One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 35 - [29] The Girl

[1944 words]

⭐[NOTE!] ⭐ ​​

I made a change.

Garp, I had given him Conquerors at the start.

I have now REMOVED it now.

But rather given him the ability to use his fighting spirit (Like Zoro's Ashura) which would act like the Aura of Kings and suffocate others.

TBH I wanted him to have the third colour of haki and made him lose this ability after a certain event.

However, I chose to remove it as it generated a few plot holes which I didn't feel like filling.

So yeah, instead of Conqueror's, he uses his fighting spirit (like Zoro's Ashura but 100x stronger), one that can rival Roger and Whitebeard.


(Damien POV)

It's been 2 hours since we left 'The Bloody Hell'.

Now we are boarding the Titanic, the girl is still on my shoulders.

'This chick, can't she wake up soon?' I complained in my head.

I then sigh, I felt someone looking at us as we boarded.

Probably some marine who is trying to watch our movements.

'I wonder what Sengoku will do. Will he let us leave or attack now...' I thought to myself as we walked on the deck and prepared to sail.

I tossed the girl to the side and looked at Xebec who was cracking his knuckles.


"Ah, Taichou, don't we need to coat the ship first before diving 10000 meters down?" I asked.


Xebec grinned and stood at the center of the deck.

He extended both his arms out to the side and seemed to chuckle as he activated his fruit power.

Dark-purple miasma flooded out of his arms and created a bubble around his entire body.


"Death's Cradle."


His raspy voice sounded out as the bubble extended and grew quickly.

This wasn't like before where it would wither away things just by being released but rather controlled to the point where it just holds.

The purple bubble extended and didn't stop.

20 seconds later...

'Jeez, this fruit control is crazy!' I exclaimed as I saw the sight before me.

His death bubble was now wrapped around the entire ship!

Remember that this is no small ship...

This is 600 feet in length and 200 feet tall!

His fruit powers were now encasing the entirety of the Titanic as the ship began to sail.

Shakky's voice then echoed through as the bubble did not allow the soundwaves to escape out.

"Diving now!"

Upon her words I felt a shock over the ship as Whitebeard used his powers to quake away the sea below, causing our ship to fill the gap as we began to descend.


The seawater constantly bubbled as a huge ship dove in.

All the water, the fish, and the pressure were easily removed.

It was constantly being withered away as Xebec's Fruit bubble protected us from everything.

'Well, I guess there's no use for a coating...'


The ship was descending quite fast.

We needed to dive to Fishmen Island which is around 10000 meters down.

In others words, it should take us about half a day to get there.


The remaining crew went off to their own things.

I picked up the girl and took her down to the housing bay.

I hate being a babysitter but this girl's fruit power is quite elusive... I can't let her out of my sight.


[4 Hours Later]

I am in the lounge that is at the center of the housing bay.

It's the first floor down from the top, rooms both left and right hallway with a sitting and chill area in the center, where I am.

The girl was on the couch, still out, I was opposite her, reading a thick book I got from Shakky.

It was the 'Devil Fruit Encyclopedia'.

'Hmm, these fruits are quite mysterious. I wonder where they come from... They are called fruits, so maybe some Devil Fruit Tree exists somewhere?'

I was caught up with the mystery of the fruit, after all, eating a shit-tasting fruit somehow gives people powers...

As a normal modern human from my previous life, I was naturally interested in both, the history of the fruits and how the powers transferred into the human body.


I heard the couch opposite to me creak a bit as the girl slowly opened her eyes.


I had already thrown on my 'Seastone Pendant' on her so I had no reason to worry much.


(Aurora POV)

My name is Aurora.

I need money. And a lot of it.

6 years ago I faced the cursed reality of this world.

From being respected to now having to hide my face from the world.

The only light in the tunnel required billions of berries to reach.

I chose to become a bounty hunter.

I found a very rare devil fruit and used it to escape from my fate.

With the fruit, I could easily complete jobs, kill off scum and gather information to sell.

I have spent 2 years in this profession and so far everything has worked well.

I have already gathered 2 Billion berries, I just need another billion.

No enemy was able to even find me, let alone touch me.

They said it was a Logia fruit, it made bounty hunting quite fast.

3 days ago I saw a new batch of bounties fly down.

5 people.

All in a single crew.

'The Great Sin Xebec.'

'Edward Newgate - The Earth-Shaker.'

'Black Death Shakky.'

'Kaido of the Beasts.'

'Sin Incarnate Damien.'

The captain had over 2.5 billion berries!

If I could get that...

No, I don't need to risk it that much.

The younger boy, he was around my age, had nearly half a billion berries on his head!

The other boy, well he was too scary looking for me to fight so I tracked this one.

I eventually found him in Sabaody Archipelago.

I followed him to an open clearing with lots of covers around it, he was with the woman worth nearly 700 million.

'If I can get these 2 then I can fulfill my goal!' I said in my head as I attacked.


'His power...'

'It's too much! I can't even fight back!'

'Why can he touch me?!'

'He's too fast!'

These thoughts were swarming my mind as I saw him disappear and then I saw nothing but darkness.


I woke up but did not open my eyes as I felt to be in an unfamiliar setting.

I could feel myself moving...

'No, I am going... down?!'

I try not to show much response, perhaps I was kidnapped? Was my face shown?!


"You can stop the act, I know you're awake."


I heard a young yet sharp voice from in front of me as I opened my eyes and saw him.

'It's him! Damien of the Sin!' I exclaimed in my head.

I then immediately touched my face, 'my mask?!'


"You can rest assured, I haven't touched you at all. I'm sure you have a reason for your mask and all that concealing attire of yours. Though I could care less."


His leisurely voice sounds out once more as he continued to read his book, not sparing me a single glance.

I did check over my body, he isn't wrong, apart from the metallic smell, I am still untouched.

I gulped and then steeled my resolve.

"W-Where are you taking me? This is a ship... are we going down?" I asked, trying to mask my fear.

He put down his book and looked at me.

He tilted his head to the side and said, "Well, honestly, I and Shakky-nee chose to take you with us when we found out you were just a little girl."

I frowned at his words, "I am not a little girl! I am older than you!"

He chuckled, "Well, sure."

"We'll arrive at Fishmen Island soon. You can wait there and hitch a ride elsewhere."

He then got up and went up the ladder.

I thought over his words and sighed.


'Night Realm!'







Now that I think about it, my body feels weak.


(Damien POV)

I had my Observation locked on her, I even kept a few insects nearby to report in case she tries anything.

Well, who cares.


[4 Hours Later]

(Aurora POV)

'This ship... it's amazing!' I was astonished by the sheer size and design of this ship as I walked around.

These guys are quite casual, even with a stranger on board they choose to ignore me.

'Or maybe I am just too weak in their eyes.' I sighed.

I walked into the cabin upstairs and was greeted by a nice large eatery connected to a kitchen.

Nearby was a small table with Damien and the other woman, Shakuyaku, sitting.


"Oh? You have finally decided to join us for a meal?" The woman asked as she drank out of a cup.

I nodded and sat down.

"U-Um, aren't you angry that I tried to kill you for the money on your head?" I asked, refraining from eye contact.



Contrary to my expectations, the two laughed.

I was taken aback, "W-What is so funny?!"

Damien smirked, "Didn't you realize, you were out by a single punch of mine."

I heard his words and gritted my teeth.

'He's right... I couldn't even track his speed that time.'

"Well, what will you do? Will you choose to get off at Fishmen Island?" The woman asked.

I thought it over a bit.


"I-I don't know," I responded.


The youth squinted his eyes, "I don't know why you need money, but you have your reasons. I don't really care, but I assume something happened and due to your lack of strength, you had to run?"

His words hit me hard.

He seemed to have figured it all out.

"I too was once like you. Even now I am. I was weak once, now I am a bit stronger. I chose to defy fate and I gritted my teeth and survived."

"You have a powerful fruit ability. Yet your strength is simply abysmal. You know nothing about Haki and yet you tried to challenge us."

"Ignorance is bliss until it bites you in your ass, it will only lead to your demise. Little girl."

He finished his words with a hint of mockery.

My hands were shaking as I heard him go on and on.



'I am weak?'

'I relied on my powers for money.'

'And now that failed me and I could have easily died.'

'Or worse.'


Damien's voice entered my head once more.


"Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of... staying weak is."


I looked up and saw his eyes, I saw pity and a hint of empathy.


"W-What should I do?" I asked in a meek voice.


"I hate this feeling... this weakness."

"I lost so much because of it! I don't want to remain so pathetic!" I cried out as tears swam down my face.

The huge door open and a deep voice resounded.

"Gurarara, I thought you were some girl who had grown too big because of a rare fruit. But maybe you do have some potential."

The absurdly giant man laughed on.


The boy then cut in and said, "Having the desire for strength and having the will to endure the journey to that point are two different things."

"Millions share the same fate as you. But they die all the same."

"What makes you different from those?"

"If you truly want strength... you must crave it! Yearn for it! Only then can you ever reach the height you so desire."


My eyes widened at Damien's words.

'He is younger than me, yet so much stronger... Can I also reach such a level? Can I get back what was taken from me?'

I jumped up from my seat and looked at the 3 together.

I took a deep breath and made my resolve.


"Please let me stay here! I will cook, clean or whatever! I want to become strong... Please, teach me to become strong!"



And then a dreadful pressure fell upon me as I felt death itself creep behind.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Well, there isn't much to say now is there?


Random Trivia:

Would you rather always stub your toes whenever you walk or always have a bad haircut?

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