One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 37 - [31] Fishman Island

[3643 words]

Big chapter, I may miss tomorrow as I have a chem test coming up. ​​


Fish-Man Island.

It is the year 1482.

King Neptune is currently 28 years old.

He was crowned king around 3 years ago.

The island itself is a home for fish-men and merfolk, It serves as an underwater gateway to the New World for those who do not wish to enter through the Calm Belt.

The island resides in a giant double-layered bubble floating above the seafloor, seemingly filled with about half water and reef and half air. Ryugu Palace rests in a smaller bubble on top of the main island's bubble. It is illuminated by the Sunlight Tree Eve.

[A/N: Fish-Man Island Picture]

The double bubble keeps out all the water and acts as a gate to trap invaders.

Though with Xebec's Death powers, naturally, we need not have much trouble going in.


Another 2 hours have passed as the Titanic went forth and went through both bubbles and entered the island.

The air was clean and calm.

The light was almost the same as the sun.

The atmosphere was nice.

We walked out of the ship.


"Hmm, there is civil unrest here," Shakky said.

I have noticed that Shakky's armament is low but her Observation is sky-high.

Perhaps she has a special inborn talent for it, like Asia or Shyarly.

Whitebeard nodded, "I heard that the Nobles and many other humans used to venture down here to take away mermaids and fish-men. All until 7 years ago, King Neptune, he alone fought his way with his people and fended off the relentless attacks."

"3 years ago he became king and stopped foreign invaders, for the most part. Pirates naturally got in though, almost like us."

Shakky nodded, "Mhm. Though the world above hasn't changed much. Heck, the price on fish-men and Mermaids have only gone up."

Kaido then roared on, "Are there any strong fighters here?"

Xebec chuckled, "No... but the pressure from the sea... I will use it for training myself. I feel like I will soon enter a new level for my fruit."

He then looked at us,

"We will probably stay here a few months. I need to get something for my powers down here. You can do as you like till then."

He then disappeared, something I have grown used to.

Whitebeard then smashed the ground with his punch.


A small mountain rose out from the surface and surrounded our ship.

This way our huge ship can pass off as a mountain...

'Well, who cares.' I shrugged.

"Well, you kids enjoy yourself. I want to learn more about this land and their culture, see you later." She waved her hand and walked away.

"Cheh, Damien, fight me!" Kaido roared as he smashed his club on the ground.

"Oyy, you damn ogre! Can't you chill for a second? If you want to fight then do it later. Our fight will draw too much attention. Just go and hibernate in some corner till we leave."

"Nani!? I am not some beast who needs to go sleep!" He shot back.

I smirked, "Could have fooled me."

The growled a bit and smirked, "After we leave, you and I will fight! Don't let me down then!"

He roared as he walked off to some corner, I could care less what he was up to.

I then looked at the giant man next to me,

"What about you, Newgate-Ossan?" I asked him.

"Hmm? Gurara, I will find the king and see how he is. His character is admirable."

[A/N: Whitebeard and Neptune were good friends in the past so I'll start that friendship now.]

I nodded as he too left.

I looked at Aurora.

"Let's go."

She nodded.

I grinned at the girl as she blinked and felt a chill.


[3 Months Later]

(Damien POV)

Xebec has disappeared for 3 months now.

I guess the Death Fruit is different from most.

"Sibyl, what are your thoughts on the Ultimate-Class Fruits?" I asked my trusty system.

[From what I can see, your captain has reached the peak of the Advanced Mastery of his fruit for a while now.]

[To Awaken a fruit is to reach the level even above {Advanced Mastery}.]

[This level is the {Grand Mastery} Level. Only by reaching the 'Awakened' Stage can one reach this level.]

'This makes sense, though it has a few oddities.'

"But Doflamingo had Awakened his powers before age of 41... How come a monster like Xebec has failed to do so even beyond that number?" I asked with confusion.

[This all comes down to Fruit Ratings. The higher the rating, the harder it is to master. The String String Fruit is rated at 6 stars. While to Death Death Fruit is 7 stars.]

[The difference might be only 1 star but the gap is quite significant.]

[Each half-star jump greatly increases the difficulty to awaken a fruit. 6 stars can be considered a small hill. 6.5 stars, like yours, can be considered a large hill.]

[But an Ultimate-Class Fruit is the level of a mountain!]

My eyes widened at her words.

"Makes sense indeed... So in other words, with my talent and with the system's guide, I should Awaken in a few years. But Xebec, even for his monstrous strength, he needs so much time!"

I then shook my head in slight shock, "Just how strong will he be if he Awakens?!"


[Another 3 Months Later]

We have now spent half an entire year on this island.

I and Aurora have been training more the most of it.

Though my training mostly encompassed Haki training and building my body further.

I have grown quite a bit as I am now 15 years old.

As I grow, I also need to train my body more and more.

My overall strength won't rise greatly as that only comes with dueling true opponents.


[Your Devil Fruit Mastery has increased, (Low-Intermediate) ➡ (Mid-Intermediate) Mastery]

[Your Observation Haki has increased, (Mid-Intermediate) ➡ (High-Intermediate) Mastery]

[Your Armament Haki has increased, (Mid-Intermediate) ➡ (High-Intermediate) Mastery]


These were the main boons from the 6 month time skip.

"Display my stats and skills," I asked.


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 15]

[Height: 8'10]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength: Mid Tier Yonko Commander*] (Damien = Doflamingo)

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Mid-Intermediate Mastery)]

[Seastone Resistance: 68%]

[Skills: ... Observation Haki (High-Intermediate Mastery), Armament Haki (High-Intermediate Mastery), Conqueror's Haki (Controlled Stage - Low-Intermediate Level)]

[Points Balance: 27900 SP]


My overall strength had risen a sub-level.

It is now on par with Doflamingo, not too bad.

Other than the training, it seems Kaido tried to hunt down huge Sea Kings that were nearby. His endurance has only leveled up as he could resist the sea pressure of 10000 meters down for a few minutes at a time.

We couldn't really fight as it would attract too many Fish-Man eyes right now.

They are already quite pissed off at humans so it's best not to fight while Xebec is away.


Aurora, the girl has gotten a lot better.

Before, her power level was around the peak of the Yonko Crew Pirate.

In half a year, filled with agonizing training and endless exercise, her strength has exploded.



[Age: 15 ½]

[Height: 7'4]

[Strength: Quasi Yonko Commander]

[Devil Fruit: Night Night Fruit (Low-Intermediate Mastery]


Quasi Yonko Commander, that's around Brook level however her strength should increase once again.

I have guided her with the help of the System for 6 months.

I only gave her simple things to follow, it was an inferior version of what I had, though torturous all the same.

Over the months I had contemplated over her once more.

Her fruit powers are definitely a must-have. After all, they do grant me the element of surprise in almost every situation. The mimicked version was not worth it so I rather have the fruit itself.

Killing her and using Fruit Reincarnation Theory would be a bit risky. I would need to find the exact fruit she ate for it to work, and in the world of One Piece, where you can literally find islands made of food, it could be problematic if the fruit was one of the ones I had no clue of.

Earth had around 2000 different fruits. This world could have tens of thousands. Throwing a few hundred in the air after a fruit user's death is a gamble.

Finding another user is not too difficult, but if I can get Aurora as a subordinate, why go through the trouble?

However, I first needed to see if she was worth the investment. And whether or not I was just wasting my time babysitting a weak girl.

For that, I needed to learn her story. She has given quite a few hints here and there, from which I have deduced her purpose.

She is on a journey of revenge. She wishes to kill someone. Someone who she would literally become a bounty hunter and make a deal for 3 billion berries to accomplish. She spent 3 years going from a sheltered, rich girl to a girl obsessed with revenge.

Due to this drive, she has somehow persisted through the grueling training.

As for her future, from what I know regarding those obsessed with revenge, it is a journey, when accomplished, that leads to emptiness. Unlike I, who found another purpose and paired it with my revenge against Lerone, the girl has no such reason.

In other words, due to these 6 months, I have most likely gained a future loyal subordinate by doing nothing overly extra and become her anchor.

Her training over the past six months was the following:

The first 2 months were solely to improve her body strength.

The next month was 80% body training and 20% fruit training.

The following 3 months were an even split between body & fruit training for her.

But something happened a month ago.

She seemed to have awakened his 6th sense, in a very raw form that is.

She has a talent for Observation no doubt.

I won't teach her how to train it, but only the vague concept of it, the rest, she can learn herself. Only once she is has finished her revenge and joined under me will I train her.

I also have taken a few counter-measures, I have found a few weaknesses of her fruit, I can quite easily take her down if need be.

However, I noticed that over the six-month period, she had started to grow more open and direct, more comfortable.

'It seems like this my investment might be far more bountiful than I had expected...'


2 months ago Shakky came over and gave us a message from Xebec.

The note read,

'Come to Ryugu Palace in 2 months.'

Which of course is now.


[Ryugu Palace]

(3rd POV)

[A/N: Palace Image]


Within the Throne Hall were a few people.

Upon a giant throne sat an equally giant merman.

He had a black tail from the waist down and a muscular physique above.

He wore a royal blue shirt and golden shoulder guards.

On the side of his throne was a golden trident.


He was currently in a great mood, his puffy orange hair and beard were reflecting his joy.


"Hoh hoh hoh, Newgate, are you sure you won't stay any longer-jamon?"


The giant merman, aka King Neptune, said merrily.

[A/N: King Neptune Image]


A man half the size of the king sat before the throne.

"Gurarara, Neptune, I have already stayed here for a long time now. My journey will continue, I can't remain any longer." Whitebeard said.

"A pity. You are welcome any time-jamon." Neptune smiled.



A figure arrived with the escort of some guards.


A young man with black and red hair, a youthful face with clear crimson eyes.

"King Neptune-sama, this human wishes to meet you."

The Fishman guard explained.


"Ahem, apologizes King Neptune, do pardon my intrusion," Damien said with a light smile.


Neptune was quite an understanding man, for the most part,

"Hoh hoh hoh, no problem. Since you are Newgate's crewmates then, of course, you are welcome here-jamon." The king said as he stroked his beard.


"Kid, you're here. Good." Whitebeard grinned as he looked at the 2 young pirates.

"It's been 6 months, Newgate-Ossan," Damien said as he leisurely walked forth and sat before the throne.

"Hmm, you have grown since then."

"Rahaha, you should see Kaido, that ogre grew at least 3 feet now." The red-eyed youth chuckled.


"Neptune-sama, the other guest has arrived as well." A guard saluted.

*Slow Steps*

A young woman walked into the throne room, she was Shakky of the Rocks pirates.

"Ufufu, I seem to be a bit late, Neptune-san." Shakky greeted the merman.

"Hoh hoh hoh, it's fine-jamon. I will of course take you to that place once your captain arrives." Neptune said.

'I guess Whitebeard and Neptune's friendship is already quite good. He did protect Fishman Island with his name after all.' Damien thought to himself.



A small bang sounded as a tall man entered from the window that was blown open.

He had red dreadlocks pointing out from all sides, a savage expression on his face.


"Xahaha, good, you're all here. Kaido is waiting outside. Neptune, lead the way." Xebec said as he cracked his neck.

Neptune nodded, "Very well Xebec-san. Let us go..."


"To the Sea Forest!"


[The Sea Forest]

The Sea Forest is a place northeast of Fish-Man Island. It is also known as the Ship Graveyard.

There are several shipwrecks there because sunken ships are dragged there by the ocean current.

Other than that, there was an enormous ship in the background.

Its silhouette could be seen from anywhere on Fishman island.

(Damien POV)

The 'Noah'!

The ship of promise.

'It is so damn big!'

We were all going towards the Sea Forest.

Kaido had caught up with us, the damn ogre was now 22 feet! (6.7m)

Some guards alongside Neptune escorted us.

We kept walking for another 15 minutes.

"Here it is-jamon", Neptune stood to the side as he led us into a small valley from the nearby seafloor.


A rather interesting sight, one that the scholars at Ohara would certainly wish to see.


2 giant stones sat in the center of the clearing.


One was blue.





The other was red.



I yelled in my head as I saw the second stone.


'OH SHIT! I forgot that there used to be a damn Road Poneglyph here!'

At least 25 years before Luffy's journey, this Poneglyph was located at the Sea Forest. At a certain point later, the Road Poneglyph's whereabouts became unknown and it was currently considered lost thereon!

But of course, it is here right now!


[A/N: The 2 poneglyphs]


"Poneglyph... a red one?" Shakky said with visible confusion.

Xebec's eyes widened.

"Hmm? A red one?"


A grin formed on his face as he then turned to the blue stone.

Xebec then closed his eyes and focused on his hearing.


"...Joyboy...Noah...Mermaid Princess...Fishman Island..?"


He slowly said a few words as he kept listening.

Neptune though, his eyes were widened as he heard the words.


"Y-You can read them?!!"

He said in a frenzy, even forgetting his usual suffix.


"It's a message from some man named Joyboy?" Xebec scratched his chin.


"Hmm...not just a message, but rather,"

"It's an apology."

I said as I walked up to the stone.


Xebec and the others traced my figure.

I touched the stone, the moss was growing all over yet the engravings were still clear.

The Stone was speaking to me.

It was conveying everything written upon it.


(Forgive me.)


I heard a wisp of intent from the stone.

"It's an apology from someone named Joyboy. Something about a promise he failed to fulfill."


"Joyboy, you said?!" Neptune froze.


"Mhm. He seemed to have left this message for the Mermaid Princess in order to ask her forgiveness..." I said.

Of course, I know what it says from the anime, but it's a different experience to 'hear' it from the actual stone.


"You know of him, Neptune-san?" I asked the giant merman.

He slowly nodded.

"Joyboy. He was a man from the Void Century. He left this as a message to the Mermaid Princess of that time. We in the Royal Family believe that one day someone will come and take our people to the world above using the Ark, in Joyboy's stead." The king explained.

I squinted my eyes at his words, 'He won't talk about the Weapon itself. Good idea considering Xebec is here.'

"XAHAHA, well this is of not much use to me."

He then turned to the red stone.

"This... however." He squinted his eyes as he heard the stone.

'Sibyl. Can you use the Stone for the location of the Final Island?' I asked in my head.


After all, the Road Poneglyph is worth more than the entire sea itself. 4 of them exist in this world. The combined locations detailed by all four Road Poneglyphs allow one to locate Laugh Tale!

This is one of the 4 keys to becoming Pirate King!

[I have recorded the location in the {MAP}. Once you find the other 3, I can easily find the location of the Last Island.] she said.


[New World-Level Quest has been unlocked! Congratulations.]


[The Quest, 'Pirate King' has been unlocked.]

[Pirate King- Find the Final Island!]

[Rewards: ???]

[Time Limit: None]

[Penalty: None]


'Hmm, naturally I will do it. As a fan of One Piece, it would be a cardinal sin not to go there. But not now.'

'Though with my plans, it may be easier to wait for Roger to reach there first. After all, I can ride the waves of the Great Age of Pirates to fulfill my other plans. Though all this will be decided when the time comes. Especially since there is no time limit.'

I then turned towards Xebec.

"Hmm, are we sailing to the New World now Captain?" I asked him.

"*SIGH*, it is a pity I could not complete my training. I am very close... AH! Just a little push..."

The crazy guy shook his head as he walked away with Shakky to get the ship.

Kaido also left with him.

"Gurara, Neptune, we will meet again in the future. Stay well till then." Whitebeard bid his farewell.

"Hoh hoh hoh, you are always welcome here-jamon."

Whitebeard too left.


Now only I and Neptune were left.



"There is one more part I chose not to read out loud."

I then looked at the king.

"The stone said something about an ability. Something that Joyboy would use to raise the Noah."

Neptune's eyes widened.

"Tell me. Neptune-san, this ability. It was the Mermaid Princess' power, no?" I asked with a smile.

Neptune sighed.

"Damien-kun. You are correct. The ability was of the Mermaid Princess."

He then turned to the Stone once more.


"Joyboy and the Mermaid Princess. They both promised each other. Yet something happened. The Void Century, it is a mystery." He said while shaking his head.


I then got up.

"Neptune-san, I have a feeling this ability will show up sooner than later."

He then squinted his eyes at me.

I smiled at his show of hostility.




I said to the empty space around us.

(We come, Great One.)

(Command us, Great Lord.)

(Your orders are the Heaven's mandate. Even your seed shall be our holy relic.)


Neptune took few strides back as he saw the Sea Kings pull up.



His mouth was wide enough to fit a giant boulder.

His beard was stretched to the max.


"The Princess will be born soon, King Neptune. In this century, it shall appear once more!"

"Poseidon will awaken!"


I looked at the shocked king and said without pause.


"You must prepare. Fishman King."

"I do not know what awaits us in the future."


"But I am sure we will meet once more."


I then smiled at him.


"Stay safe. King Neptune."


I waved with my right hand and left.

Leaving behind the King as he went over my words with a serious gaze.

He then looked far to the exit.


"Perhaps that day will come sooner than later. The day when Noah will fulfill its mission...." He whispered into the silence.


Why go so far and show my powers like that?

Simply put, the Fishman race is quite a powerful force.

Fishman Karate... it's a direct counter to fruit user.

If I could list it, it would be at the same level as the Minks race.

Both tied at number 2.

After all, the top race cannot be rivaled by any others, let alone us humans!

Other than that, Poseidon!

I don't know how, but perhaps I can somehow use it, after all its ability is practically a weaker version of mine, it has its uses.

Other than that, I want Neptune to have my image ingrained in his head, Fishman island, if used to its full potential, can easily form a huge force capable of turning this world upside down!

In the future, Hody Jones will unite 100000 fishmen under him, can you imagine what such a force, if properly trained, can accomplish in a world with so much sea? It is a goldmine for supremacy!


I heard the fish as they informed me that the Titanic was preparing to sail, though I wanted to bid farewell to Aurora before leaving.


Though on my way back, I felt something.

It was something only I could see.

I felt it when I read the apology Stone, it was a weird feeling that was hidden inside the stone itself.

It was some sort of glowing orb...

It is rather an odd thing, it was neither cold nor hot.

It had no weight.

It's almost felt like that it didn't even exist!

I looked at the item as a description appeared within my head.



[Memory Shard 1/3]

[Collect all 3 shards to play a message left behind by the original System User.]





[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

I'll say it once more, there will only be 1 system user in this, the last part was more or less to relate to something in the past. You'll know more about it later on.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather have no one to show up for your wedding or your funeral?

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