One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 117 - [105] The Dawn Of Pride (4)

[2056 words]



"Second Descent: Hadean."


Damien revelled in newfound power, his speed had certainly increased while his overall strength had ballooned as well.


"I will take it to the skies… I'll leave the ground to you, Rayleigh." A crackly voice resounded from the demonic Damien. .

Rayleigh was surely surprised by Damien's new look but nodded all the same.



Damien turned into a blur as he left a black and red trail from his absurd speed. His Ravager-configurated Ryushi ready as he neared the Overlord.

It was a simple attack that rammed straight into the Sol, the 2 weapons clashed.


"Increasing your speed will not aid you!" Sol commented, unimpressed.


Damien just smirked as he then disappeared from view and appeared 30 meters in the sky.

He then spun Ryushi around as it glinted a frightening red.

Damien's eyes then sharpened as his body started to blur.

He appeared 5 meters to the left… then once again to the right, above, below, beside, behind, in front, across, and so on.

Hundreds of Damiens seem to appear as he was moving so fast, it seemed he was in many places at once!

One by one, the entirety of Sol's surroundings were covered by Damien in his Hadean Form.




And in a single instance, from every direction possible, Damien rained a flurry of attacks in a frenzy.

Boom! *Clang* Bam! *Shing*

It was a bombardment of crimson energy, slash from the left followed by a slice from the right then a swipe from behind and all around.

Sol took every hit one by one, his eyes, his Observation was unable to keep up with Damien's onslaught!

Drops of blood flowed in the dusty lands of Glint Island as cracks formed under the Overlord.


Damien's flashed into the sky once more, his wings creaked.




The twin wings exploded out as each Haki-fused feather was as sharp as a sword.

*Woosh!* *Vooosh!!*

The air was cleanly sliced as streaks of black flooded through the air, the feather-blades rained down upon the unsuspecting pirate.

Boom! *Slam* *Zip!*

Sol protected his head as the attacks flurried down, his eyes glowed in anger.




Sol was about to roar out but a saber suddenly found itself in his mouth as Rayleigh appeared before him.

The Dark King plugged the Overlord's mouth as the bullet of silver sword energy rang out as it exploded in the man's esophagus.



Damien then appeared directly above the angered Overlord.


Upon his words, the Supreme Blade willingly left his hands and simply floated in the air on its own.


Damien had coated it with his fruit powers as it formed a bubble around it. This allowed him full reign over the weapon without needing actual contact.

Damien's fruit control had begun to enhance.


He then popped the air and raced forwards.


Rayleigh traded attacks as sparks showered down upon the Sin of Pride, Infusion-Haki mixed with every attack.

Webs of cracks appeared all over the ground and nearby lands.


Rayleigh was a machine, he attacked from the smallest of angles possible, he used Sol's momentum against him and redirected it with his saber.

Sol kept up solely due to his powerful flames that caused the others to be wary of their strikes.



Dust lifted away as Damien had suddenly appeared in front of Sol's 5-meter frame. He was dwarfed by the Overlord yet his eyes carried a shine of great confidence.

The latter raised his divine weapon and brought it upon Damien.



Rayleigh's saber smashed onto Sol's sword, the 2 halted in mid-air.


Damien's hands formed a triangle with his fingers and thumbs.

*Vooo* *Pulsing Vibrations*

A small, red pyramid-like object formed in the center, many black patterns ran over it.

It floated in Damien's palms.

[A/N: Image of the pyramid.]


Sol's instincts went wild as his open left hand shot forth to intercept it.


"Ugh!" Yet just before having grabbed Damien, Ryushi rushed from the skies and nailed into the palm of the Overlord.

Damien's eyes exuded a thick red mist as his voice called out.


"Atomic Fracture."



The dismantlement of matter is what occurred next.

The crimson pyramid shined into a mix of red and black as it shot out with great momentum, Sol took the hit head-on.


"AUGH!" He grunted as the golden flames near his chest started to break apart, being pulled and remodelled by the attack.


Cubes of flesh fell out as the attack dug further in.


Rayleigh saw the pained Overlord.

He jumped into the air with a sideways flip as his saber made short work of the stunned Sol.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

Sol's eyes widened as he felt pain.

3 cuts formed across his body as Rayleigh's Haki-clad blade moved with silvers arcs of energy.

Two which aimed at his tendons that controlled the arms and another at the throat.


Sol's, by instinct reached for his punctured arms.


Yet in that brief second, Ryushi had returned to Damien's hand as he mercilessly slashed it upon Sol's open arm.



A golden limb fell to the ground. Blood oozed out.


"UAGHH!" Sol roared out while his right hand covered his open stump. The blood from his throat dribbled out as the previous wound only stretched from the loud cry.

In the face of such danger, Sol's great pride whirled in the form of the Haki of Kings, as his body exploded in golden fire.


"Solar Burst!"


A wave of absurd heat infernoed out from the Overlord and towards Damien and Rayleigh.

Sol's attacks were naturally faster than before in Hybrid mode.


Damien's black wings flapped as he raced out from the radius of Sol's attack. On the way out, Rayleigh jumped up as the Sin Incarnate grabbed the man in a hasty escape.


The 2 landed 200 meters away and saw the absolutely demolished land.


Magma bubbled out from the ground as it too was lit on fire from Sol's anger. Haki rang out in fury.


"I think we made him angry," Rayleigh hummed as he slashed his sword down, the blood upon it cleaned off.

Damien nodded with a smirk, "Right."

The Sin Incarnate then exhaled heavily, "Rayleigh, I say we go for one last big move, no?"

The Dark King in his Haki-ed body gave out a soft chuckle, "Very well, young man."

He then eyed the pissed-off Overlord, "And let's make it grand, shall we?"


Damien smirked as the 2 shot forth into the golden-red inferno ahead, no ounce of fear in their eyes.


Sol's body gave out a loud cry, his injuries healed from the flames, but that was not true for his left arm that was lost in the heat of battle.



Rayleigh turned into a silver burst of speed, he ran with such elegance that it seemed as if he skated over the land!

His eyes flashed red as the future opened itself to him like a book.


"The Coming Storm!"



Sol's sword crashed upon the Dark King as the 2 went off at a reverse tug-of-war scenario, neither side budged yet the former started to overpower the latter.

*Flap* *Flap*

Damien was in the sky, his body floated above.

He then slammed both his palms together as his body swam with his fruit powers.

Damien had also noticed that over the course of this 9-hour battle, his fruit control alongside his Haki had sharpened!


Currents of crimson energy swarmed around the young man as torrents of wind echoed out.

The Sin Incarnate was a sight to behold!

Great amounts of energy bubbled and raced around his body. It slowly formed a giant creature.


Rayleigh's attack had grown dry as he was pushed back.

After having regained balance, he simply continued. The trust he put into Damien's attack was quite heavy.


Sol opened his right palm towards the man.


"Solar Flare!"


A burst of solar energy boomed out of the palm as it rocketed at the Dark King.

Rayleigh saw the threat 3 seconds before it happened as he held his sword downwards with both hands. The blade cut into the ground as Rayleigh dug his feet in as well, his body churned with Haki in defence.


The sun attack slammed onto his body.

Rayleigh grunted as blood flowed out of his mouth, his body started to pick up speed as he was overwhelmed by the attack and sent flying out.

The man glanced at the ginormous creature that had swelled around Damien and thought, 'The rest is up to you, young man.'


With Rayleigh out of the picture, Sol could now focus on Damien.

"I will reduce your flesh to dust with my flames!" He yelled out.


Damien had readied his attack, Rayleigh had bought him the time needed.


Around the Sin Incarnate was a frightening sight.

It was at least 50 meters large with a body of striking black, polished with impressive Haki.

Large, sharp quills decorated the creature alongside the demonic horns affixed to its head.

It constantly sparked with black lightning as crimson arcs of energy whizzed around. Its white eyes glared at the Overlord.

Damien was inside the very center of this attack, his faint outline visible from afar as it pumped out all of his fruit reserves.


A deafening roar erupted from the beast as its very presence rang the island as if it were a bell.


The Overlord rang with a war cry as his body shined brighter than the sun, the flames that burst out began to melt the atmosphere and even the clouds above.

The night that slowly approached only seemed to be an omen.


Sol's golden halo started to spin as it gathered the solar energy that remained and shot it at Damien.

With that, Sol too started.

His wings shot out and grew in size as his hybrid body fuelled itself with power.

His body was wrapped in golden-red flames as it trembled in power.


"Solar Eclipse!"


He flapped in fury at the equally large beast in the sky.

Damien met the attack with his own. His body shot forth at the coming creature of mythical stories, the beast that surrounded him gave out an ear-splitting roar in rebellion.


"Legacy of Demise!"


[A/N: Image of the creature.]


Under the broken skies and the rain of black lightning was a rather awe-inspiring scene.

A phoenix-like creature having collided with an equally-sized monster gave birth to quite the spectacle.

The shockwaves released had the force to spawn thunderous waves and caused ear-piercing sounds to echo in the minds of the near.

The simple output of Conqueror's Haki was enough to put the habitants of Superbia to sleep while having left their streets in broken glass and true chaos.


It was a mix-and-match of crimson-black and golden-red that continued for nearly 3 minutes before one side began to give way!

With the masterful use of Haki and fruit powers, Damien slowly but surely repelled Sol's attack and drove his attack forwards.


The beast continued its rage as the golden flames of infinite powers were broken down into near-atomic level pieces!


Damien gritted his teeth once more, his arms and body were still affected by the heat of the flames from the sun, if not for Ryushi that spearheaded the attack, he would have surely fallen by now!

With a rebellious inner roar of Haki, the Sin Incarnate exploded with power as his weapon pierced its way through the phoenix.

Sol's eyes widened in surprise as the tides turned.


A secondary explosion resounded the region as the incredibly sharp blade of Ryushi cut its way into the chest of the Overlord, the flesh ripped as the Emission Haki travelled forth!


"Ugh!" Sol vomited volumes of blood as he was thrown away with great force, his body left behind a trail of golden sparks while the winds produced brought down tornadoes and disorder.


It was like a mountain being dropped from the sky as the 9-foot tall pirate was drilled into the ground. He simply didn't stop, his body was lost in the darkness of the depth!


A deafening silence overtook the entire island as even the other Yonko-level battles seized for a moment, all eyes at the center of the landmass.


Author's Corner:


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