well that aside, I am feeling quite content with my situation.


I took in a breath of fresh air to calm my mind.


I exhaled all the air, practically causing a small blast of air due to the absurd amount of CO2 removed.

I did a few stretching and ran to the southern end of the island.

You see, I finally found where in the world I was.

Over the year I met a very rare species of mammals.

They were cats.... but with wings.

According to Sibyl, the 'Winged Catastrophes' are only found in the West and the North Blue Seas.

So with that I narrowed it down to the outer seas.

And then 6 months ago I found the needed clue to come to a conclusion.

I was on my way back to the wooden house I lived with my mother, since the day of me finding the fruit I had overcome my worries.

So yeah, I went here and there and found a diary.

My mom logged her days, especially after my father arrived.

It seems that he mentioned to her about the 4 seas and the Grand Line.

He said that he traveled to the West and the East Blue before entering the Grand Line. And since then he had returned to meet some family.

Capsized ship in a marine chase and ended up here.

And that was enough for me to know that I was somewhere in the West Blue.


Going over my work I started devising a plan.

[You know, you could have just used the (Map of Surrounding Islands) item you got from the Beginner's gift pack right?] Sibyl said.

I paused in my steps.


"Damn it."

"Use the damn map," I tell her with annoyance.

A blue screen came to my mind as I saw all the landmass within a 100 km radius.

I analyze the map, "Seems like this Island is roughly 60 km across. Quite small. And there are some smaller islands nearby. Well I suppose it helps a bit..."

"I am in the West Blue, so going East is probably the best option. Closer to the Grand Line is closer to more developed islands." I conclude.

"Now I just have one more place to visit on this Island..." I mutter.

'I had upgraded my (Fruit Sensor) skill to max and yet I have yet to get a single fruit apart from my mother's one.

Then I remembered that the village doesn't even know what fruits are. Thus I knew that the fruits have most probably either been pillaged OR taken away by the remaining Black-Haired Tribesmen.

The Dark Side of the Forest is on the South end of the Island.

The place I am heading in.

[Skill: Fruit Sensor (MAX) - Will alert the user if devil fruits are present within 5 km in radius. Only displays uneaten fruits.]

So I can sense within a 10 km wide circle, should be enough to find them.

After traveling a bit, I land on the ground, before the Dark Side.


2 guards with Black Hair are standing guard as they are alerted from my arrival.

"HALT!" Guard A yells.

I wave my left hand in front of their faces and said,

{{Do you have any odd-shaped fruits in your home?}}

Both guards relax and stand still, "Yes. A few have been gathered by the Chief."

I didn't need to wave my hand, but I felt like a true Jedi so yeah.

{{Take me there.}} I instructed them.

"Yes." They say in unison with a dull voice as they guided me in.


A few tribesmen look in our direction but soon lose interest, after all my hair does match theirs, well somewhat.


I hear a ding in my head as I look into the sky around 4 km away.

I saw a few beacons lighting up.

[As an FYI, the beacons are colour coded. The blue is when you set a point from the map. A yellow is a zoan, orange, a paramecia and a red refers to a logia.] Sibyl tells me.

Nodding my head I count 5 yellows, 4 oranges and even 1 red.

We eventually arrive in front of the chief's house.

6 guards race out, weapons drawn.

I could just pulverize the place but I don't want to destroy the fruits.

I look at the 6,

{{Bring me the fruits your chief has within.}}

They relax their guards and rush in, heeding my orders.

----- 3 Minutes later -----

10 fruits are laid on top of a tree stump before me.

Before I could analyze them, a rude voice interjected,


A black-haired geezer pops out with a large sword in his hand.

I look at him with disinterest,

{{Point the sword at your heart.}}

His face grows confused as he does as told.


{{Now drive it right through.}} I tell him.

"W-Wait! AHH-" His hands push into his chest, alongside the blade, he drops dead before he could even complete his cry.

"Satte Satte Satte~"

I look at the fruits and have their descriptions drawn up,


[Zoan - Normal Types]

[Rodent Rodent Fruit - Model Squirrel]

[Insect Insect Fruit - Model Siphonaptera (Flea)]

[Ox Ox Fruit - Model Cow]

[Snake Snake Fruit - Model Rattlesnake]

[Bird Bird Fruit - Model Hummingbird]



[Tape Tape Fruit - Shoot out tapes from your elbows]

[Weed Weed Fruit - Control the weeds nearby]

[Smell Smell fruit - Control the odorants in the air]

[Nail Nail Fruit - Control the nails in user's hands and feet]

[Zoom Zoom Fruit - Allow user to zoom in onto any object]



[Ice Ice Fruit - Allows the user to create, control, and transform into ice at will]


"Trash zoan, trash Paramecia, as for the logia..."


My jaws drop as I wipe my eyes, wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me.


I pause for a second and look at the light blue fruit with dark blue swirls.

"...This fruit... It's the same one Aokiji is meant to eat!"

"To think it would be here... One of the most powerful devil fruits in the world!"

[Ice Ice Fruit (Hie Hie no Mi)]

[Logia Fruit | Elemental Type]

[Fruit Rating: ????????????????????????⭐]

[Allows the user to create, control, and transform into ice at will]

[Allows user to practically negate the greatest weakness to fruit users, water. Though lacking in overall destructive power, it makes up for it by controlling a powerful element]

[User becomes an Ice Human]


"Now this is what you call a steal!" I throw the fruits in my {Inventory} and begin heading West.

[I can recycle the useless fruits you got for SP if you'd like, Damien.] She offers.

"Really? Get rid of all except the Dryad and the Ice Fruit." I say with joy.

[Roger that.]

[9 Fruits recycled. (5 Normal Zoans) x 500 SP, (3-One star Paramecia) x 200 SP, (3-Two Star Paramecia) x 500 SP= 4600 SP gained]

[New Balance: 6300 SP]


"Nice," I comment while seeing my new balance.

----- A While Later -----


I land onto the western shore and gaze at the calm sea before me.

"After 14 years I am stepping finally taking my first step to the sea..." I say with a great smile.

"Congratulations Damien-boy."

"Nice Bro! You did it!"

"I am so proud of you! You are already a man~ Come give Onee-san a warm hug."

"Begun, your journey has. With you, may the tides be."

"Alas, the seas! Go, my boy! Let my people go!"

Many voices echo in my head as the trees and other friends give my their goodbyes.

"Your consciences' are connected to ALL of your 'kind' so I'm sure we'll speak again!" I waved at my immobile friends.

I then hear many footsteps walking towards me.

A large horde of animals arrives before me.

All the animals silently look at me.

{{Be free, little friends. I hope you all take care of each other.}} I tell them.






They all cry out as they give their goodbyes.


I look at the sea once more and send out a single thought.

{{Come pick me up}}

My thoughts echo through the endless blue as the seas begin to shake.





Hundreds of Sea Kings rise from the water and gaze at me.

(The King has called.)

(A different King? No. He is stronger!)

(I want the Lord's babies!)

(We answer your request, Great One!)


Hundred of thoughts enter my ears as each one of them roars out.

'A few too many but...'

{{Which one of you can take me to the nearest Island to the Reverse Mountain?}} I ask them.


(Let this one take you.)

A green 'Loch ness monster'-like Sea King answer.

I admire his jade coloured scales and walk onto his back.

{{Start swimming.}} I order him.

{{The rest of you, keep an eye out for nearby ships.}} I say to the rest.


they all respond in great joy, happy to serve me.

'Who needs an army when you have these guys...' I chuckle with a wry smile.

[Nice work Damien. Your journey has finally begun.] Sibyl says with some ounces of joy in her tone.

"Hehe, indeed. The first step to reaching the top!" I give out a big smile as we 'sail' onwards with great speed.


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Aokiji's Devil Fruit? NANI?!!

But yeah, your boy has finally sailed out, wish him luck.


Random Trivia:

Would rather lose the ability to taste or lose the ability to touch?

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