One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 33 - [27] Bounty Hunter

[2449 words]

Well some stuff happened... ​​

My in-class exam that was due to happen on May 4th way just pushed back to the 9th of June due to social distancing problems and the third wave.

Covi D. Nineteen is a bitch, I was ready to ace the exam and now I gotta wait another month.

The upload schedule should be daily for the next 2 weeks then it will be altered a bit.


And if you don't then I suppose you have chosen death!


"You can call me..."




'This kid is Kuzan? As in Admiral Aokiji?! Now that I look at him, the lazy attitude, the eye cover, the hair, the build!'

'Is this fate? That fruit I got from my home island and now the actual future user...'


"Kuzan eh? You say that you crave justice for the weak. The marines, with your heart you can easily rise through the ranks but at the top, you will realize that there are some things that cannot be changed from within."

"The tree that is the World Government is rotten from the roots. The only way to ever truly change it would be to uproot the entire tree at once!" I proclaimed.

"I won't push you in any direction but I want you to see both sides. Marines are not always the 'good' guys and pirates are not always the 'bad' guys. I became a pirate to overcome my own weakness and to chase true freedom."

I continue with a sharp gaze beyond the seas, "I can't say that I am a 'good' person but I do not go around enslaving or killing innocents. I won't be hypocritical and say that pirates are better than marines, because they are not. However, it is your heart that defines who you are, not how the world labels you in the newspapers."

I gazed straight into his eyes and asked,


"So instead of answering your question, I will ask you,"

"what exactly do you wish this world to become?"


Kuzan eyes widened upon hearing my words.


"I wish so that no child has to experience what I did... I know you cannot remove disorder but things like slavery, genocide for the 'greater good', slaughtering the innocents should be expelled!" He said.

I went over his words and found the best approach.

'Who wouldn't want a future Admiral Level figure to join your crew. And other than that Kuzan is different than Akainu and Kizaru.'

'Aokiji has his own sense of justice. He left the Navy since he knew that Akainu's justice was too extreme and went against his own. The events at Ohara prove that.'

'His view is not restricted to good vs bad, but rather what he himself feels is right. I trust that with what I have said that he will choose the correct option.'


"Then... Kuzan. I have a proposition for you..."


Kuzan heard my words and said, "So you want me to train on some abandoned island for a handful of years and then join your crew later on?"

"That's right. I can influence Sea Kings with my ability and have other animals watch your progress. You can first follow a training routine that I will give you and then build your battle experience over time with other native monsters."

"I will make my own crew in 5-7 years from now. By then I want you ready for the seas." I said.

"Once your body is ready then I will give you a gift that I'm sure you'd like. But if you fail to meet my expectations then you can forget attaining your wish." I finished my explanation with an indifferent tone.

'I must break him and put him back together before giving him 'that' fruit.'

Kuzan was sitting by me on the dry docks, his long legs swaying above the water.

He was not carrying his usual bored expression and went over my words.

"I accept. But I hope you wont just leave me there to rot, wait... that doesn't sound so bad. I can sleep all day then..." He droned on.


I lightly slapped the back of his head and scolded him, "Don't even think of it. You will sleep 8 hours a day. You will eat 5 times before said sleep. You will hunt your own food. You will find your own shelter. And you will spend the rest of the time training like hell."

His jaw dropped at my words,


"Sleep... 8 hours? ONLY 8 HOURS?!"

"Th-That's barely even enough to be called a nap!"


My face twitched at his exclamation, "Haaaaiz, kid. 8 hours is more than enough for you."

"So, you agree or should I take you to the marines' base at Grove 66?" I asked him.

Kuzan then turned to me.

His lazy expression vanished as he gazed into my eyes with no hint of hesitation and asked.


"You really intend to change this world for the better?"


I nodded.

'Well, it's in the same direction as my true destination so why not.'

"I agree."

"But I will go after I *YAWN* sleep for a few more hours."

With that said he pulled down his eye cover and laid down on the docks and drifted to sleep.

A tick formed on my forehead as I saw his behavior.


A small group of Sea King rose from below.

I grabbed Kuzan by the neck and threw him to one of the Sea King.

Though he was still asleep when he landed.

{{The 10 of you. Make sure you take him to that island. If he gets hurt then I will personally eat you in front of your children.}}

The Sea Kings visually gulped and lowered their heads in submission.

"See you in a few years kid! Don't die!" I shouted out as the Sea Kings swam away.


I had sent Kuzan to an island I had heard from Shakky. Its danger level was far below Rusukaina but it had its fair share of obstacles.

No inhabitants.

Terrible weather.

Many monsters.

Perfect place for a 7 year old to live.

I had sent a message for the Sea Kings to look after him, they will then convey it to the trees and wildlife there too.

So he should be perfectly fine in training.

Some birds will report weekly for me to track his progress.

----- Marineford ---------------------------

[4 Hours past the Auction House Incident]

"Fleet Admiral! We have sightings on the Rocks Pirates! What are your orders?" Vice Admiral Ren questioned the man in the chair over the snail.

"Hmm. Have your forces ready. I want you to first go and find all the World Nobles and secure them. Then prepare your troops, I will send Admiral Sengoku -"

Kong's words were cut as he got another call from a red snail.

"Hold for a bit."

He then moved to the other phone and answered.


"This is Fleet Admiral Kong. What are your wishes, Gorosei-sama?"

He asked in a resolute tone.


"Kong...", a voice said.

"We have lost contact with 3 Celestial Dragons on Saboady Archipelago...", a different voice continued.

"We must ensure their safety first and foremost!"

"Do not provoke Xebec! We cannot allow that incident from the past to repeat."

"Send an Admiral, not to capture the Rocks Crew, but only to locate the missing Nobles."

"Do not fail us, Kong."


The 5 voices that seem to change every sentence finally stopped.

They did not wait for Kong to answer and ended the call.


"Dammit," Kong muttered.


He then picked up the other snail.

"Ren-Chujo. I will send Sengoku over. I want you to pull back ALL forces and focus on locating the 3 Nobles! Your job is not to watch over the Rocks crew but to find the Dragons! Get to it!" He ordered the man.

"H-Hai, Gensui-dono!"

[A/N: I know some of you will say, "Shouldn't they have vivre cards for the Nobles..." But I want you to know that in this current AU the Nobles have been untouched and unprovoked for decades now (Xebec's killing in the West Blue is excluded as they were far from marine backup). God Valley has yet to happen and pirates aren't that ballsy yet. They don't expect any resistance on Sabaody as it is very close to Mariejois. Hence the lack of vivre cards. Naturally this can be challenged by you, the readers, but it is the case right now. I am just filling a plot hole you all may call upon.]


[Grove 53]

(Damien POV)

4 hours have passed from my little escapade in Grove 1.

I am now next to Shakky as we make our way to the rendezvous point at Grove 44.

She had a side bag with some stuff she had bought recently tugged under her left arm.

The road was simple grass with some small shops nearby.

Though Grove 53 is in the shipyard area so it was a bit swampy with large trees around us.


"So you're telling me that you tortured 3 Nobles and left them to the hands of their own slaves, Damien-chan?" She asked with a smile.

"Ahem, well yeah! It was a spur of the moment kind of thing...", I said lightly as I looked over to the other side, refraining from eye contact.

"Ufufufu, well actually you should be relieved. Your little impulse might have saved us from some trouble. It seems that they do not know where the Nobles are so they believe Xebec is holding them hostage."

"With this, we can get off this archipelago without fighting any marines. So, good job." She chuckled.

I was a bit shocked but played it cool, "Ra ha ha... that was all intentional Shakky-nee. I thought it's best to allow the old men to rest a bit."

She just laughed as we kept making our way over.

"But what exactly did you go and buy while I was gone?" I asked her.

She tapped the bag under her arm, "This? They are Eternal Poses for many islands. Also, a few 3-needle log poses. I can't steer the ship based on impulse, The New World is far too chaotic for such things."

I nodded at her words, the sea beyond this point is far too messed up for one to wander in, even with Emperor-level figures on board.


We then entered an area with dozens of trees surrounding us.


Shakky's eyes glowed red as she turned her gaze to the large tree to the far left.

At the same time, I heard a voice,


"Watch out Lord, there is a human with bad intention here!"

It was the voice of the tree, 'Kenny of the Yarukiman Mangrove trees', who had warned me.


The tree wasn't the large tree but a smaller sub-tree in the small little forest.


I followed Shakky's eyes as I saw a metallic shine whizzing towards me.


The sound of metal hitting metal was heard as my blackened fist came in contact with some sort of purple projectile.

*Vooosh* *Vooosh* *Vooosh*

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

3 more attacks cut through the air as I continued to block them with my haki-clad fists.

I traced my eyes to the trees as I saw a purple flash jump from branch to branch.

"Bounty Hunter?" I asked out loud.

Shakky nodded as she took out her pistol.

I saw the hunter's next move and traced a few meters forwards.

My left hand shot out,


"Raging Stream."


A red, 10 feet wide stream of Pulverizing Energy shot out with endless momentum towards the tree.


The ground was ripped apart and crushed as the trees were reduced to dust.

All that was left was a circular open area in the small forest.


Another whizzing sound, and a thud as the hunter landed on the ground.


"Hmm? You are that 'Night Maiden' bounty hunter...", Shakky squinted her eyes.


Her pistol was already pointed in the hunter's direction before she even fell to the ground.

"Oh? A female bounty hunter?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

I looked over our guest,

She had a full purple attire on.

A purple hood dawned over her body.

And a purple scarf across her face, leaving only 2 violet eyes to see.

The clothes were tight, they highlighted the girl's body yet they were rather... underdeveloped?


"No... a little girl?" I asked while tilting my head.

The hunter's eyebrows scowled as she assumed a fighting stance.

"Are you underestimating me because of my gender?" She asked with a young yet sharp voice.

'This chick sounds barely 15...' I thought with some confusion.

Though my train of thought was interrupted as Shakky said, "Watch out Damien-chan, she has a very unique Logia type fruit power."

"Logia eh?" I then looked at the girl, "I have yet to fight a Logia yet. Say, little girl. How about you and me have a little duel then? You are after the price on my head no?"

I gave a little smile as I saw her squint her eyes.

"Hmph, alright then. I will turn in your head for a nice price!" She said.

Shakky moved to the side as she started smoking.


The girl was around 7 feet. Quite tall for a girl, though she was far off my height.

The girl clenched her fists as she shot forwards.

Her hands glowed purple as she punched the young man.

I squinted my eyes and met the attack head-on.


The fists collided as a purple and black fist clashed in the afternoon wind.


The girl was blown back as she failed to measure up to my pure power.

Logia or not, her physical capabilities were far off from me, her fist, if not for the adrenaline, would probably be aching from the few bones I just broke.


Landing 20 meters away on her feet, she made another move.

A purple circle appeared below her feet as her entire body then turned into a violet element and submerged into the ground.

She had completely vanished!

'So she can enter a different world with her fruit! It's like the Mirror-Mirror fruit but better.' I concluded.

I could not see her at all, I wonder if she can see me then?

Mirror World is separate from the real world and connected by actual mirrors from the true world.

With this, one can dive into a mirror and enter the mirror world, and exit the same way.

The only way to see would be through that mirror.

'So I wonder how this girl's fruit works...'


My Observation was mid-Intermediate level so I can 'feel' up to 20 meters in diameter (32 feet in all directions).

I concentrated on my sixth sense.

I didn't feel anything as she was still in her fruit realm.


But just a few feet away I felt a weird sense of movement behind me.

A purple body shot out of the ground as it materialized and a purple dagger inched near my neck.



The purple dagger hit the back neck which had turned black as the attack halted in its path.

"Muda!" I exclaimed at I took advantage of her momentarily lapse of attention.


I whizzed from my position and appeared right behind her.

Her eyes widened in shock as she felt my presence behind her.


I drove my black fist straight into her spine as the girl was sent flying frontwards as large amounts of blood sprayed out of her mouth.


The girl fell around 20 meters away on her face as she somersaulted another 5 meters, a trail of crimson following.

There she laid, out of her Logia form, a purple-clothed young bounty hunter, unconscious.


"Ara~ How cruel to punch a young girl so brutally!" Shakky said as she puffed a cloud of smoke out.


I smirked, "Ha, I for one, am a devout believer in gender equality!"


'Kazuma would be proud!' I thought as I gave myself a cultured nod.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Hmm, well bounties aren't for a show right?

I mean it's only natural for bounty hunters to try and take that off your head... it's not just a figure to make you look cool... or that is how it should be.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather eat dinner alone for a year or have to take showers at a public gym for a year?

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