One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 113 - [101] The Clash Of Kings

[2645 words]

Some typos in chapter 100. Sol was said to be around for 2 decades then it said 5… idk how I missed that in the edit but the number is 4! His name has floated around for at least 40 years.


Glint Island visibly shook as nearly 22000 pirates rushed forwards to exterminate the 3800 or so rebellious ones. The warring cries of adrenaline and excitement mixed in with the yells of greed and yearning, creating quite the festival.

The air shuddered as hundreds of swords waved around and the bangs of bullets shooting erupted from rifles, blood slowly pouring out and forming rivers.

It was not only a fight but rather an extermination.

Sol's forces deemed these 3800 unfit to stand against their Overlord and were rather enjoying the one-sided battle.


Alas, even in the 3800 pirates, quite a few had big names and just a big of bounties.


"Gugu-gaga! My Baby Pirates, kill them all!"

"Lero-Lero! Cut them to pieces!"

"Moo-moo-moo! Give me a s-moo-ch you little calves!"


Boss Baby Victor.

Jack the Ripper.

Mooie the Milkmaster.

Bounties of 479 million, 401 million and 469 million, respectively!


[On the Outskirts of the Plaza]


The battle waged on as pirates fell by the hundreds on both sides as the rebellious few were quite intent on winning.

Of course, if 99% of these pirates were fighting, there were a few who would rather keep a distance of 10 islands between themselves and the fight.

"Drop the sails. Quick! We need to leave before they turn their attention to us." A man called out to his panicked crew.


Yet in the midst of the retreat, a voice called out.

"Hmm? The ever-bold Tony 'the Tiger' of the Striped Pirates is turning tail and scurrying away? Urufufu, how deplorable."

The man in question, the captain of the Striped Pirates, turned his eyes to where the voice originated from.


"You are… Cupid the Lust!"


The woman gave him a wink as she slowly yet seductively walked towards the man on the ship.

"Now… why don't you all just stop what you are doing and help out this maiden who needs your help?" She said in a soft voice.

Tony, alongside his crew, already had the slivers of lust flowing in his eyes even before her sultry call, yet now, his very being was calling out to quench their thirst.

One by one, his trusty crewmates' eyes whitened as they slowly lost control of their body.


"""""Hai, Cupid-sama!"""""


Tony, a man worth 206 million berries could only quake in despair as he recalled the woman's power - The Lust-Lust fruit!

It allowed the user to control the bodies of their victims via lust. And Cupid was quite the rare beauty, that added to the low amounts of women on the ship, caused the Striped Pirates to fall in her grasp.


"Now… why don't you help me kill all those scary people over there?" Cupid called out, her words laced with her fruit powers.



"Very go-"

Cupid could not finish her words as she suddenly felt something coming…



It sounded like the winds above were howling and whirling…


Cupid looked up and saw a shadow.



The shadow slammed onto the ship carrying the Striped Pirates as the wood holding it together simply gave way from the momentum of the object.

Under the shocked eyes of the onlookers and even those who were still fighting nearby, a rather loud laugh boomed all over the area.



"Did I step on something?"


The eyes glued on the walking monster suddenly shot to the far distance as a ship slowly came into view.

The words printed on the sails read,

[ R O C K S ]

With a flaming skull for the 'O'.

The very sight of the enormous Titanic was enough to fill the others with dread and despair.


The ship finally came to a halt, only meters away from the shore.

The shadow cast from the ship to the ground spanned so very wide that the ones in its area thought night had descended upon them.


The giant ramp slowly creaked as the gears and pulleys activated.


With a loud clang, it hit the ground as volumes of dust rose from its very weight.

A handful of people walked out, bringing the very fears of the living alongside them.


"T-T-The Rocks Pirates… these monsters are here too!" A man gulped out.

His companion could only nod in apprehension, "Edward Newgate… he killed the former Overlord - Esso Borealis and now they have come here!"

"Don't forget Thaddeus Enigma, the man who even the Great Advisor Tsuru couldn't keep up with. And the one who took him down is here too - Sin Incarnate Damien!"

Many suppressed whispers went on as the newly arrived stood tall upon the shore.


Kaido walked to the back, his massive frame slightly less than Charlotte Linlin who cackled with her Homies waiting to be used.

Silver Axe in his shiny armour walked beside the drinking pirate, Captain John.

Shiki had both his swords ready as they glinted in the morning sun, 2 cigars smoking in the maw of the Golden Lion.

Whitebeard stood tall with his precious Murakumogiri in hand, his glorious hair flying in the wind as he heard the cries of war.

Damien, who was simply spanning his Observation, picked on the powerful presences nearby and could only grin in the coming change.


The groaning of earth could be heard as another man walked in front of the group of walking calamities, his wild crimson hair alongside the slightly steaming blade at his hip, it was Xebec!

Every step he took left behind footprints that would seep into the path ground and left it black and ravaged.


Like the beast he was, Xebec took a deep whiff of the bloody smell flowing around the island, a savage grin appeared on his face.

He cracked his neck as let out some animalistic noises.


"Xahaha… this is more like it," He laughed.

His eyes then glowed in frenzy, "Kill them all."


His words out, the ones behind him disappeared and went to their own parts of the island, wreaking havoc and cutting everyone in their path.


Sol, who had once again returned to the raised platform, simply stood there with a confident smile. Even after sensing the arrival of the Rocks Pirates.

The numbers had already lessened.

The original 3800 or so fighting had dropped to 1300 while Sol's forces were still 20000 strong.

Yet such numbers were nothing overly difficult to deal with in the eyes of the Rocks Commanders…



Whitebeard, who wasn't overly fond of using his Haki to knock out the extras, preferred to use his mighty glaive as a substitute.

That is 'Murakimogiri' of the 12, now 13, Supreme Weapons!


The ground crumbled in the way of the human giant as Whitebeard slashed the ground in an upward slash.

Cracks formed across the air as the tremors were unleashed all over!



He was a walking natural disaster as all those rushing at him were utterly destroyed!


Shiki the Golden Lion was a wild force of doom.

With the power of the Awakened Float-Float fruit, he was nigh-undefeatable!

Before he stood 4000 pirates, high on the excitement of pleasing the Overlord, with swords drawn and guns ready.


"Jihahahaha! You pathetic pirates are selfish for treasure and flock around like sheep."

Shiki gave out a frightening smirk as his right hand slammed on the ground below.


The ground shook as his fruit powers pulsed.


"W-What is that?!"

The pirates who were ready to cut down the Golden Lion paused in an ominous fashion.

A shadow stretched over the 3000 men.


"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!"


Shiki started laughing with great zeal as a giant piece of earth sprang out of the ground.

He used his powers to break open the ground and fashion the debris into the shape of a lion's head!


[A/N: Image of Attack.]

The raging lion blasted forwards into the sea of pirates as they were enveloped by its majesty. Shiki's laugher echoed over the pained men.


Kaido and Big Mom were actually in the same region as they wantonly attacked the horde of 4000 or so enemies.

Kaido brought down his club, wreaking havoc under the cries of his victims, each attack left tens of men into nothing but meat paste, their flesh decorating the ravaged lands below.

Blood flowed like rivers as the Kaido couldn't be happier.


Big Mom was no different, she used Mars and shot Haki-infused bullets while Napoleon was used to cleave and level everything.


On another region of Glint Island was a shocking sight.

A dark crimson hue lit up the area as the men who were within the said bubble, either fell to the ground with their eyes rolled back, or simply could no longer stand.

Hundreds of bodies now laid on the ground, if one was here, they would be unsure if these bodies were of corpses or still breathing men.


Damien who had greatly familiarized himself with Yonko-level battles after taking down Basara no longer found these foes enticing.

With the end of the Rocks Pirates coming closer and closer, Damien was turning all his focus on getting stronger and more powerful.


Every step he took on this island sent out ripples of his Will, the steps seemed quite soft in terms of sound yet it was like a gong in the minds of those near.

It was the recently acquired skill, {Natural Dread}.

Sweat trickled down their backs as their very mind was broken down.


Alas, Conqueror's Haki only reached the fearful and the weak-minded, in the presence of so many New World Pirates, some were bound to stand under Damien's Haki.


"You have a huge bounty, Sin Incarnate!" A man screamed out. "I will be rich once I take you down for myself!"


The bold man who spoke was a battle-hardened veteran on the New World!

His name, Weasel the Illusionist worth 790 million berries!


"Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Mirage!"


Weasel's eyes suddenly reddened as some form of power was released, a fruit power!

Damien was intrigued and looked straight ahead at the coming attack.


The cold wind blew through as the pirates saw the Sin Incarnate frozen in position.


Weasel gave out a relieved smile, though it didn't last.

Damien disappeared from where he stood and appeared right in front of the pirate.



Damien just hummed, "Illusions of that level don't work on me."


Damien's eyes then blazed red as 2 beams shot out, they bounced and twisted in the air at impossible angles.

One by one, 2500 pirates fell as the war ensued.


[Back to the Shore]


Silver Axe and Captain John cut down their own list of enemies while they sensed the earth below seemed to shake.

In the distance of the lands was a large cloud of dust, as if an army rushed ahead in a war.

Nearly 6000 pirates were running ahead as they surrounded the Titanic.


"Captain John of 469 million berries and Silver Axe of 830 million berries. We have come for your head!" A few shouted as the rest roared in agreement.


The drunken John just laughed, "JOHOHOHO! You would have been better fightin' Newgate or Shiki than to come here!"

Silver Axe twirled his axe as it slammed on the ground, "I concur… by matching here, you have but only sealed your fate."


A few instances passed as the 6000 men howled in laughter in a boisterous fit, not taking their 'prize's' words seriously.


All the noise seized at once.

Every living being near the Titanic suddenly felt the cold breath of death as their natural instincts to survive kicked in, the heart pumped blood in a frenzy as their lungs madly swallowed air.

As for the reason to warrant such a reaction?

It was a single person.




[An Hour Later]


Time trickled forwards as the noise settled down.

Sol's forces had been greatly reduced as smaller skirmishes continued. The initial pirate count of 28000 had dropped to 4100!

The Rocks Pirates and the other bigger names slowly arrived at the platform where the Overlord rested, his 6 Capital Vices by his side.


"Sohohoho, I see you all won't go down until I take care of you myself," Sol said.

Roger, who had arrived with the aid of his very top commanders, joined the conversation, "The keys to the New World are for the free! You take away that freedom and you get people like me."


Another voice joined in, "Hoho, very interesting words, Roger."

The man gently landed on the ground, he had a refined appearance and an umbrella in hand.

Sol narrowed his eyes, "It's nice of you to join us, Patrick Redfield."


However, at that instance, an ominous feeling descended everywhere.

A black flash landed near the Overlord and the other pirates.

The only one daring enough to appear so dauntlessly was the Great Sin - Rocks D. Xebec!

His wild hair stood erratically as his open chest exposed the many scars he had accumulated in his life so far.

The 'Inferno Blade' Mokushiroku kept in its sheath as it vibrated in impatience, ready to strike.


"Xahaha! I've had my fun with your little toys, Sol," He said with a grin. "I would bring you under my flag but since you want the Throne to the World, then I will kill you myself."


The Overlord was prideful but not foolish.

"Rocks D. Xebec," He spoke. "Stand in my way and I will burn you down!"

Upon the bold words, another overwhelming pressure raged out.

Sol unleashed his Conqueror's Haki as it echoed out with all of its golden-red glory as the atmosphere shook in its wake.


The man in question just cackled, "You are too weak in this form, little Zoan."

Xebec's eyes then started to churn as black sparks of Haki rained down. The ground shook like no tomorrow. The clouds above started to whirl around as powerful winds picked up and raged throughout the sea.


Roger grinned as his Ace was unsheathed, "WAHAHAHA! I can't just watch from the side with all this going off!"


"It seems this day will cause quite the storm," Redfield thought out loud. "Paha! How exciting."

Alongside his cheery words was another burst of the Will of Kings as the Aloof Red showed his strength.


With all these Kings having unleashed their will, naturally, others soon followed.





Rayleigh who stood ready by his captain's side erupted into a silver hue of Haki, his sword drawn.

Whitebeard and Shiki had arrived as well, alongside Linlin, Damien and Kaido.


Shiki's hair flowed in the chaotic winds, his golden Haki pulsed everywhere.

The future World's Strongest Man smashed the foot of his glaive into the ground as ripples of quakes went off, added with his own white Haki.

Linlin chuckled with Napoleon drawn and Mars ready, her pink-coloured Haki raging out.

Kaido's eyes boiled in thick, black mist as sparks of purple lightning coiled around his club with his Will ready to crush everything in its path.

Damien who also present naturally unleashed his own dark-crimson bubble of Haki as he felt the others do the same. His eyes glowing a fiery red.

Ryushi in his hand shook incessantly as 4 Supreme Weapons were now present on this single island!


The sky was thundering as black clouds flooded in under the combined will of 10 Supreme Kings!

The flat plains area was now cracked all over as magma started to slowly boil up to the surface as an apocalyptic sight dawned down.

The sea kings oh-so-many kilometers below passed out as even the citizens of the nearby island fell to the ground, unconscious.

Giant tides were sent out as the nearby Superbia was doused in great volumes of water.


Sol and his Capital Vices, Xebec and his Titans and Tragedies, Roger and his commanders alongside Redfield...

The Clash of Kings that will decide this Era's future had begun!



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